White Watson 10mg 325 #853 (Page 6)


I just recieved a new prescription of norco 853 10/325. The last script was yellow and the new ones are white. The pharmacist said that Watson changed the color but the pill is the same, does anyone know if this is accurate?

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That is awful you had to pay 150.00 due to new pill not working for you. Well, I bet Watson, who was the manufacturer of the yellow Norco begins to second guess their decision as they watch sales drop. Glad u r feeling better. Take care.

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Amanda & Julie, I agree that Watson should at least make both the old & the new Norco if that is what it's going to take! My husbands pharmacy stocks Qualitest & his are much more effective! I went back to his pharmacy for my new script even tho they are 7.5/325 bc I don't trust Watson brand anymore! I had never been through such hell as I was with the Watson whites. Amanda, you could ask your pharmacy to order you Qualitest instead of Watson & see what they have to say. If they say no, find another pharmacy, if possible. People have been calling diff pharms just to make sure they have something besides the Watson Norco. I don't blame them. I actually told my doc that doctors are the reason for this narcotic epidemic..he agreed. I said, " we can't write our own scripts and for years docs have handed out narcs like they were candy. Now we suffer!" I don't know what we are going to be able to do. Amanda, they should have never dismissed you from the pain clinic for refusing an injection you already had that worked. You can't even count on most PM places anymore, not that you ever really could! I have never been to one but have heard horror stories about some! SCARY!!

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Thank you Julie, I hope so too. I can't really afford to keep paying 150 for one script when the $5 script was working just fine for over a year till this last time. If anyone finds another brand that works please let us all know :)

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I'm so glad I found this thread. I was beginning to think I was losing my mind w these new white, not-norco, norco. Nausea and general malaise are all they do - I didn't know how good the yellow ones were until they gave me the white pills.

My doc changed me to Morphine - it sort of works - but I have such huge issues with taking it, I might as well be taking nothing. I'm so very afraid of it, I only take one when the pain becomes unbearable and by then, it just backs it off a bit.

Because of the issues with the meds (and I'm tired of arguing w the pharmacy), my mom is taking me to Mexico to get name brand Norco. Even with the 4hr drive, it's much cheaper to go there for a 3 month supply than purchasing here with insurance.

If you're near a border town, you might want to look into that as an alternative.

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Christal....Qualitest makes a good Norco, lortab, whatever people call them. The 10/500 are pink and the 10/325 are white and both work well.

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I have heard of them....maybe that is something to consider. I am wondering someone saying they are going to Mexico for their Norco. What brand is there???

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Dianne,your not losing your mind.The white's affects me the same way and I cannot take morphine.I wish I lived closer to Mexico,I would definitely go there.I have serous doubts the manufacturer will make the necessary changes.It's a nightmare for me,too.I would love to know how it goes for you by going to Mexico.Please keep us informed.

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Thanks,Tracy.I've called different pharmacies and they all said the same.Nothing has been altered with the whites and it's all in my head.Very frustrating and hurtful.I'm not some off the street drug addict and my pain is very real.I wouldn't recommend pm,not from the experiences I've had.The one I was going to would do surprise drug screening, which were fine,but the nurse would want to watch me give a sample and there was no way she was going to watch me.She also wanted to do a search.It's rediculous and I will never go to pm again.The epidurals they demand their patients receive,in my opinion are just for the big money they make per patient.They should be investigated for these practices.It's like being held hostage.

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You can also ask the doctor to prescribe you name brand Norco, but it is expensive. Good luck everyone.

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I have been giving this all some thought and especially considering Amanda's, solution makes it likely what I am about to say as very probable. The "brand" Norco is a yellow pill imprinted 539 and its generic equivalent used to be a yellow pill imprinted 853, keep in mind both manufactured by the same company Watson, I have been told both of these pills are exactly the same and why wouldn't they be after all they come from same company and are both 10/325 . We all know they are of good quality.

So what happens first of all something goes on corporate wise and the name of the company is becomes Activis now, so some a-hole in corporate thinks why should patients pay $30 or so for their generic prescription when they should pay $180, so they "pull yellow dye" or so they say, but likely tinkered in other ways, thereby making the new white 853's inferior to their brand "Norco" thereby expecting many to cough up the extra money for the more effective medication.

I had always thought it strange that they made 2 pills that were the same, essentially in a weird sense competing against themselves although not really as they were capturing more of the market. Greed in my opinion crept into the equation, and it will take a few bad quarters before if ever the company makes an excuse to change things back. This will backfire on them as I for one will not pay $180 a month!

So I do need to find a replacement brand


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My thoughts are: stay away from Watson brand whether it be brand name or generic. 2. Tell your pharmacy that you want them to order a different brand such as Qualitest. If they won't comply, tell them you will have to take your business elsewhere because you cannot go thru this hell until Watson decides what it is going to do. Most pharms will order another brand, especially if they are losing customers. However, places like Walgreens & other big name pharms may not do this therefore they will lose a lot of customers. Will they care? I don't know. I transferred back to my old pharmacy but I am going to ask Walgreens if they will order the Qualitest lortab, especially if I need to be on them for a while. They are more convenient for me but if they won't get away from Watson, I have no choice but to go elsewhere.

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I tried the named brand yellow "Norco", paid the big bucks for it. My opinion is that it is no more effective than the new white Norco, FYI.

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Well said,Webhead.I couldn't agree with you more.Everything you've said makes sense.I've been in touch with the FDA and have lodged my complaint.I was informed there are many who have said the same thing.If enough people complain,there will be an investigation.This has been an absolute nightmare for me.My pain is about unbearable since taking the white's.Mexico is sounding better by the minute.Greed is an ugly thing and your right,this will come back to bite them where it hurts the most.The wallet.

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Well that sucks that the name brand is no better. I agree if enough complaints are filed an investigation will unfold. Keep lodging those complaints!! It takes a village!! :)

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Wow, that is pure greed then, so the old generic yellow 853 were better than the "brand" name ones you just purchased?

Watson just ruined what they have built, doubt they care as now they are Activis, or Actis***....

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you people are as entertaining as a bad sitcom.

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Thank you smackdaddyass. You are as entertaining as a horror film. So, what's your take on this...you obviously have an opinion. :)

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Smackdaddy, do yourself a favor then and quit reading. We are all here to help eachother out and if u are not here to help, kindly leave. Thx

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Come on girls, where just giving"smack daddyass"what he wants. .. attention! Can you just leave the page, we know your just trying to start stuff in here, but we're not children as you are, and we can tell that you are by your childish screen name.

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Thx Christal...I just couldn't help putting my 2 cents in! LOL

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