White Watson 10mg 325 #853 (Page 5)
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I just recieved a new prescription of norco 853 10/325. The last script was yellow and the new ones are white. The pharmacist said that Watson changed the color but the pill is the same, does anyone know if this is accurate?

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The white pills do not work. I use to have to wait every 30 days now I can get them 10 days early maybe more have to check. They are lying to us because they feel we are addicts on the yellow pill and yes act like zombies. It is the congress I believe. The republicans are In Charge write to them and FDA. I am referring to 10/325 norcos.

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For months now I have been satisfied with aurobindo and have posted as such here, although every once and a while I would come across an "ineffective" pill.

Well it appears that aurobindo has went the route of watson, because on my latest refill the aurobindo norco, suck they are ALL ineffective, there is definitely something off about them, it wouldn't surprise me that once the company picked up some market share, they would pull some crap to save money. Do these people realize the pain & agony we experience! if they make a medication inferior so that it doesn't work and I can't exchange them or get my money back, and have to suffer until my next refill well that's a crime!!!!

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Of course you would hear more complaints here, who is going to bother posting that their rx is working like it should. We do you have to continue to be so hateful to Julie? She is not the cause for the differences people are experiencing.

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She sounds sounds more educated than most, your spelling and punctuation is horrible.

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I've found the white ones to not be nearly as effective, even with a double dose. I've had the gastric bypass ('05) and I assumed that was the issue with me, but it seems a lot of other people are experiencing the same issue. I understand the core chemicals are the same, but the binders/fillers may be different and may affect the efficacy for some users. Does anyone know how to request the yellow ones, or at least something that DOES work as well? I've tried the new Watson white ones as well as the Mallinckro, with the same results for both. Heck, even the pink 7.5/325 work better than these "new" white ones.

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White Watson Norco definitely has increased side effects(more constipation, irritability, anxiety) than the former yellow ones..have tried Malinkrot, regular full freight non-generic Norco and the reworked pills from Watson..none as effective( mostly shorter acting!) and definitely cause me more problems with side effects..this is very sad for me..I depend on these for functioning during flare ups following 2 surgeries..what to do? Do not want to take two piles? Double the side effects!

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Webhead, what pharmacy did you find the Aurobindo at? I can't seem to find anyone in my area that carries it, stuck with Qualitest after the Watson fiasco and now I'm looking at other parts of my county further out, I figure if it works it's worth the drive

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Try the Aurobindo, It will truly be the closest to the old watson, & after a month on them you will assimilate to them in a manner that you will forget you even ran into this issue.

They have worked well for me

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I did indeed note note Aurobindo, and also Amneal (I take their Celexa-and while not as good as brand, better than the other generics I tried). I was hesitant about Aurobindo because I've heard that Indian Pharmaceuticals are notoriously corrupt, but as soon as everyone switches over to the 10/300, will give them a try. Nervous, though, someone said that Qualitest was great, and then I found them just as bad as the new Watsons.

I am currently tryin to get my MD to refer me to a pain management group, who are allowed to give me Schedule II, Oxycontin, etc.

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What are the other names of the medications that are 10/325? Thanks

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Did your doctor switch for you? If so what did they Prescribe? Thank you!

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My name is Lisa and I have 5+ herniated discs, a fractured necks and stenosis. I was started on the Watson 853 tabs 3 years ago when I had my last accident. It's really hard to get pain meds here in FLa, doctors look at you like you're an addict the moment you mention the word narcotics, and also, some pharmacists. I got the new Watson pills, the white ones, about two months ago, and they are terrible. I say this after being on the yellow ones for three years. The yellow ones had no side effects except giving me some energy. The took my pain away completely. Since I've had the new white ones I have also tried Qualitest, Mallinkrodt, and GUESS THIS, even the new Abbot Labs branded generic HP (10mgs Hydrocodone and 300 mg acetominophine). Not one came close to being as effective as the old Watsons. I am currently looking for something that will help me with the pain, without making me sleeply or 'chemically' feeling, please let me know if anyone finds something.

I called Watson. The chemist there told me FOUR times that the formula has not changed except for removing the yellow dye. I said then, well,what about your supplier? Are you still using the same supplier of Hydrocone? I know as an amateur student of vitamin chemistry that sometimes just the changing of one little part of a molecule will change something" (For instance, chemical vitamin C is only a little different from real vitamin C, but is not utilized by the body quite the same. It's complicated). And I said, If you've changed suppliers maybe you're getting a cheaper, crappy hydrocodone?

I got a message from the Quality Control Manager the next day, but haven't gotten a change to call him back yet-guess why-I'm dragging my feet and in pain!

So anyone have any answers to whether or not they've changed suppliers an/or is there anything else out there that works for painwithout making you as sleepy as heck, please let me know! AND please, please, please, call Watson and the FDA. If they lose money, then they'll possibly change things.

I found an isolated comment on the web somewhere (can't find it again) where someone said the new Abbot Labs Vicodin is not as good as the old! Surely it can't be just the matter of removing 25 mgs of aspirin!

I am familiar with generics not being as good as brand from my usage of Celexa.When I was switched from brand to generic there was quite a difference. It's very sad that there is this company, Watson, that had a history of integrity and excellence in it's manufacture of a generic medication, and has removed that aspiration to make the best thing available. But hey, now they can outbid Mallinkdrodt and finally get ordered at Wal-mart!

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I was told the same thing. And had a bad reaction to the new whites. so I went to something else but a couple weeks ago I was in the hospital for something different and the norco they gave me was yellow. And worked

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EXACTLY!!!!! Thank you for your intelligent reply.

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I agree that the new 10/325 (watson 853) aren't as strong as the yellow ones they used to make. If there was a problem with the dye why is it just now (after many years) of manufacturing creating a problem? I started taking the white ones thinking they would be better because they were new & fresher. I've been taking 10/325's for 6yrs. & these new (white) pills are definatly not as good! They drag me down & increase depression, whereas the yellow one made me feel more energetic. I'm taking more & getting less pain relief! We are at the mercy of large coorperations & can do nothing to change things! "They" aren't interested in our health or wellbeing at all, it's all about money for them & we will always be guinea pigs. It really sucks to live in a country that could care less about our health, as long as the $$$ keeps rolling in! I feel TRAPED & always will be in this country!!!

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Hi...who may I ask is Oscar that you refer to getting your meds? is it someone that you can get meds from?

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A while back I suggested the manufacturer Amneal, and while you cant go wrong with them, In some recent refills I discovered a new manufacturer called Aurobindo, the pill is white with the imprint U03, finally I can say I found something very close to the old Yellow watson 853.

The Aurobindo Norco is even better than Amneal!
Effective, with No nasty side effects, and provides the alertness or energy I noticed I had received from the yellow watson, once my pain was under control.

These ones have helped bring back quality of life.
To me it looks like the market answered the call!!!!

I hope this info helps.....

Screw you watson / actavis!

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Norco comes in 7.5 mgs and 10 mgs hydrocodone. Vicodin comes in 5 mgs, 7.5 mgs and 10 mgs hydrocodone.

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No one here said it was psychological for everyone. What was said, is for some it is, that just goes along with people who are dependent or addicted. No need to get defensive, no one singled you out. Be well. I hope you find the right Norco for you. ;)

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BS you are clueless! the new watsons do not WORK FOR PAIN! wow..like i said i let a friend take one of them as she was just in a bad accident 2 months prior and was prescribed vicodin which is the same thing as norco but less mgs, and she felt NOTHING for her pain OR anything as far as being high and she does NOT take this stuff on a regular basis. that was all the proof i needed, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING AN ADDICT! i also switched to the qualitest and they are just as bad. Something weird is going on for sure because i am not on a high dose and have not been on this that long to have any kind of tolerance already. ONE of the yellow watsons would help my pain for 4 hours or more and id only take a half of one sometimes. You need to get your facts straight. nobody would come LOOKING for these forums if it was all psychological and a domino affect! they obviously like myself came searching because these pills do NOT WORK anymore.

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