White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

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No don't worry I don't believe the test would be able to detect if narcan was in it or not. The orange subs contain narcan a drug used to bring u back when u are over dosing, the subutex do not contain the narcan.

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Yes u can take the subutext it doesn't have the opiate blocker in it like suboxana. Trust me I've been a addict for 8 years, been shooting up for 6.

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Wrong. Film, suboxone. Orange hexagon pill, suboxone. Subutex are usually white pills.

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Why would you, tell her to put her daughter on methadone? Methadone is the hardest drug out there to get off of. Her daughter has found the right drug to wean off of Opioid this dependency. She needs to be frank with her daughter, and help her use subutex to get off opiods.

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Your words are really motivating. If u don't mind email me {edited for privacy}. I have been straight for a month n two weeks now and kinda jus want to hear your story to maybe motivate me and so I don't feel alone on my journey. I've managed to hide my addiction from my family which is good bit bad at the same time bc with them not knowing lessens my support system. I can't being myself to tell them tho.. I'm too ashamed and honestly don't feel like they will understand... kinds thing they will jus judge. So if u have the time and don't mind please email me or call me/text {edited for privacy} thanks Steve.

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Closet user on Post 186 stated that Suboxone is a pill and that Subutex is an orange film strip. This is not entirely true. Subutex does NOT come in a film strip. Subutex is not made in a strip, all variations and generics of subutex is administered in pill form. Suboxone comes in the form of an orange film strip, and this drug an also be prescribed in pill form. The imprint on the suboxone pill is N8 and has a cross on the opposite side. Bottom line is that subutex does NOT come in the form of a film strip, and is never orange its white!

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It does not send you into immediate withdrawal unless you have taken other opiates recently. Get the facts straight.

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I started a Subutex regiment yesterday. I shot 12 bags of china white heroin the day before. I took an 8mg Subutex sublingually between 11-12 hours after my last shot. I experienced no precipitated withdrawal which honestly I was afraid I was going to. So as long as you wait it out a while before dosing with Subutex you should be fine. Just be careful and try to wait as long as you can before using it. To be safe, wait until you start feeling symptoms and you will be good. I have been trying to find information about Subutex online and there is a disappointingly small amount of info on them so I just thought I would add some real experience.

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yes but alot worse than just a vicodin!...im a recovering addict almost 2 years.... before i started using heroin i would be able to take 1/4th of a suboxone and i used to get high for 2 days straight just from that little peice...if your child is shooting anything its already VERY serious! and anyone who takes suboxone for fun now...will one day probably need it just not to get sick

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No it will not kick you into withdraw ....

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Can you IV 54 411 subutex 8 mg? If so,how??

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Water and cigarette cotton ' new rig.

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Here is the deal, I am 27 years old, i started using pills and heroine when i was 16, i have been sober for the last 23 months. No pills no suboxone, no subutex. I know by my medical profession, and also my education from the school of hard knocks, everyone is different. From personal experience, i have watched people shoot up suboxone when they had never touched an opiate. Circumstances play into everyones choices and addiction. But people should be a little nicer, addiction is hell, i lived it for so long, i am suprised i made it out alive, but here i am, and all i want to do is help. If i were to find a needle and pill in a childs room i would seek out an inpatient rehab. I did a 90 day program and had to relearn how to do day to day things. I have been an active member in Na an my life is good. I am happy, and i view each day as an adventure.

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Will Doctors keep you on subutex indefinitely or is their a timeframe in which you need to be weaned off. I had 18 months on suboxone and stayed free of any other drugs during that time period. Once I was weaned off, the nightmare began. Never had cravings this bad, insomnia, jumping out of my skin, ect....... that said the 18 months I had on suboxone was great. Felt a sense of normalcy, went back to school and had a 4.0 which I never was even close to during high school. Anyways will any Doctors let you stay on either of these indefinitely.?

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Problem being that she isn't going to stop until she's ready to stop. There's nothing that anyone can do to make her ready until she's ready.

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Suboxone only sends u into withdraw if you have opioids already in your system. people do subutex because u can still get high off of opioids while on the subutex but if you're going thru withdraw,subutex will just make you feel "normal",not high... But if you have NO TOLERANCE to opioids then subutex and suboxone will both get you retardedly high. sit down and talk to your daughter and find out exactly what she's been using,how much of it and how frequently. if she's shooting she def has some kind of habit but with a nice honest conversation you will be able to tell how far gone she already is

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Put it under your tongue and let it dissolve.u should use from 1 to two a day.make sure not to use opioids before or after u take the subutex.

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You get a rush from shooting it

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I have a question, which I can only HOPE someone will actually answer... (Oh and by the way, yes--I have tried reading through all the posts before posting one of my own; after spending about an hour reading through them I realized it'd probably just be easier to post something of my own and hope for an answer than it would be for me to read through nearly 300 posts looking for an answer.)

Okay so I am planning on detoxing soon but I have a couple concerns. To help with the withdrawls I have (2) 8mg Subutex and about (20) 4mg Suboxone Sublingual Films. The night before I begin I intend to finish the last of my poison before bed so that the following morning I could begin detoxing. My plan is to start by cutting a Subutex in half and placing one half under one side of my tongue, and the other half under the other. Later that night I would like to take the last remaining Subutex and repeat the steps from before. Then the following day is when I would like to start taking the Suboxone films. Initially I plan on using two films and waiting to see how I feel... But if necessary I may take one or two more. Then I would continue said dose by repeating that night, then the next morning I would start to ween myself down by taking one less film and continuing the same routine for the next couple days until they are gone.

Now my question is if I take the Subutex the way I plan to, and follow it by beginning the Suboxone regimen like I am hoping to, would it be too soon for the Suboxone... I mean, would I get sick from the Suboxone because I had taken it too close to the time of the previous Subutex? Does anyone know how long I would have to wait after taking Subutex to be able to take Suboxone without suffering any possible consequential withdrawals?

If anyone has any info that you may think I may find useful or that could help me, please reply to my post. Also, if anyone sees any flaws in my any part of my whole "detoxing plan," please feel free to give me some feedback.

{edited for privacy}. Thank you for reading, and I really hope to get some useful tips! :)

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