White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

347 Replies (18 Pages)

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Nah I like drugs very much you should too if none for you more for me drugs make me happy

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To be a lil bit more clear on the subject u won't go into full withdrawal from taking subutex because ur only replacing one opiate with another but it will take u down for sure if ur on a heroin high and ur up there pretty high.. subutex will knock u back down quite a ways

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Evrything is very individual!
i use 16mg evry day for 6 years now and my life has turned living and enjoying!
in these 6 years iv rehab my releationship with my wife, we got 2 kids that were born in theses 6 years, im working, im studiying, life is hard and somtimes a b1tch, BUT THEY ARE ALWAYS LIFE, GOOD LIFE!
(all thanks to me and subutex)

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Hello I have a question I was on opiates for about two weeks ans have now taken subutex for 8you days I am weaning myself down to 2mg twice a day for one more day than 2mgI once a day for 2 or 3you days will I have withdrawals off of the subutex I have herd horrible stories from withdrawaling from these please help very scared

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My difficult time is laying in bed. To get off subs im gonna try benadryl to help with the sleep. I know it aint right to keep substituting, but if i can just fall asleep i can deal with the daily stuff. Luckily i work 72 hours a week so i can stay busy. A big thing that helps is to do push ups and pull ups to release some endorphins before laying down. Try it you will see.

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thank u very much jackie..to inform you im only a 21 year old girl and the only way u learn it, is by living it. cant stand when people who have never tried an opiate or any meds like suboxone/tex and think they know more then those who have been through it. i like to inform people with FACTS..only facts, because thats what will help them get better..not what the tv says or magazines, or sometimes even doctors. if you wanted to find the best banana's ud ask a monkey right? so when it comes to this, ask a drug-user/addict/recoverer. we will help you. i am a month clean today and so proud of it i hope my info helps u and i will talk to anyone to try to some how affect your life in a good way :) god bless.

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suboxone n subutex r miricle drugs. they make u feel like a normal person when ur comin off dope. i have never gotten sick cuz of these pills, i.e. doin em too soon after opiates. you can still get high on em but ur need to do a higher dose, double what u norm do. today i did 4 rox 30's. fell asleep, woke up 2 hours later n banged a subutex. it was my first time bangin em. there isnt a rush. it comes on slow. n its not a high. i jus feel well great, better than dope. i dont do s*** to get hi no more. i do it to feel norm and sub n subtex do that. cravings happen when on a plan but thats gunna happen after years of use.attend na aa or other groups.find a friend, find a sober girl. but stay away from other users unless they wanna get sober too.

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Better be careful shooting the subutex. I have two friends who ended up with really bad abscesses in their arms from doing that. One ended up in the hospital for a week and the doc told him if he had waited another 24 hours he probably would've lost his arm. They had to do surgery to remove all the tissue down to the bone in a 7 inch round area on his forearm. It was basically all rotten under his skin. Even after he got released he had to go back for wound care therapy 3 times a week and it took over 2 months for it to completely heal. One of the nastiest things I've ever seen. It's just not worth it dude.

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I did oxy's and 3 hours later took suboxone and never have i gotten sick from it. suboxone can take up to an hour to start working. It has saved my life. But i have never taken it right after herion so i guess it is plasiable it could work differently. methadone is worse than herioneleave it alone suboxone changes lives.

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Dude use your spellchecker

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Yes you can shoot it and its very very addictive. Especially Suboxone. I've been to rehab twice after injecting it for almost ten years. Where I live, Lewistown, PA, shooting suboxone and especially Subutex is more of a problem than any other drug, even pot. A lot of people can't imagine that but I speak the truth. My county, Mifflin County was once the heroin capital of the world, that may make it easier to understand. And injecting Subutex is the closest feeling to injecting heroin that you can get, and its a million times cheaper. There are few people I know that don't do it or haven't at least tried it. It's very bad for your body too, worse than any drug in history. I have had so many friends just in the last 6 years that have had to take blood thinners for the rest of their lives or have had heart surgery. THAT'S NO JOKE. It causes Endocarditis. Which is clogging of the arteries. 7 years ago my friend was 19 years old and had to get a heart stint put in. The s***'s no laughing matter at all. I fear what problems I'll have in the future but I know about this stuff a lot more than anyone and I just want to put the word out for everyone that INJECTING SUBOXONE/SUBUTEX IS TERRIBLE FOR YOU. You WILL have problems at a young age that you shouldn't have till you're 70.

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Amen,I agree with you one hundred percent.I too was a percription junkie myself after a car acident in 2001. But,I got help out patient help three years ago and been on suboxon and it has also, helped my pain and my addiction. Thank god for suboxon and subutex doctors!

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Yes this is true. I tend to use once or twice a week. The days im not using i am using Subutex. I never have any withdrawls what so ever. I have been doing it this way for over 7 years now. My using these days is far and few between. I am starting to learn that being sober is just as much fun as getting High. You just have to be around the right perople. If you surround yourself with knuckle heads those are the results we tend to get. Good luck with your addiction.

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no.. bup is bup..doesnt matter if its subutex or suboxone.

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Damn some of you are so misinformed. Especially the one girl who was preaching about how subutex will put you into immediate withdraws then continues on about how you just have to "research, research". You can research as much as you want but until you have done it, you need to be quiet you are going to misinform others and spread false information. I can shoot a balloon of heroin and 3 hours later take a subutex and not go into withdrawls, however I cannot get high off heroin again for a little over 24 hours. Suboxone on the other hand would make me want to kill myself if I shot up some H then took one. You can take subs back to back with tex though with no ill effects. to the mom who took a half and didnt feel good you probably should start with a quarter then wait 4 hours and take another. I use to have a perfect system for getting clean when I had binges. I could shoot a half gram of heroin a day for about a week or two then 8 hours or so after my last shot I would take a quarter of a sub or tex then after another couple hours take another quarter, then a couple more hours so I was taking about 3/4 to 1 pill a day. I would do this for 2-3 days, then just take a quarter a day for 2-3 days then I was done. You will have bad withdrawls from subs or tex if you take them for too long, thats why I dont understand these people that do methadone or subs for years and years, you are just trading one addiction for another and not getting to the root of the problem. I have depression and when it gets bad Ill take a half a sub and it helps me out alot, you can still call me an addict if you want but I do what I gotta do to be happy without going into a full blown addiction again. I dont care if youre a doctor or have read up on subs and tex for years, dont spout off second hand hearsay information unless you have been in this situation, no textbook or doctor could ever explain how miserable it can be.

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Sorry for replying to an old post but I hate false info online. Branch is wrong bupe it self is an opiate blocker in the right dose. The naloxone in Suboxone is inactive because its such a small amount, it is only there to stop people from shooting it because when IVed the naloxone will make you sick if your an addict it will give you precipitated WD, sometimes when snorted it will also make you sick. The only active opiate blocker in suboxone is bupe which is the active drug in both suboxone and subutex.

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I had a really bad opiate problem for about 5 years & started taking suboxone. I have done pretty much every type of opiate & then suboxone later that day or early the next. As long as you wait until after you've slept, you're all good. I have done tabs then subs that way, h then subs, oxy then subs & it's all the same. I have really bad withdrawal symptoms when I don't have anything, but not ever after getting back on subs after a bender.

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Dee, stop trolling. There's a back button on your web browser for a reason. If you don't like what's being talked about then just use the ole back button up there in the corner. And to address your statement, many of us started out with our addiction by taking prescribed pills for our own pain, but after months or even years of being on those meds an addiction takes hold. They're not going to stop making or prescribing these pills, but they've already started making them not as easy to obtain. Some of these meds, like oxycontin, are even being made differently now so that they can't be crushed and snorted/injected. There are fillers added to some pills that almost act like a wax so they can't be crushed into a powder and they thicken up like jelly when you add water to them. But seriously, don't post a comment unless you have something constructive to add. I don't think you're a jerk or anything, I just think you're judging people on a subject that you really don't know anything about.

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Since you're such a fan of throwing out quotes, how about "Thou shalt not judge." That was my only point. If people don't like what they read in this thread then they can leave. The Internet is a very big place! I don't see any reason why anyone needs to come here and spout off about things of which they have no real knowledge. I'm not condoning drug use and so far I haven't noticed anyone else glorifying it either, but I've been there myself in the past and all I try to do is offer some sort of level-headed, honest advice to people who seek it. There are people who really do want to get clean and they have real, honest questions. It's not my place, or anyone else's, to judge them. I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else: If you haven't been there then you have no clue. My mother has dealt with chronic pain for just about 20 years now. If she goes off her meds right now she'd go into horrible withdrawals, not to mention the pain she would be in just from her condition. Does that make her a junkie? Does that make her a bad person? That's what I was trying to get at when I brought up the part about how a lot of people get into illicit drug use after being on their own LEGAL meds for an extended period of time. This thread started out with a simple question from a concerned parent (you probably haven't even read it); it has since evolved into a wider discussion. But when people come here and go off topic just to offer their own unsolicited opinions, I find it childish and asinine. That's all I was saying. You were obviously looking up something related to this subject if you ended up here. You obviously clicked on a link that brought you to this thread, so that fact alone suggests that people who leave such comments came here simply to stir something up. Once again, childish. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I just don't understand navigating to a well-marked link just to stir up an argument about a subject in which one has no real vested interest. That's what aggravated me about that previous comment to which I replied.

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Suboxone has the opiate blocker in it, and Subutex doesn't. I've done heroin and then 10 hrs later snorted a suboxone and got high. I recently got pregnant and went for help. I stopped buying dope off the streets and started buying suboxone. I went to my ob/gyn and they started me on subutex. Haven't switched over yet, But I want a happy, healthy baby with NO WITHDRAWS! I'm still having mixed feelings but they keep telling me it's better then the drugs I was using.

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