White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 18)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

347 Replies (18 Pages)

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Re: MiracleWaiter (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Subutex does not have the opiate blocker naloxone in it so if you wait 12 hrs you should be fine.

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Re: bob (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hell yeah f*** methadone. You think you are a slave to something, wait till you get on the clinic and they are the slave master.

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Re: ScottB (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

We are drug addicts not scholars

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Re: Lola (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

It's not narcan in Subutex its naloxone. So if you're going to act like I know it all at least know what you're talking about

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Suboxone or Subutex when taken PROPERLY under the tongue and NOT injected is an amazing drug that can help people with severe opioid addiction transition off of the opioids without getting sick. It takes away the cravings, the sweats, vomiting, shaking, chills, and many other side effects.

Abusing them however is extremely dangerous! It will send you into withdrawal immediately if you have any opiates in your system. If she is using a needle for any drug, she’s an addict and you must get her help immediately!! Do what you have to do to save your child’s life. Do NOT give her money. EVER. She’ll tell you she’s hungry. Then buy her food. Don’t give her money. The thing with addicts is they know how to play the people that love them the most. Trust me, I know.

Thankfully I’m coming up on five years sober now. If I hadn’t gotten sober, I would be dead by now. They are putting fentanyl in the heroin, they are making counterfeit pills with heroin in them.

So again, get her into a rehab that is at a minimum 60 days inpatient. The longer the better. I’m praying for you and your daughter.

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Re: Flyguy513 (# 344) Expand Referenced Message

Naloxone is only in subOXONE not the Tex

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Re: Ellen (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

They both come up as bupenepherine on the drug screen. They won’t know unless you tell them.

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