White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 17)
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I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

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If you found a needle in your daughters room and a pill, white, with 54 411 on it, its DEFINANTELY a Subutex, not a Suboxone. Suboxones are octagon like shaped and orange. People buy Subutex on the streets for 35.00 a piece, they want them over Suboxone because Subitex DOSENT have a blocker and not only can u take other pain pills wth subutex and get the "high", u can shoot Subutex up and she will be full of ENERGY, possibly all day into the night DEPENDING on how muxh she shoots. Look for a spoon and a cut off filter from the end of a cigarette, that's what they draw the medicine up thru to filter out the bad. If she were to draw ONE STRAND OF COTTON FROM THAT FILTER INTO THE NEEDLE AND MEDICINE AND INJECT IT INTO HER VEIN, SHE WILL GET COTTON FEVER AND BECOME HOSPITAL SICK, CLD POSSIBLY DIE. I WOULD DEF STOP THIS QUICK, THESE R ADDICTIVE AND EXPENSIVE AND SHE'S YOUNG MOM, GET HER HELP SO NOTHING BAD HAPPENS TO HER. PRAYERS

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Evrything is very individual!
i use 16mg evry day for 6 years now and my life has turned living and enjoying!
in these 6 years iv rehab my releationship with my wife, we got 2 kids that were born in theses 6 years, im working, im studiying, life is hard and somtimes a b1tch, BUT THEY ARE ALWAYS LIFE, GOOD LIFE!
(all thanks to me and subutex)

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I agree. If these people would actually read the info giving on all these posts and yours they all wouldn't have to ask the same questions over and over again. If they need help they should read the posts. I used to be on heroin, like $300 a day habit. Before that oxycontin 80mg. About 10 a day. When I went to detox they gave me subutex. I waited about 24hrs and yeah I got sick but about 15-20 min after I took a half one under my tongue, I satarted feeling better and better. I took a half a subutex 4 times the first day, so 2 pills, and the next day I went down to 1 pill, half in the morning and half at night before bed. Then a half one the third day around noon and that was it. Now they will give you another half on the fourth day. I never felt better. Until I got home and all the meds I was taking wore off. But after a few weeks I was perfectly normal again. When I was doing heroin I waited almost two days before taking a suboxone. It made me even sicker.so its different for each person. I was always so scared to take suboxone because of that one experience I didn't take it til recently. I was taking Dr prescribed oxycodone 30mg. But when I stopped taking them I got sick. My friend had a prescription for suboxone strips. I was scared to take it, but I took my last pill the night before and when I woke up I felt sick so I took 1/4 of a strip, didn't really feel anything so I took another 1/4 so half total and in no time I felt so much better. So my recommendation to people who really want to stop using, try and cut your dosages back as much as you can, then if you can get subutex that would be my first choice, take a half of one under your tongue. Let it dissolve, my second choice would be the suboxone strips. I would not recommend suboxone orange pill. As soon as I felt sick I took a 1/4 strip and was fine. Either on subutex or the suboxone strip, wait as long as you can and then take what I wrote. 1/2 subutex 4 times the first day, 1/2 pill twice on second day, and 1/2 pill on the third and/or fourth day. You will not be 100% when you stop taking the subs, but you will be over the worst and be able to get through the rest. Suboxone you can start with half strip and follow the same directions as subutex, or start with a 1/4 of a strip first and if you still feel sick then take another 1/4. Stick to a strict plan for about 4 or five days and I know that if I can do it after using so much then you can. Feel free to email with any questions. don't feel discouraged or ashamed. Be proud that you want to take the neccessary steps to get clean. I'm not a role model but have been thru alot and if I can help people then I will try to help.

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To be a lil bit more clear on the subject u won't go into full withdrawal from taking subutex because ur only replacing one opiate with another but it will take u down for sure if ur on a heroin high and ur up there pretty high.. subutex will knock u back down quite a ways

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Subutex will throw u into withdrawals if u take it to early if u do a lil research online u would have found a site describing the fact that buprenorphine take the checkered flag when it comes to binding to ur opiate receptors so with that fact if u take subutex the bup. will knock any other opiates out of the receptor site and replace it with itself and being that bup.(subutex) is a less stronger opiate it will throw u into withdrawals so make sure u take it once withdrawals start to avoid that and it will get u well in no time...

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you will be fine ...esp since you r sniffing instead of shooting , sniffing you get about 50-70% where as shooting you get almost the whole deal

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Your test will be fine, buprenorphine is what they test for and it is in both suboxone and subutex. So don't worry you will be fine.

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I am currently taking suboxone on a daily basis from my doctor to doctor a sever opiate addiction. I dropped almost 8 pills downt he drain and they obviously dissolved. a friend of mine gave me a subutex to help when the withdrawel kicked in. i have my doctor appointment and i have to have a urinary test done. will they be able to tell the difference that it is subutex and not the suboxone that is supposed to be in my system> if i fail this test ONCE, they will kick me out of the program. I have been clea other than the subs for over a year, and I dont want this to mess it up. Please help me get some answeres/

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No the subutex won't throw you in to withdrawal. That's the diff between them and suboxones. I prefer suboxones bc I know it'll help me not use. I've taken suboxones after using dope and I didn't go into withdrawal just didn't work bc I used them to close together everyone is diff but no subutex WONT throw u into withdrawal if Uve used recently

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I have been asking this question in this forum and i cant get a legit answer lol thats all i want to know is if it will kick in withdrawals or not

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I've been a heroin user, for almost 5yrs now, I've been sniffing it. I have a $200 a day habit. So what I want to know is, if I do a line @ like midnite, can I take a subutex 12hrs. later & it will work almost immediately unlike suboxone that would make you sick?

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Happen to read over this discussion. Addictions hurts. Not just yourself but everyone around you. Still trying to fight this addiction everyday living in a community where pills and dope is popular yet you'd never think all these ppl in this middle class community of woodbridge, nj have such addictions. Subutex or suboxone are both great. Getting clean is the greatest of all though.

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If taking subutex and run out ,do you have to wait the normal way before taking suboxone since the naloxone is what makes you ill?

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Subutex is oval with a b8 on one side and a score mark down the middle on the other side. Or a smaller 2 mg will have a 2 on it. The generics are round with 54 411 on it. Suboxone is orange and octagon shaped. If u find pills in your daughters room that you are unsure of try using an online pillfinder. I used drugs as a teenager and if my mom would have caught me in time my life may be completely different now. I wish you luck addiction is a horrible thing to overcome.

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My question was can you take the subutex early after taking your last dose, as opposed to suboxone which makes you sick and kicks in withdrawals, i heard with the subutex, you can take it as soon as you wake up even if you arent sick yet, i tried it and didnt get sick, i loved them, i want more to get off the blues.

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You are all very uneducated and misinformed. First of all, administering subutex/suboxone intravenously is no different than taking it sublingually- there is NO rush or euphoria - it just requires a much lesser dosage and has a faster onset.

Some are fooled into thinking that just because you inject a drug, you will get some crazy high or rush. It's all about how fast the drug crosses the blood brain barrier that determines the rush. Diacetylmorphine (heroin) is essentially the same as morphine except that the diacetylization causes it to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) faster, and then metabolizes into morphine in a few minutes. Hydromorphone, oxymorphone, Demerol, etc, do this quite well. It's just a more efficient way of getting drugs into your body.

She probably is an opiate addict who also has the suboxone as a backup plan in case she can't hook up & is getting dopesick, or is planning on stopping her dope habit soon. Whatever preconceptions you may have, DO NOT TAKE AWAY HER SUBOXONE. That is cruel and unnecessary. Opiate withdrawal is no joke and is a traumatic experience - if you want to help her, then level with her and work with her to find out what the most successful method of quitting will be for her. She needs your support and understanding not your judgment, punishment, or your "so-called" wisdom on the subject. Unless you've been through it personally, then don't act like you know what it's all about, cause you don't know jack s***. Period.

You must be careful on your approach in every aspect of this. Addiction has nothing to do with intelligence, status, love, or lack thereof. It's a genetic predisposition that once the brain gets that chemical, it's like a Christmas tree lighting up. Life then becomes all about nothing less than survival.

To touch on some specific comments in this thread :

1.) Don't IV pills. If you do, then don't heat/cook them. If you do, then you are just melting all the fillers & binders down so that they enter and become lodged in your lungs, liver, kidneys, vessel walls, etc. Most, if not all opioid pills are water soluble and require no heat.

2.) Buprenorphine has a higher affinity for your opioid receptors than naloxone, so just because you IV suboxone doesn't mean you'll go into immediate withdrawal. Precipitated withdrawal is caused by the buprenorphine out-competing other opioids at the receptor sites and binding tighter, but having less activity on the receptor site, thus causing an immediate (precipitated) withdrawal. Buprenorphine is a partial agonist with antagonist properties. Oxy/hydrocodone, methadone, dilaudid, etc are full agonists (lots of receptor activity =high) and naloxone, naltrexone, are antagonists (rips agonists off receptors =dopesick). So you will only get sick from it if you take it too soon after your last opioid dose.

I hope someone learns something from this.

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All I want to know is what subutex looks like ?

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Odds are your daughter is using heroin because of the syringe or she cooks up pain medication like oxycontin to a liquid form then injects it. and suboxone is used to treat withdrawal symptoms from opiates like Oxys, roxys, hard pain medication and including heroin users are prescribed suboxone's to help fight the withdrawal symptoms from not having the drug in your system so they can detox safely and clean up without fear of harmful side effects included with withdrawals

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I need to know if this 54 411 can be taken close to taking an opiate. I know that if you take suboxone too close it will kick in withdrawals really bad. I heard with these you can take it the next day and it WONT kick in withdrawals which will allow someone to take them and go about their day without getting sick, anybody know if this is true??

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