White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 16) (Top voted first)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

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No, don't spit anything. You'll end up losing a good portion of the medicine if you do that. If you start to salivate just swallow like you normally would. I mean, you can still swallow while the pill is under your tongue. You just don't want to actually swallow the pill itself.

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No it won't show up different in ur urine test. Suboxone is bupenorphin and subutex is bupenorphin + naloxone. Suboxone just has naloxone, the blocker in it. That's the only difference. So to say the least subutex IS suboxone, minus the blocker. So don't worry bout it. Just be more careful. This is ur future in ur hands. Stay clean.

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It doesn't matter which one your going to take. Subutex or Suboxone, the naloxone makes NO difference in causing withdrawls. If you do not wait until you are IN the beginning stages of withdrawl, and you take either Subutex or Suboxone you WILL send yourself into instant withdrawl. The Buprenorphine is what causes this. The Naloxone in Suboxone simply is there so that if you are ON a large dose of active opiates, and you take a Suboxone, you don't accidentally kill yourself from respiratory failure, as might happen if you took a bunch of opiates and then a subutex, and also helps to deter IV usage of the pills. SO, in conclusion, make sure you are IN as much withdrawl as you can possibly take before taking your subutex/suboxone, because if you don't, you will learn a totally new definition of pain.

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If you plan to induce with suboxone or subutex.. you need to wait at least 12 hours. The best way to do it.. is take your last hit before you go to bed. Sleep.. wake up, if you got the runs.. take 2mg of subutex and 1mg of Klonipin. This will ease you into it.

I highly suggest you find some way to just sedate yourself so you wake up in full withdrawal, that is what I do.. usually Ill wake up.. be a little dope sick, but not enough that I am s***ting myself or anything.. just edgy.. Throw back 4mg of klonipin and Im out for a good 6 hours.. Ill wake up in full withdrawl. At that point I start inducing 2mg per hour. then eventually 4. Until I feel normal.

hope this helped.. this s*** sucks I know.. My main problem is.. I can't eat on this s***.

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Also Naloxone isn't normally used to bring people back from an OD, Naloxone used in a high enough amount to block opiates will make someone dependant on opiates extremely sick

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Do all Dr.s that prescribe suboxon prescribe subutex? I am currently taking suboxone, it helps accept the side effects are bad... headaches, abdominal pain.. etc

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You cannot get her into rehab without her consent. She has to want to get clean or else it will be a waste of time for the both of you. Trust from experience. I have gone through this with family.

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U can take it at the same as the pain pill and it won't send u into withdrawal subutex doesn't have a opiate blocker

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SubuTEX: Orange rectangular film strip

SuboxONE: is a pill

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Suboxone comes in a few wst orangr film orange hexsgon snd ehite pill too but subutex is a oval white pill and sumtims circulsr but the differrnce if suboxond has naxalone which is the blocker in it and subutex has no blocker jus the buernurohine

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How long after I take a fentanyl patch can I start my suboxone 8mg pill

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Methadone is the hardest to get off suboxen and subutex is the best to keep from doing other drugs and people that shoot it uslol do it to do alot less and to make one last alot longer. When i do dope i have to do a half gram a day i can shoot a little suboxen and make one 8mg last a week doing a little pice by pice when on suboxen i am more focused on work and important stuff while dope i dont care bout much yea u withdrawal hard when switing to sub but its a little down side to getting well. Dont go for methadone cuz if u stop going its worse getting off i was on 80mg it took a week and two suboxen a day just to get normal then had to ween down from the subs worse week!

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not a 5 panel

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thank you very much for your comment, i just got this subutex pill round white 54 411 cuz iam done with this bulls*** of a drug that mkes u feel horrible after using for months. thank god i did shoot up, i was a smoker i used to smoke a gram at day sometimes more now it going .2 or less a day then i wont use for 2 to 3 days then i get sick. thts whats makes me use again because i dont have suboxen or subtuex. but now i just got a sobutex pill. iv have suboxen before and an 8 mg one last me like 5 days sometimes more. ut it was a film this is a pill if u could please help me out on what do since i can tell by ur comment that ur experienced with these things like opiate withdrawal id appreciate that.

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No you should be fine taking suboxoneits the same drug just one has naloxone in it an that wwon't makeyou detox

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I just came across this thread and thought I'd respond. I started taking 8mg Suboxone film for about 8 months. Then, because my insurance wouldn't cover as much of the costs, I started taking generic subutex sublingual pills. I started the very next day after I ran out of the film, and I didn't experience any issues at all. To a certain extent, they're the same thing. View it as such, and you'll put yourself in a much better position. If you believe that you'll get sick and have a negative reaction, then you probably will. They'll both work just fine. All it takes is figuring out the right amount for each of them because 8mg of one may not feel the same as the other. Hope this helps.

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Funny. Dropping them down the toilet or sink. Just means you took more than you were s u ppose to.

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I have the only Dr I know that prescribes me both oxy and subutex. They work well hand in hand for severe pain and no withdrawals when taken as prescribed. They do not cancel each other out as rumor has it. The sub keeps me from building a tolerance to the opiate. I am well managed and don't need increased dosage.

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No, you do not have to wait to take a Suboxone if you took Subutex right before. Just because the Suboxone had naloxone in it doesn't mean that you will get sick after.

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Keith - Subutex only has buprenorphine in it, whereas Suboxone has both buprenorphine and naloxone in it. (source: FDA)

So to answer your question Suboxone is the one which contains an opiate-blocking ingredient and is used for opioid dependence rather than pain relief. Hope this helps!

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