White Oblong Pill With 115 H (Top voted first)


Can someone with high blood pressure take this pill?

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I have muscle aches on left side from glutes, hip all the way down to my ankle. I have joint pain in both hands and feet, and wrists. Will the methacarbonal help?

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This tablet contains 750mgs of Methocarbamol, which is a muscle relaxant.

Learn more Methocarbamol details here.

And yes, in most cases it can be taken by hypertension patients, but it may interact with certain medications and it can cause depression of the central nervous system, so it needs to used under a doctor's supervision and following their instructions.

What other medications do you take? If you can post back with more details, I'll gladly check for you.

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Can i take this with Lisnopril 40 mg also withAmlodipine and withLabetaloll

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Does this have to get in your system before it starts to help. I have taken four in the last 4 hours and no relief.

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I take synthroid, 125mcg, are there any drug interactions I need to be concerned with while taking methacarbonal ?

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I have a script of the white pill marked h 115 and I wanted to know what other medicine will counteract with that and cause depression? Also, what is this drug used for?

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I was given a large white oblong tablet with H on one side and 115. Is this a muscle relaxer?

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