White Oblong Pill A 333 Not Working (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Hi I just started taking this A333 white oblong pill. (Generic Percocet. 10/325). I never had this type before and got it due to pharmacy supply. My question is has anyone noticed a difference in pain relief from other brands. Maybe it's me but it doesn't seem to work as well. Can't wait to hear some other input on this. Thanks.

113 Replies (6 Pages)

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Oxycontin recently lost its patent. The FDA has to approve the generic oxycontin to make sure its abuse deterrent. The FDA banned the original formula oxy. Two other companies have already been approved one is supposed to start selling generic oxy in Oct. The article is about Actavis trying to get approved to sell it too by making an abuse deterrent version. Generic companies have to wing it trying to match the formulation of the original. The drug makers don't give out their recipe.

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Vernon.....curious about whether ur an actual pain sufferer or just someone who scrolls thru all the threads on this site? I've come across many different topics where ur name shows up n u post comments where it seems like ur trying to sound like a dr even though some of the posts I've seen u make are inaccurate so that gives me the notion that ur not a dr.....so do u just skim through all categories on the site n comment on certain ones? M

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I think "Vernon" and others are like side moderators. I believe, from looking through MANY posts, that MedsChat has people to answer basic questions. I don't think any of them are doctors - just giving basic answers.

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HI, These A333 suppose to be oxycodone 10/325 {percocet} but they do not work near as well as the Watsons. I have severe pains and when I take them they make my stomach sick and it does not relieve my pains, also keeps me sleepy. I am very dissapointed because with the Watsons - I could take 1/2 at a time.
How can we complain about this? I really need my pains to be relieved. I am 54 yr.old and don't heal like the 20 yr.old's anymore.and have had many surgeries on my back. I also have chronic legg pains. Can someone help? please

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You can submit a complaint to Actavis along with the FDA, your Pharmacy & most importantly tell your PM Dr about the side effects you are having. Actavis brand is a horrid med & my PM Dr has it written on all my scripts that patient is Not to Receive Actavis/Watson Brand A333 imprint pill! I have submitted complaints to all & really don't get anywhere but at least my voice was heard & my pharmacy will order a different brand for me. I have also changed to a Real Pharmacy not drugstores or Walmarts anymore, but a real Pharmacy that actually cares for patients health & only carry medical supplies & medicines, not food. Beauty items Etc: Walmarts, CVS & Walgreens are drugstores or super centers who have pharmacies in there store, CVS & Walgreens now carry & distribute only Actavis Brand & will not order anything for the patient, Walmarts have become a joke of a pharmacy in my opinion esp in SW FL. I had to call my insurance company explain & send written documentation as to why I needed to chg pharmacies & they did agree & will now pay for my medicine using a Real Pharmacy not on preferred list. I may have to pay $10.00 instead of $1.20 for my rx now but at least I'm not getting medication poisoning taking the Actavis Brand. It's been a struggle but i am feeling 150% better now. I wish you the Best of Luck Violet, but please let your PM Dr know first & foremost.

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Just an FYI.....ive been taking endocet and its working pretty good...im functional and thats what counts! Nothing is as good as the Watson's but endocet by endo pharmaceuticals has been the best of all the generics ive tried, this gas been the only one that has helped.

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Sunni, what are you taking now for your pain? Are you taking name brand percocet or what generic are you taking.

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I have been taking Amneal Brand & it seems to work fine.

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Bill; I totally agree with you . They really do not do the job!
I hope they get a patetion started - I WLLL sign it...Be Well:)

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Hello & Happy Mothers Day to you Mom's!
I really wish the people that say it is phycological - to STOP!!
It is not and there is a huge difference- I found a Watson oxycodone in my purse pill box this morning and was thrilled - I took it and I feel so much better and on Mothers Day! can't beat that! I have had terrible side effects taking the A333 pills.
I wish someone could find a way to start a Petition....Take Care All:)

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Violet - I wanted to let you know someone started a petition on another thread regarding watson percocet I think it is change.org or chang.org. Please notify actavis and the FDA too. We have to keep complaining and notify anyone who will listen otherwise I don't think anything will get changed and it needs to as soon as possible. I have already called the FDA and Actavis if it will do any good only time will tell but it sure CAN"T hurt right. I am glad you found a stray watson pill - but if it were me after it wore off and I didnt' have anymore I would be even more depressed and disappointed and especially when my pain returned - what a mess we are all in now. Hope everyone has a happy mothers day.

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Oh gosh....what I would give to find a watson in an old purse!

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Actavis 7.5/325 is horrible and not what I am used to at all. Having heart disease, it worked for 24 hours and I've been a terrible mess since! Extreme nausea and dizziness...not good when I cannot physically regurgitate due to esophageal surgery in the '90's and this has been a week from hell. Indiana - any news on what to do? Disabled heart patient suffering and sick!!!

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Alvogen Percocet is garbage. I've had it for three months and it did not work for pain relief. It was as if
I took nothing. My Medicare Drug plan Cigna only carries this manufacture for their mail order. Now I've got to use a retail pharmacy to get another manufacture. Don't waste your money on this manufacturer!

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It's not you. I have been on these for at least 5 months and noticed immediately the difference in lack of pain relief. At times I think it's a placebo. Or, one will work mildly and the next one doesn't work at all. I have been miserable with more pain. Thought it was me. So glad I looked this up and found others with the same problem. Hopefully my doctor can do something about giving a better medication.

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Alvogens are absoluty thee worst. If u are truly in pain this will be the lingest 30 days if your life !!!

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SHADOW N LIZ....try either mallinkrodt or endocet. ...im on endocet n theyve helped...I tried mallinkrodt n they were alright but endocet works better for me. SHADOW. ..I dont think they have 7.5...u will have to up it to 10/325 but theyre better than the other generic Percocets available. Abd if u read through peoples posts n other threads, ull see these r the 2 meds that are helping the most. Theres two walgreens in my town that special order them for me. ..the other three in town wont. A lot of people have CVS special order them for them soooo, if one location tells u no, dont stop there, try another location. Keep in mind 2 things. One, dont wait till last minute to search....some of these pharmacies only put in orders certain days n u dont want to be stuck with no meds so go searching as soon as u finish reading this to see who will order them for u...when u find one that will, a week n a half before ur due, have them order ur meds so theyll b there when ur ready with ur script. Second, keep in mind ur gonna go threw withdrawals from ur previous meds n its gonna last possibly 2 weeks...mso no matter what med ur on n if it works or not, the withdrawals r gonna b there n make u think ur new med isn't working because ur hurting from withdrawals. ..so u need to give ur new meds a chance to b in ur system n work after ur bidy is done going thru withdrawals. This goes for any med that uve been on for awhile then change. Alot of pm patients who r having to change their meds now forget this.....alvogen, amneal, acta'crap'(as I call them) all do suck n dont help control ur pain at all so theres no denying that. But whatever meds u choose to try next, just keep it in mind n give em a chance. I wish u all luck n please keep us updated n posted on ur search n results. That helps us all...especially new people who come to these threads looking for help n guidance. The more knowledge we all have, the better we will b able to get our pain under control n help others!

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It's now manufactured by activis and it's garbage!!! Watson worked wonderfully for my pain but now this new formula (which they claim has the same recipe) only takes the edge off and makes me terribly ill to my stomach

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Ty...idk who "they" are....but ive talked to actacrap pharmaceuticals many times....once u call n complain, theyll call u a few times after n godforbid u ask a question, they refer u to another dept n take a message. ..then that dept calls u n tells u its another dept n takes another message n on n on....u get it im sure...but each time I talked to someone there, I tried n tried to pick their brains. ...even tricked them a few times into answering my questions or confirming things they probably shouldnt hv.....but not once have any of them told me its the same formula... in fact they told me when actavis took over completely, they chose to use the Actavis generic formula n discontinue the watson formula. Some have even admitted to getting alot of calls with similar if not the same complaints n they were working diligently to ensure quality n make sure it wasnt a bad batch. ..notice uf u call, theyll ask u for a lot number on the meds? Like how would we know that? We dont deal in lots...we deal with a bottle at a time. N if they were truly concerned, they could trace our meds by dates n stores n distributors. ..blah blah....but in the end, youll end up getting a letter from them stating they couldnt do further research due to no lot number but they are taking all steps to ensure quality. ....I CALL BULLS*** BUT.....i know I rambled with that one but not once did the manufacture "actacrap" tell me it was the same formula. U can google all formulations of meds to see whats in it. Might b a good way for u to see what one that makes u ill has that another doesnt so u know what to avoid. But all in all, any pm patient should research the hell out of their meds n treatment. Knowledge is always gping to be ur power....not knowing will make u weak n clueless to ur own care. Not a dr, or pharmacist, or medicine company blow u off with a bs excuse or response if u know what ur talking about n u can only know by doing ur research. The info is out there, u just need to take ur time n take it in!

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Funny! I like the alvogen percocet 10. Wish I could find them again!

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