White Buprenorphine Round 460 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


So I went to the pharmacy yesterday to get my script and they told me they were out but they would have more tomorrow. When I picked my script up it wasn't what I normally get. They told me it was a generic but I have never seen them before and I have been in treatment for years now. I have tried looking them up but can't find any reviews or anything really on them. Has anyone ever gotten these? And do they work as good as the 54 411? Also it is kind of minty which reminded me of suboxone and I'm not prescribed suboxone.

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: Elly (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

They also taste completely different I don't like the taste they are really nasty

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

They are strange.. They do not taste right. I believe they are NEW, but they are gross!

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Re: Heather (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

There is no naxolone in subutex only suboxone. Subutex is 8mg of bupe. Suboxone is 8mg of bupe and 2 mg of nox to deter people from getting high while on a maintenance program.

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I just went to the pharmacy to pick up my buprenorphine 8 mg and they gave me a round white pill with a 460 on one side. I usually get the oval orange tablet with a 153 on one side and half-moon on the other side. What's the difference?

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Bupe 8mg white round convex 460 is Hikma/westward. They bought roxane. I like these hikmas...

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Re: Jay (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

I too was getting the 411/8 mg, two times a day. My pharmacy just informed me that they are out of those and are switching me to the 460s. It’s good to hear that they do work. And I’m OK with the possible sleepiness because They replaced the clonazepam that I usually take with green Teva . They are so not effective for me. I take them for seizures and anticipatory anxiety and Ménière’s disease. But I have had problems in the past with blue and green dyes in medications. They always seem not to be as effective. It feels like I am on nothing at all. But good to hear about the 460s. I have gotten so used to the 411 brand that I have taken for years and most patients are very brand specific. When they find one that works they do not like to switch. Thank you for that information.

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Re: CrazyDiamond (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I normally get the 54 411s and the pharmacy just gave me these 4 60 and I'm taking twice as many because they do not work I mean I'm literally having to sweats and cravings and I've been on Subutex for years and I've been on all of the different manufacturers and the little tiny white ones do not work and these I've never seen before and they do not work either

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I got the same ones me and my husband have been on this for a few years and we usually get the RP white ones they said they are changing there Brandes witch I've never seen these ones the qhite 460 makes me wonder why they stopped giving us what they always have

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

They taste horrible!!

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Re: CrazyDiamond (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have taken about every generic suboxone and sunpharma from India are the absolute worst. You can look online about how Sun pharma have been closed do to mold, filthy unsanitary conditions. That was in 2015.. I experienced cravings and blisters in my mouth. I will refuse anything from Sun Pharma

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I got them too and I really don't like the taste to me the have like a comically taste that is no good. Don't like them

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I don't know what is going on with these pills and why they keep getting changed but these new 460s are bad, the only reason I can tell is bc I have a bad stomach so something they are putting in the ingredients which we never know what they are. I believe we should know every ingredient that is in anything I put in my body but it's not put on the label so we can know what im consuming or to know if something they are putting in these pills I could be allergic to or consuming that is bad for me... Cancer .....this pill 460 taste very chemically

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Re: Grapper (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

If you can ask for the films. I was getting sick of the tablets. I am getting a decent generic prescription of the films. I wouldn’t take anything from sun pharma

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Re: Grapper (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! These 460 ones are disgusting!! I can’t hardly stand to take them. Whyyyyy do they taste so bad??????

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I just got them and Iv been feeling somewhat depressed. I’ve never had this brand before and I’m pretty certain it is what’s causing me to feel like this. I am currently tapering down hoping to Monday be medication free, despite having herniated disc in my neck. Definitely will not be accepting this brand again.

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Re: Heather (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Not only if pregnant I'm in FL and I still get activis 5 years , . It's up to your rehab doctor or whoever is writing them , if ur allergic to the strips that can't move to strips

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

They're AWFUL!! Burn my mouth& throat for hours after the very 1st tablet. Plus, they don't work near as well as the others

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I urge you to call CVS Help Desk & report this brand. It's not working for a lot of people. It caused burning and numbness under my tongue and blisters. I felt nauseous and actually vomited.

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Re: riggsk0915 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, a couple years back I was prescribed suboxone and the only place I could fill was at a PUBLIX. And they always only carried the ones with the 460 on them, the ones by Sun. I hated these. They were big, hard and tasted like s***. But I didn't notice any minty flavor. The only sub that I had that was minty was the Zubsolv and they were tiny and came in weird mg. As far as the best suboxone, I believe they are the Roxanne brand 54/411. So I hope that helped add to the debate.

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The withdrawal is rough and those Zubsolv are stupid expensive! Subutex hcl is 54 11, generic for those are the 460s and a few other brands.

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