Which Is Stronger: 30 Mg Of Morphine Sulphate Er Or 10 Methadone (Page 2)
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I am in a confusing debate with my ex husband: Which is stronger, 30 mg of morphine sulfate E.R or 10 mg of methadone?
I've been on Topamax 200mg for 3 years now and I rarely get headaches ever. It takes a while to build up to the dosage that I'm on but it is definitely worth it! I suffered for years with horrific migraines. I'm so lucky to have found a medication that finally works.
The only true way to get off methadone, is to slowly drop your dose to like 20-30mg, then convert to opiates. Make sure it's a known brand. After converting, take the opiates for at least 2 weeks to get you completely off methadone pain free. Then tapper down every 12 hours. After that, kick the sheets, use sleeping medication to help sleep...after about 2 weeks, you're done. This info is for people that are methadone addicts that want to get off it.
tanya is an imbecil that needs to never give anyone advice on medication EVER again.
I find that hard to believe. I was on a methadone maintenance program for 5 years. I'm now taking 150 mg Ms contin daily. There is no way in my opinion that if I took 15 mg of methadone a day that I would not get sick.
I agree 100% with everything the the pain people said the us system is barbaric. I day dream of if I am told of my impending death from some illness how I am going to get back at the absolutely stupid ignorant doctors out their!!
Well here I am again completly off methadone at 3:29 am and in crying pain because I can't sleep with this lower back pain Dr. Put me on 15 mg. Of morphine er 3x a day. Went from 60mg of methadone to 45mg of morphine no wonder I'm in mega lower back pain . I think thats about 1/2 of a 10mg methadone a day.
I have been taking both and i find methodone is a bit better than morphine s
Methadone is 10 times stronger then morphine as per the pharmaceutical companies.
I used to take 90 mg. of methadone for years. Changed insurance and had to go to a different pain clinic. Dr. Willis Wu said we don't prescribe methadone here anymore. He cut me back to 40 mg. of methadone for the month of March 17. My next visit in April I said give me something equal to 40 mg. of methadone so Dr. Wu prescribed me 15 mg sulf ER tablet 2x a day. I'm in so much pain now its terrible. My lower back, neck, shoulders and both wrists have carpel tunnel pain. How much morphine is equal to 40 or 90 mgs of methadone?
The only true way to get off methadone, is to slowly drop your dose to like 20-30mg, then convert to opiates, make sure it's a known brand. After converting, use the opiates for at least 2 weeks to get you completely off methadone pain free. Then tapper down every 12 hours. After that, kick the sheets, use sleeping medication to help sleep...after about 2 weeks, you're done.
Report him to the American medical association, It's just as wrong to under medicate some one as it is to over medicate, as long as you have your medical records to prove you've been in chronic pain for years and you've been taking a prescribed amount to keep that pain under control by the doctor you had for years the new DR is obligated to keep you on the same regimen of pain meds as your previous DR to manage your documented pain and keep it under control.Warn him tell him you'll report him if he doesn't do his job and keep your pain under control, he's putting your life in jeopardy subjecting you to chronic pain that could cause life threatening medical complications like a heart attack stroke, Grand Mal seizure
My P.A. is switching me from 10 ML methadone every 6 hrs to 15 mg/8 hrs. //which is stronger?
That is simply not true. Morphine is not the strongest opioid out there, that's nuts.
Fat Matt, I'm with you on that one, basically these people are saying that if you were some one taking 300mgs of methadone every day for 5 years and you wanted to convert over to morphine sulfate ms contin ER you would have to take 3,000 mgs of morphine sulfate to equal 300 mgs of liquid methadone hcl. That's also basically my question to everybody posting comments on this thread, Would it be safe for some one to take 3,000 mgs of morphine in 1 day if you were used to taking 300 mgs of methadone every day for 5 years and wanted to convert over to morphine sulfate MS CONTIN ER, PLEASE REPLY ANYONE. That would be {50} 60mg morphine pills to swallow, that doesn't sound right to me and I don't feel like dying just yet. I need some serious feed back on this issue, hopefully a doctor or some one who really knows what they're talking about.
Tanya you say that morphine sulfate is by far stronger than methadone, why do so many other people say that methadone is stronger? So if someone was taking 300mgs of methadone everyday for 5 years and wanted to convert to morphine sulfate ER how many MGS of morphine sulfate ER would they have to take to equal 300mgs of liquid methadone hcl?
You say morphine is stronger than methadone if you we're on 200mgs of morphine sulfate a day the how much methadone would you need to get off the morphine then.
In your experience that may be true but pharmacologically speaking methadone is far more potent than morphine on a milligram to milligram basis. It's a 10 to 1 ratio for oral administration.
Fat Matt
Before you insult those with book knowledge you should learn how to read one. I'm an addict first and consult with reference materials before spewing nonsense that you seem to be so fond of doing.
Methadone is a very dangerous drug, many people die from methadone each year. I been through a similar situation. Started with a low methadone dose for chronic back and leg pain, at one point I was taking, 15, 10 mg tablets per day, way way too much, only by the grace of God that I didn't die, even though our bodies develop a tolerance, that is way too much drug in one's system. I changed, also, like you to a new pain management physician, this Doctor cared about saving my life, over a short period of time, maybe 6 months, he brought me down to only 2 tablet's per day, without withdraw, without pain, this is still my current dose, after going through that, I would never let my body fool me into thinking I needed more or allow a craving to seduce me into upping the dose. I suggest you read more about methadone, and how it can cause sudden cardiac arrest. The PA your seeing is lowering your dose for your benefit, to not allow you to lose your life. Listen to him!
I'd need more information in terms of why you are taking them and why do you want to stop. There is nothing that can replace this dosage and combination of pain meds in a mg per mg way. Look into the Ketamine infusion clinics that are popping up all over the USA. Thankfully big pharma can't stop the off label use of this drug for people unresponsive to treatment for depression. This all occurred anecdotally, as many newer or "repurposed" older meds work for other ailments. The medical community began to see patients given this drug, one time, and it provided overnight relief of suicidal depression. Now it's given (depending on the MD's protocol), they are all different in terms of dosage and timing, but I'm scheduled to be treated for chronic pain in April (back logged appointments). It's a 3 day low dose infusion, in-patient. You'll here lots of misinformation regarding this drug because it literally is a cure for a high percentage of patients.. but some key groups are losing their cash flow of pushing and prescribing, selling all sorts of meds that "almost work" or leave you in pain regardless of the amount of narcotics you take. It's designed to keep you paying for the rest of your life. There are many curative preparations for many diseases that are kept from the public because it would mean shutting down institutions that have been built around the pill popping culture. Off the subject a bit, but vilification of Marijuana wasn't by accident. It is because it gives substantial relief of many acute and chronic diseases. Since the public can cultivate it them selves, it by-passes the groups that require billions upon billions of dollars for R & D and develop a half assed med with a list of side effects a mile long. Ever read the side effects of marijuana? Sleepiness is the most significant.
So my best advice would be to research Ketamine. As for the narcotics follow a MD's advice and you may need to get other medications for withdrawal. I'm taking methadone 3 10mg tabs per day is ordered, but I try to just take two tabs. The key with success in getting off Narcotics, particularly methadone is to taper slow, slow, slow. If you've taken your pain meds as prescribed and haven't abused or have problems taking the correct dosage of narcotics it will be easier for you, if you have played around with dosages trying new preparations or non prescribed drugs its time to get support in getting free and would be best to enter a long term rehab, or certainly outpatient support. I'm planning to take at least 6 months to a year of tapering to OFF the pain meds. It's much easier if you've taken them exactly as prescribed. good luck, in my case I'm allowed to take less than prescribed. I think this is because it would take an act of God in this paranoid time to ever be able to increase the dose.
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