Where Can I Get My Norco 10/325 Filled In Los Angeles Area? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on pain meds since 2005 for tendinosis, and more recently for DDD and a herniated L5 to S1. I have been taking six Norco 10's a day since 2008, and usually had no problems getting my scripts filled until recently. It seems pharmacies are getting scared of these new laws. I was using Walmart for several months until today they said they weren't taking any scripts from my doctor because of "lack of communication and because he writes to many scripts for pain meds". Yes, he writes many scripts for narcotics because he's a pain specialist! And I'm sure if he ran a clinic for diabetics he would write lots of scripts for diabetes! I swear, this narcotics scare is driving people nuts! Anyway, I'm so sick of all this craziness. I just want a pharmacy that understands that some people need pain meds to live. Does anybody know of a good pharmacy that will fill my script in Los Angeles or nearby? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
9 Replies
I can't get them either. It's days/weeks each month by the time I can get it filled, IF I CAN. I have to travel EVERYWHERE because they REFUSE to tell me over the phone if they have them. WHAT IS GOING ON! This is ridiculous and I am IN PAIN.
Today I went to fill my prescription of Norco 10mg and the yellow ones are on back order. In the high desert of Victorville you can get the ones with an m on them but they do not work. even a pharmacist from a grocery chain said he gets a lot of complaints. no one carries Watson, that is rare. cvs said maybe next week they will get the yellow ones. Well I need them tomorrow :( my original pharmacy didn't get sent their usual amount so they sold out the 1st week of this month.
If you have a relationship with your pharmacist and get your prescriptions filled at the same place it should be easier. I found that CVS was the worst place to go. The pharmacist was not nice. She is judging pain patients.
I was tired of pain management and going through needless tests so I saw my PCP.
He was very accommodating He wants to see me monthly. Since this Dr is well known by the pharmacists they filled my prescription with no questions asked. .
It took me a year to get my situation resolved. I do not believe CVS when they say they have no pills on hand. I have always received monthly from Walgreen's. I think they are starting to relax the rules. If your Dr would call and explain your need for the pain pills it will help.
Angelica and others
You need a written prescription now for Norco 10 /325. I get mine at Walgreen's but my Dr writes me a script for three a day and I must see him monthly. So I receive 90.
I have not had trouble getting them. However I am not going to see the pain management Dr again and I am looking for another one. I hated the one I was going to. He is arrogant and he makes everyone wait an hour and he over books.
No more faxes or phone calls. We all need a written script.
I don't know what the answer is, and I'm on the east coast having the same problem that ya'll are out west, and my sister lives in/ around Oakland, and she says the same thing. It doesn't matter if you're seeing a pm doc, which appears we all are, but I have to spend at least a day going around trying to find a pharmacy to fill my scripts.. Grrr. Well, misery loves company, that's why I posted this..
Where can I get my perception filled
Try a place your insurance don't cover they have them I been paying for mine the last 6 months
Tell that Pharmacy Les Scripts Les jobs including his
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