When Do I Get My Mind And Life Back?


I'm 26. I was on Lyrica for 3-4 months for neuropathic pain after having a fall and developing complex regional pain syndrome just after my wedding. I was on 75mg/day and since I'm "chemically sensitive" this dose was quite strong for me. It made me drowsy to the point of sleep, irritable, poor memory, depressed, chest pain, I felt "dumb" like I couldn't spit out my thoughts clearly, I had headaches, dizziness and gained weight... etc. My GP recommended nothing. I was only on it for 3-4 months, stopping because my husband observed I was always grumpy before it and after the medication wore out. I have been off it for around 3-4 months. I still feel fatigued (though not nearly as bad), emotional at times, and most frustrating is that I feel "foggy" - still can't think clearly, communicate clearly, and find my memory is quite poor and my attention/concentration is also quite poor.

When/how will this improve and when do I get my mind and life back?

2 Replies

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Have you consulted your doctor? Or perhaps a new doctor?

It really shouldn't be affecting you this long, after being off of it, unless it has caused some type of permanent change to your brain chemicals, in which case you will need medical help, anyway.


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I know it's from long time I hope u get batter but I thinking u have withdrawal symptoms so it's depends maybe few weeks or months if you are like me reaction to medcine and I'm sure what u have will pass and u will get batter time important in this.

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