Whats The Difference Between Liquid And Pill Form Of Methadone? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I think i have a drug test coming up at the clinic and i have methadone pills instead of the liquid that i usually take. Will taking the pill form give me a dirty urine at the clinic?

66 Replies (4 Pages)

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Try dropping your dose in water. Drink it like liquid. The pills seemed to work better for me this way.

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I'd suggest you seek a second opinion since once a stabilized dose of methadone for the treatment of opiate addiction is achieved, little can be done to augment this drug and dosage to achieve adequate pain relief for the primary treatment of pain control. In cases like yours a switch to something like suboxone may serve you best. Methadone when used at a reduced dosage can be very effective for intractable pain conditions but once elevated doses are utilized for maintenance purposes, dosage adjustments regardless of amounts are RARELY effective IN controlling pain. I'd highly suggest you consider an optional alternative to methadone for this purpose. I sincerely wish you all the best going forward. Regards, K.

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Yes , there would be an indication. The indication will be a spike in the methadone levels in youe urine. Methadone pills are the same as the liquid but if you're only suppose to have 72 mg and you get popped for a UA and you been taking extra they will know you're taking more at home. The ppl in the lab aren't stupid they measure your levels and document them and if they don't match what you're prescribed then hey guess what you're using illicitly.

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Hi Mike. I was having the same problem with Methadose (liquid form) I started splitting my dose in half. AM/PM and my doctor recommended splitting 3 or even 4 times to spread it out. Whatever you do, try to keep splitting it before taking more. Cheers, and good luck.

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No...Methadone is methadone is methadone. Sure wish I could get a daily dose of it. I was taking 20 mgs only every day, every day, unless I was in jail which was never longer than 40 days. Then, back home and on the methadone plan. I damaged myself. For 9 yrs give or take six months I had the blessed assurance every night that I went to sleep that that dose would be waiting there for me in the morning. Two yrs ago I lost my connect. Better way of saying it would be, "Dr. lost his license to practice. What did I lose? That is easy, my mother f******g mind. For nine years my brain didn't need to produce dopamine or serotonin or any other neurotransmitter feel good stuff. The last two years has been nothing short of a horror story and that I haven't landed in prison is rather shocking. I have been going to a practitioner don't know how to spell practitioner I guess. Ok. maybe I can. I digress. So I went to her at my initial visit and told her straight up and down, if I want to get out of pain I'll take ibuprofen. I have been taking methadone 20 mgs no more or less for nine years to keep my f***'n sanity. Well, she isn't comfortable with prescribing methadone due to doing it in the past for someone that couldn't hold their mud and ended up in the hospital. Yeah, so she was comfortable with prescribing me 20 mgs of methadone a day but she didn't have any qualms over prescribing me 80 mgs of OxyContin a day. My health plan wouldn't pay for it so she prescribed me morphine, Vicodin and Xanax. Shhhh....Don't tell no one. Here is the jist...Popping pills all day long isn't what I'm about or want to be about. I could think of a million or two other things I could do with my day other than try and figure out how the f*** I'm going to medicate myself. Sorry for so many F'words. None of the drugs that I just mentioned do it for me. I could get up in the morning and take ten Vicodin 10/325 washem down with some hot coffee and you'd never know the difference. The horror. I remember a time when just two of them and I was pretty good to go for about 9 hours. You see, I suffer enormously from depression and have this thing that is like, perpetual sorrow. I don't know if it from the guilt I feel for, killing, or if I'm an empath and I feel the madness and pain of others. That sounds kinda self-important doesn't it? It's like, you see your pain is all about me. Lol...Where the f*** would you and your pain be if I wasn't here to feel it? Please be detailed...Wanna know how I got here? I'll tell ya anyway. The other day an angel showed up and gave me like 60 mgs of methadone in 5 mg. pills which I've been nursing. The first day I took the beloved 20 mgs and moved from being a mental and physical invalid that is paralyzed by fear, into a guy that is productive. I won't go into all that I was able to accomplish. We'll just say that it was a lot. Competently. Today I only took 10 mgs. of methadone and 7 Vicodin. Got a lot done again and, had a decent conversation with my neighbor. We always do for the most part. That is just par for the course when you got two guys talking and one guy, spent his life as either a cop or a corrections officer and the other guy, behind bars. That isn't to imply that I'm a bad guy. Just a breed apart. No skin beefs. No murders, that I'm aware of. Ok...I'm outta here. Hope this goes through and I hope someone gets a kick out of it. You be the judge on what is real and what isn't. I'll give you a hint: It's all true. I'm Shad and I'll be here all week. Peace and wish me luck. Furthermore, pray for me if so be that you serve the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

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I am currently on methadone from a clinic and have been for about three years now. I have not gone through a full detox from methadone but I tried once a couple years ago and I made it about 4 days before I gave in. I will tell you the worst detox/withdrawals I've ever had has been from Subutex. My withdrawal symptoms lasted for MONTHS. I still wasn't right after 2 and a half months so I began methadone (which I totally regret since I had made it so far). But with coming off the Subutex, I had the usual withdrawal symptoms of nausea & vomiting, restlessness (especially of the legs), back and body pain, depression & hopelessness, diarrhea, hot flashes & cold sweats, headaches, etc. only instead of it peaking and letting up in the usual timeline of a couple weeks, it lasted for what seemed like forever. I've detoxed off opiates MANY times and the worst is usually day 3-5 and then it starts to slowly let up a bit afterward, which usually gets manageable after about a week and a half. With my Subutex detox, even after 2 months I was still miserable. I imagine it's because of the long half life it has, it stays in your body longer than most opiates, a lot like Methadone. In the grand scheme of things, I would say from 1 to 10 (with 1 being easy and 10 being the most difficult) I would rank a "normal", short-acting opiate (Hydrocodone, Oxycodone) withdrawal a 7, Methadone withdrawal a 9, and Subutex/Suboxone withdrawal a 10. The feeling and symptoms are similar, only it lasts 5-10x longer. If anyone has questions, please ask away. I would love to be able to answer questions or help people any way I can. Especially people who are facing withdrawals and need help finding things that will make it easier.

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When I was on Suboxone,I one day totally forgot I was an addict,I said to myself did Zi takey Suboxone today?? Then I slipped again,back to 70 MG's of liquid handcuffs,I was using for 1 year then Methadone for 7 years with the in between using ,with Suboxone you do not use or feel to ,so my opinion is Suboxone vs.Methadone
SUBOXONE ALL THE Way..Even 1 mg sublingual for the rest of your days better than using .

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My wife is trying to switch from liquid methadone to the pill form of methadone. She already had one and it's not going so well. She was only on 15 mg liquid. Do we up her pill dose short term or is she screwed?

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Re: Judasfreeknpriest (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

I feel your pain! Struggling for years myself. Hit me up if you want to talk.

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Re: kATHY (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Which is it? You made two different post and in each one said the opposite of what you said in the other.

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Ive been on Methadone for 30y.rs. NO break. All of employment urine test that hubby and I have taken have NEVER had Methadone show up as opiates. I'm so baffled at how much B.S. people are saying. For Woman whose not believing her daughter concerning valuim staying in system, well I'm overweight but even taking valuim 2x's week it still shows up in my U.A'S 4 months later, thats going 4 months without any, n it still showed up. Especially if she has Hep C. I did have Hep C, but cured. What I'd like to know do clinics know if you have taken methadone pills if u r normally on liquid methadone? Ive heard that Methadone is Methadone, yet Ive also read that yes indeed it'll show, DOES IT OR DOESN"T IT??

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Re: Jace Mathews (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

it would show that you are overdosing. You should check into rehab.

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Re: mike (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

That is because now mike you have become fully addicted to methadone and apparently the pills are not holding as long as the liquid did for you. I would reccomend seeing if you could get the 40mg pill prescribed instead or 4 10mg methadone wafers or even try a brand switch. If none of that is able to be done try taking your medication on a empty stomach with grapefruit or orange juice than eat a light snack 1/2 hr to hr after. Im not a doctor mike but i am a street doctor.

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Re: beth samson (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

I was on liquid Methadone. Called Mehadose. It wasn’t working. The half life of it was really short. I would be getting sick at hour 16. Anyways I switch to Methadol which is pill form. NOT wafers, as we don’t have those in Canada. Anyways yes it still shows up on my urine screens the exact same way The liquid form did.

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Re: eric (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I found suboxone way easier to get off of than methadone. Try it.

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Re: kk (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

I think the original post was referring to Methdone pills not subs. I currently take a pill form of Methadone called Metadol tablets. It’s 100% better than the liquid. In our Province a few years ago they switched the liquid from Methadone to Methadone which is a highly concentrated form of Methadone. 10x the strength of the regular liquid. Meaning if you are normally on 80mls your Methadose dosage would be 8mls. The new form doesn’t last as long and you start to feel it wearing off around hours 18-20...when I switched to Metadol tablets it changed my life. I have gone from 90mls 45 twice a day now I am down to 19mg twice a day and still dropping. If you’re stable I highly recommend trying to switch to the pill form. I don’t have to go to the pharmacy weekly. No more witnesses doses. I go in every two weeks to pick up my pills and see my doctor for new scripts and urine samples every 5-6 weeks.

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Re: BCkid (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry it should say they switched the liquid from methadone to a new concentrated liquid form called Methadose. Stupid auto correct.

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im interested to know if there is some type of different ingredients in the liquid vs. pill form of methadone..i was prescribed the pill form of methadone..70 mgs per day...twice per day...which worked out well...however, i was switched over to the liquid form and a higher dose of 190 per day...as a result thereof, i retained extreme water retention..edema...my feet swelled up very bad...my legs..my weight went from 160 lbs...to 210 lbs..my legs were in extreme pain everyday. Other than the fact of this extreme reaction...i like methadone for management of pain. Trying to make a long story short, I stopped using methadone for one year. I am now considering using this drug again, but cannot get the pill form. I am terrified that the edema will happen again, but am going to try to keep my dose under 70 mgs. Question..is there any information regarding liquid vs. pill form of methadone

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I'm at the methadone clinic to and the nurse there said that liquid methadone does not help with the pain I have a friend and she uses liquid methadone and tramadol and when she runs out of trams she uses Ibreprophen 800s they. Work good for her

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Tramadol actually counter acts methadone and makes u go into withdraw stop using them together

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