Whats The Best Way To Get Suboxone Out Of Your System (Page 3)
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I took half a strip of suboxone on friday and I have to take a drug test soon. What is the best way to get it out of my system?

398 Replies (20 Pages)

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Re: NoGroovin (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I failed a urine test for it in prison. They have a specific test for suboxone. I lost 90 days of my freedom because I failed a urine test so I'm telling everyone they can test for it. Dilute your system and take vitamin b12 for your urine color and drink water and coffee.

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Re: jack boexe (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

You don't have a clue about what you are saying. You definitely not an addict.

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Re: Jack Boexe (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Actually buphenorphrin is in suboxin and can be detected how I know they show u what they test for and have failed for it before by outpatient treatment and my probation officer

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Re: DJDavis (# 354) Expand Referenced Message

Jack doesn't know what he is talking about. He's looking pretty stupid compared to u, me and others that all say there are tests for subs. Unless he's really stupid or he's just wanting attention. Lol smdh

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Re: jack boexe (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My psych office tests specifically for subs.

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Re: curious GEORGE (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

It takes and drink lots of water. If u r a continuous user it takes longer but normally between 7-12 days. There is no way to get it out of Ur system with anything else as far as I know besides water.

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Re: Jack Boexe (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Highest panel I know so far is 16. That's everything they test for including subs. I know I have taken a few myself. Obviously u don't know what Ur talking about.... And obviously if there are multiple ppl saying there is, and Ur the only one saying there's not. Then obviously there is something wrong there. So yeah. How bout u Google it and see for urself. Obviously u don't really get out much nor do drugs much,cuz ppl who have been there with all this drug testing they have to do or they've done, they know what they are talking about including myself. So before u go and say we are all wrong,check Ur self. Dude Ur looking pretty dumb right now telling ppl they are wrong, when we are all right .. So go check urself and then get back to us... Smdh.. Lol

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Re: Jack Boexe (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I currently take suboxon and it will be detected in your urine if you are taking a drug test. I get tested every week for drugs. Suboxon is a narcotic and thats what drug test are looking for a narcotic.

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Re: Jackn (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I took a strip and a half of a 8 my throughout 5 days.. Do you know if it will be detectable if sent to a lab 13 days later?

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Re: Jayjay (# 329) Expand Referenced Message

Yea there's a test that tests for suboxone, and subutex, I'm in drug court and have to take a test randomly and I am being held on probation because I'm prescribed them and taking time to get off of the subs

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Re: Jack Boexe (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

The highest is 12 panel dear and yes they test for suboxone

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Re: NoGroovin (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I took 3 Suboxone in 2 days how long will it take to get out my system

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Re: curious GEORGE (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Instead of preaching to you I will just answer the question. The only thing you can do is stop taking it and drink a bottle of water every hour, exercise, weight training, sweating a lot, also speeds up your metabolism which speeds the detoxification. There are 7 day detoxing drinks and other products that help. Notice I said help, nothing is 100%. About all you can really do. It depends on an individual persons body fat %, metabolism, etc. If you're lucky like me and have passed a 10 panel that subs were in fact tested for when I had taken one 4 hours before the test, drank two cups of coffee, then downed two bottles of water. Maybe it was luck but my urine sample was sent to the lab after and passed it with flying colors. Note that I have a low body fat % around 10-12%, exercise regularly and drink half a gallon to full gallon of water daily. One other thing, not sure if it helps, but a bath as hot as you can stand it with Epsom salts and a few other detoxing oils and soak in that until the water isn’t hot... You sweat the whole time. There is also a product called monkey business which is fake urine. If they don’t watch you pee then it works 100% of the time. I used it to pass many drug screens back in the day but can’t use it now because they watch you pee for the majority of tests nowadays.

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Re: Tea Rolls (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

You are a trip! And awesome! I like the way you think ;)

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Re: Jack Boexe (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I actually I'm in a community corrections and they have specific tests that are for this. 9 panel will detect. They have terminated about 60 people this year from this drug.

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Re: Jack (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I had a drug test for pain management my first appointment and it showed up on there but my doctor didn't say anything.

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Re: Nuch (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Most probation officers DO have the test that will tell if you are positive for suboxone!! Just sayin

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Re: jack boexe (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

That is not right. I'm on probation and they do test for it because I failed for it a few weeks ago. How about you do your research

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I took a 8th of a strip on day then the next day I took a 16th . Will I pass a test in 3days?

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Re: Tea Rolls (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

If I took 2mg of suboxone over yesterday and today which is Tuesday do u think I could pass a urine sample on next Monday?

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