What Type Of Medical Schools Are There And What Are They Teaching Our Doctors (Top voted first)


I lost my ex son-in-law on 1/20 -- he was murdered. A week later my sister dies of brain cancer. I have pyloric spasm which is exasperated by stress. I went to the doctor the day my sister passed away and proceeded to explain the deep loss I felt in my family. To which she replies "these things happen and you just need to deal with it. No compassion, no I'm sorry for your loss. No 'how can I help you deal with the stress'. The last time I went in I filled out a mental form which asked the question how many days a week do you feel like you would be better off dead and I said 7. When I tried to explain that my life is compromised by extreme pain and constant nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, she told me that she does not put herself in her patient's shoes. Needless to say, that is the last time I will fill out that form. I think that the medical community is useless. I have been told many times that I should learn how to deal with my problems. To be totally honest with you, I at least have some sympathy and understanding of my condition. The 10 doctors I have seen in the last year are not even worth $0.25. These people only want to give you flu shots, take blood and urine evaluations, take colonoscopies, take x-rays, MRI's, cat scans, and every other conceivable diagnostic available to line their pocket-books. When you do come up with a problem -- the first words out of their mouths is "you need to learn how to deal with it". You can take the entire community and throw it in the garbage disposal for all the help you are going to get. I even contacted the ceo of the medical institution I go to, to ask for help to find a doctor that treats my condition and after the email was sent, he blocked me from his site. And I was actually being nice during that email. There is absolutely nothing good about the medical community that currently treats patients.

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Hello Joann,

We're close neighbors in the same state. I have educated myself on medical issues, spoken with many state represented institutions, and doctors. I live in a remote part of the State, on the east side of the mountains near Bend. First, I want you to know that I identify with your exact situation, and I am so very sorry for your family losses of your sister, and the violent loss of your ex son in law. I think part of the problem is Oregon. We are "blessed" by its beauty and cursed by the rigid new medical regulations, fed by the apathy of people who are ignorant to suffering, as well as blind politicians who only care about either supporting special interest groups, or cave to the political correctness of their peers, and, like the doctors, they astutely reflect a stature of a disconcerning deaf ears and blind eyes. I approached both of my State Senators from both parties, asking for them to introduce legislation into the medical field statewide- to promote more compassion and attention to the massive suffering of those patients / people with chronic ongoing conditions. The industry needs to understand and educate themselves to not just medicine, but other modalities of healing physically and emotionally.

The price paid by undertreating this pain and suffering-be it either physically, emotionally or mentally, is vastly devastating & counterproductive to our society. After submitting what I believed to be a notable and compelling topic- all that I received was a snail-mail letter, ignoring and completely evading every single topic of distress in what they believed to be 'statistics of abuse and wasteful research' on things that "have not been statistically proven". Their answer is simple: Objectivity - Proof, Numbers and not un-researched 'hearsay'. Yet, their statistics from the CDC have been proven unsubstantiated, even false and grossly inaccurate by major research firms who get the truth via efficient and thoroughly covered surveys submitted to the public. These 'legalistic' politicians ride high on their noble Steeds, mounted by their own passions to advance their careers, and in doing so, have completely lost their primary focus- the people, and have miserably failed one of the primary obligations clearly written in our constitution: "To provide an effective government whose primary obligation is to serve the people, hear their voice and care for their needs and concerns."

Now, let me briefly share my experience very similar to yours, having occurred within the last 3 months. I am a patient who is near legal retirement age, and have suffered from Chronic Pain for 20 years. My provider was a "distinguished" Clinic for treating all conditions of Osteopathic medicine with Psychiatry of mental wellness. My provider went on medical leave, and I was placed with another more 'rigid' and compliant with CDC guidelines. The provider's dialogue voiced only concern for endangerment of loosing licensing from being penalized, fined or even medically disbarred from practice from the CDC watchdogs. I told her my brother died from Liver Cancer a few weeks ago, my brother in law as well a week later from a massive heart attack, and - my wife had to go through heart surgery and was fighting for her life when in the hospital, -all in the same month. This affected my physical suffering even more. She did not reply a single word, just handed me instructions and blurted: "can you follow these orders"? I discovered a month later, after receiving my medical records, that this provider actually twisted and inaccurately put negative information in her chart noting conclusions that put me in direct violations of protocols. And at least two of those accusations were completely false, and proven by my U/A that very day. When i called the senior administrator, the highest authority of this clinic and expressed my dispute with valid drug panel results supporting my claims and disproving the provider, (I spoke to a pre-recorded voicemail) I never got a reply. In fact, i called 3 times or more, until my wife called, concerned with my suffering, demanding that he return her call or ELSE... Her message as well never received a return call. They perceived this as a threat, coupled with the accusative chart notes from this provider, resulted in a certified letter addressed to me letting me know that i was, in layman's terms given the full boot- I was found in violation and "86'd" from their establishment indefinitely. This ordeal was counterproductive to any person's selfesteem and I felt bashed unfairly, labeled as a derelict, and shunned. I felt, and still do, emotionally shattered and a worthless part of our so-called "Egalitarian Society".

Joann, although you don't have the compassion from the medical establishment involved in treating your suffering, you need to know you have it completely from those of us who share in your suffering, and from that suffering comes compassion and deep empathy from all of us to you. You will never be alone. We are always here, on this venue, or other places of expression via cyber locations. Our system has failed us, and what can we do? We do what you did, by voicing your hurt and outrage, and the minute you click that SUBMIT button, you have empowered a domino effect, piquing the mutual sentiments of another human in common. If we all voice via multiple medias available, educate ourselves, stand with no shame to express our mistreatment and start petitions with mutual support in massive numbers, we will be empowered with new bills and legislation on the house floor- taken there by the required signatures endowed by our voting system, then in loud numbers with peaceful and orderly objection- we will be victorious and blessed with our needs by the "leadership" guaranteed us by our Nation's Forefathers. I wish you well Joann with all our blessings and compassion. Mike

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Re: Mike (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for understanding. I am not sure why the attitudes of medical doctors is so complacent. I remember when I was young my mother had arthritis and to help her a Dr Tinker (that was his real name) gave her cortisone shots. She would even call him on a Sunday at his home and they would meet at his office where he would give her the injection. To find a doctor with this type of dedication today would be a miracle and impossible. My sister was the 7th known case of lupus. She was diagnosed when she was 16 but she didn't die until this year and not with lupus but with brain cancer. She was given a death date of a few months. A doctor at OSHU gave her an IV of nitrogen mustard and it knocked out her immune system and saved her life. She was told that she probably wouldn't live beyond age 20. She was 67 when she died. I asked her why she felt she had beat the odds. Her response to me was "I looked for doctors who knew what they were doing when it came to lupus". She was quite critical of the medical community and in particular PC doctors. I think good medical care in the US is a thing of the past. The doctors, FDA, and CDC are strictly a money making machine. During my botched lithotripsy aftermath, I learned that we are in a state of denial. I have been now through 29 doctors. 2 have admitted that I was damaged in the lithotripsy but the rest -- even though it was written up in the AMA of what could happen in a botched lithotripsy continued to deny it happened. So now with a medical procedure that turned my life into a living hell I cannot get 1 doctor to treat it so I can live my life without being in bed. I am bitter because I did not do this to myself. This was done at Providence Hospital and rather than help me -. They want me to solve the problem myself. I don't have a medical degree and this institution has no compassion. Maybe we will never get care until we get a new generation of dedicated doctors but I have no idea when that will happen and probably it will be too late for me.

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Re: Mike (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I couldn't have said it better, Mike! I live in WA state, and it's exactly the same thing here... I am on palliative care for progressin end stage COPD with pulmonary fibrosis, have only half my stomach left with an ulcer bigger than a quarter & 1cm deep, a new spot in left lung upper lobe, and bones that break like fragile glass. I take ibuprofen and Excedrin, which I am sure helps the ulcers bleeds. It's a race to see if my lungs go first, will I bleed to death, or take my own life because of primary care providers butchering my character in chart notes? I know so many can relate to the negative effects of a unwarranted "medication noncompliance" note on their charts-my latest was for thyroid change my palliative care team adjusted for my hair falling out. It's out of hand with the medical community dynamic, and I'm too tired to fight them now. I encourage and support everyone in this fight!! Unfortunately, I have reached my limit and give up... Power thoughts everyone!!

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I have MECFS and when it took 3 years to approve me for disability I had $0 income, I had to couch surf so I didn’t have to sleep in my car, and I had $0 to even buy tampons, but these forms would ask me if I enjoy doing things. Excuse me?! I can’t get out of bed and if I can I have $0 how would I pay to get anywhere to enjoy anything? So I got diagnosed with “depression” which could have made it impossible to get pain medication that helps me feel well enough to get out of bed.

The worst part is I didn’t even know that my PCP slandered me like that because they never offered me any treatment for the depression they claimed I had. I only found out when I FINALLY got into see pain management and the doctor said “You don’t seem depressed to me!” I was so confused I laughed and I said “yeah I’m not, I just have MECFS”. It took me like 3 years to get my medical records corrected and I had to go get a whole new PCP to avoid further slander.

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