What May Work Better Than Oxycodone 15mg For Severe Neck Pain? (Page 2)
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I have had two cervical fusions, five levels of herniated lumbar disk, stenosis, bone spurs and arthritis. I have been taking Oxycodone 15mg 3 X daily for one year. I have noticed less pain relief for shorter periods lately. I see a pan management MD once a month. I don't want to come across as asking for stronger drugs. I would like to know what the next step is when Oxycodone is not effective any longer? Also, how is the best way to talk to my doctor about this? I have had steroid shots and neurotomies performed with little success. I am still keeping up my Grandchildren every day and have no problems with addiction. I have noticed my pain has slowed me down though and I'm just tired of hurting all the time. Any info will be very appreciated. Thank you!

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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Hi, I have chronic pain, and see a pain management doctor. I take oxycontin and, then oxycodone for the break through pain. With all the stuff you have wrong and the chronic pain you have, you should try to find a pain management doctor and get him to prescribe you some oxycontin. It comes in 20, 30, 40. 60, 80 mg. Also, I have RA and I take 5 mg of Prednisone that works really good. I hope you get some relief because I know what it is like to be in pain all the time. I'm a grandmother also and I know how important it is to be able to spend time with your grandkids.

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Re: Cactus Arizona (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Opana was useless for me. The nurse tried to tell me Opana takes a month to work. BS!!!! NO one who cares about having their teeth should take ANY med with a 'NO CRUSH" coating on it. It will not only upset U'r stomach but it will destroy U'r teeth from the inside out. TRULY. Read all the other posts on it. I take 5 mgs of Methadone 3 x a day but I'm 65 now and the 120mgs of Methadone I used to need
was a ridiculous amount and now I'm allegic to everything, so Methadone is your choice be prepared to not have a procedure w/Twilight Sleep. It won't work!!!

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Re: Marjorieson (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

It's not us true chronic pain patients who are overdosing. It's this kind of reaction that pushes the use of illicit drugs & pills laced w/ fentanyl, etc. They are screwing the wrong people while helping the people that are misusing or have had to resort to illicit drugs. People are now afraid to say anything to their M.D's & be branded a "drug seeker".

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Oh I'm sorry, my comment was regarding another post. After I went back to read your post I noticed. Well I was taking oxymorphone AKA Opana. They cut that medicine out now because of abuse. I know you're in legit pain because from what you say. I also am going through similar things. I just had a nerve block done for my spinal stenosis. Anyway here's my suggestion. You have to be honest with your doctor. Tell him/her that the oxy isn't cutting it for your pain. I would hope you established a good relationship with your doctor and passed all the evaluations that you need to do. I'm sure your doctor knows your in Legit pain because you're on Oxy. Now I was on opanas like I stated and then I tried Morphine / MS CONTIN and that helped the pain somewhat but I felt so so sick. Now everyone is different so maybe Morphine will not make you sick. So I have tried about three different drugs since I had to get off the Opana and it was Zyohydro which did not work AT ALL for me. Morphine and now OxyContin. I agree with you. I don't get adequate pain relief on this either. I take Percocet for break thru but the long term one doesn't hold me for 12 hours. No not at all maybe 6 hours but thats it. If I can't get out of this pain I will go to fentanyl. I don't want to. I was on it before and I did not like it. I just want to be on something and still be able to function and be a mom as well as be able to do normal things. Like I said the Opana did that for me but now I'm in the same boat. Good luck. I hope you find some relief.

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Re: Cactus Arizona (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

He's taking oxy 15's no APAP. Tylenol. Agreed maybe a couple of higher dose extended release pills & lower the break through meds. What he's gotten & rightly so is a tolerance. 2 schools of thought here, be honest & tell the M.D. exactly what's going on & risk losing or be put on a decrease. Or inquire as to ways to augment the 15's casually, hoping your M.D. will understand & offer the XR's & Ir's for breakthrough himself. If you ask, it can be very easy for an m.d. thinking of here's another 1 wanting more. I've had 7 failed fusions, severe scoliosis, & I have M.S. I've learned over 30+ of my 48 years that it's a very slippery slope. Good luck. You seem genuine & I hope you can find a solution.

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Re: Eric (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

It sounds like you take ONLY break thru meds. That's probably why your taking them every 4 hours. Not good, the acetaminophen is bad for your liver. Ever try to go to Pain management and get on a round the clock long term pain med??? Or are you already going to a PM Doc? At any rate. I take long term med it's every 12 hours and break thru meds three times a day. There cutting that down to so I just hope you find a long term one cuz there cutting out short acting ones. For real.

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Well I was taking Opana and that drug was truly a life saver. I recently had to switch because of the abusers out there. I have chronic pain. I am not going to get into all of that. I can say truthfully that I'm legit. Anyway no the oxycodone I'm on for long term only provides limited relief. I went to Percocet and got off of Norco because I was thinking I may have developed some tolerance since I was on the drug for years and years. Any rate. No I honestly feel they work the same. The 10 mg Norco Vs the 7.5 Percocet is nearly the same for me in potency. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to not be covered from the long acting one and being told I have to be cut down to 2 break thrus a day. What in Gods name are they doing to us? We all need to speak out. This is our lives. We're not abusing it. We're needing it to be functional. I feel like moving to Germany so I can get the pain relief I had when Opana was around.

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I'm on 10 mg oxycodone every 4 hours and find that that the best relief of the very sharp nerve pain by adding Lyrica. I take the 50 at night or with breakout pain and 25 during the day if I can get by.

Gabapentin might work as well but I would recommend avoiding it if the cost differential isn't a problem.

I think the Oxy might be more effective for you if you go to the 10 every 4 hrs vs the 15 every 6. You avoid the high and it's much less stress on the body because it keeps the level in your blood more constant during the day.

Dr's are under a lot of pressure to cut people off medication so it's impossible to predict how he will react but maybe asking about an adjustment in the Oxy schedule that maintains the same daily amount and the addition of Lyrica which is of less concern for addiction will help allay concerns of drug seeking.

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I am in the same club! Same situation. However, my pain md has me up to only norco7.5mg tid and tramadol 50 mg bid. Most days its not enough to cover the pain. I also take Horizant 300mg qd. I feel like I suffer a level of pain 18/7 that most people would run to the emergency room with ! The legitimate chronic pain sufferers are living in a bad time now..... With all of the attention on opioid addiction and the drug abusers and seekers have made it extremely difficult for those of us who suffer We are judged now because of that behavior! Maybe we all should start calling our representatives and senators and give them OUR story.

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Yes, it is always best to speak to your doctor and let them decide what might be an appropriate change to make, if any. If you go in asking for any specific medication, that is often seen as drug seeking behavior, so you should always let your doctor make such decisions.

However, there are higher doses of Oxycodone that you can try, as well as a time released formulation of it called Oxycontin.

The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Its is tolerance and normal, just tell your doctor whats going on or better yet make a pain chart and describe what your feeling. Its likely time to go up in your dose.

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