What Is Stronger Teva Clonazepam Green 833 Or Teva Clonazepam White 834? (Top voted first)
UpdatedIs the Clonazepam TEVA 833 brand (green), stronger than the Clonazepam TEVA 834 brand (white)? Which one is stronger and what are there milligrams? Please someone give me an answer!
Wow man. There's no more simple of an explanation. 1mg OBVIOUSLY is not stronger or equivelant to 2mg... I do believe this is math I learned in preschool.
Dude, 2mg is stronger than 1 mg...
Dude for real. 2mg is stronger than 1mg idk how hard it is to determine which is stronger when the milligrams are higher. Maybe you should not be taking pills period if u are not smart enough to know your doses and info about your meds.
Karen, 2mg is strongest dose, 1mg is half the strength/active chemical of the 2mg, and 0.5mg is once again half the strength/active chemical of a 1mg kpin.
If you can't figure it out I have no way of explaining it any more obvious and straight forward.
I hope HOPE this helps you.
That is a lie
Honestly Barbara you should get off benzos entirely...When it comes to this kind of medicine you cannot notice the body effects. Basically You take anymore pills you will be mentally handicapped according to government standards. HOW CAN YOU NOT REALIZE 2MG IS MORE THEN 1MG!?
The tablet with the TEVA 833 marking contains 1mg of Clonazepam and the tablet with the TEVA 834 marking contains 2mgs of Clonazepam.
Is there anything else I can help with?
The Teva green 833 is 1mg which is less strong than the Teva white 834 cuz that's 2mg but it's hard to get 2mg unless you have a very severe panic disorder. I take 1mg Klonipin and I think they work better than any other benzo I've tried for my anxiety
No amoxicillin is a antibiotic and clonazepam is antianxiety. If youhave a infection amoxicillin and if you panickin clonazepam
Also, you can try and chance buying supposed klonopin through the Internet; however, you'll more then likely either get sold something that's not what you want or you'll get arrested. So think twice buddy.
My friend got messed up on her meds because they were made by Mylan. Mylan Puerto Rico got busted from the FDA for not putting enough of the medicine in the tablets. She is now taking Teva and is back to normal. I did a bunch of research for her because I took one of her 2mg pills and I could barely tell I had taken anything. And, I love the response Dude...
Good math
Yeah, is there any difference if the green 833 is stronger or the white 834, or is there any difference?
Hey Chris, Sorry to hear about the accident, i know what you are going through, just a different version of it. Im on all the meds you listed and have been at both much higher and much lower doses. What i suspect is that now that the Fentanyl Patches(which are measured in micrograms not milligrams so be sure to put mcg not mg) its making it harder to sleep and on top of that i think that the oxycodone may be making it a little worse because it can have a stimulant type of effect. Its very effective and even more so in combination with clonazepam (klonopin) for pain because they both enhance the effects of each other to a degree, I would try taking the oxycodone a couple hours earlier than the clonazepam, and also take the clonazepam about an hour to an hour and a half before bed because it takes a while to reach its peak plasma level especially compared to xanax, but it lasts longer as well. As the Dooshe(misspelled purposely to avoid censoring) above me pointed out The best advice usually comes from your Dr. However that being said, anyone in your or my position who deals with chronic lifelong nonstop pain most likely has a doctor who encourages them to trust what their body tells them and to be your own advocate and reach out and connect to other people on the same meds and just other pain patients etc. Dr.s are not all knowing unlike some people believe, i am in nearly as much control over my treatments as my Dr. is and i often bring all my doctors information and medications/treatments they havent yet heard of and they know that no schooling is going to give them the intimate understanding of these conditions and the medications used to treat them as someone who had the bad fortune to need to be prescribed morphine at age 5 and Valuim in 4th grade. Point being we all have our place and treatment is a partnership you trust your instincts and what you feel and the Dr. will do the same but never be afraid to disagree or tell the dr. you aren't comfortable with something or that you'd like to try something else first or that you want their input on something you read on the internet. Dr.'s like to know that their patients are being proactive and taking an active interest/role in their treatment, I definitely reccomend finding a website dedicated to either all types of chronic pain and then finding the area for the injuries you've suffered or possibly finding a website dedicated entirely to your condition, whichever looks more appealing, you will know it when you see it, and get in the forums there and this is where you will find the best info and the best people and resources. Good Luck
I took ambien for a while and it really helped me. I am very worried about respitory failure in your case your mixing slot of very powerful psych drugs and painkillers. Fast road to addiction my friend. Maybe ask about seroquil. My docs used it in combination with ambien for anxiety and depression and it kicked up the ambien a notch.
Dude, I know my Mgs. perhaps the mgs are confusing her not the 1 and 2. I can take 2 1 mg tabs Teva green. However, if I take 1 2mg tab, white, with an M (I am guessing Merck) it has a much lessor effect on me and a much shorter shelf life than when I take 2 1mg Teva green. Any thoughts on the diference in effect?
Thanks Fee I agree, and after more and more research, and feeling out my own body, starting to get a better grasp of what works and what doesnt! Dont really care much for the Ambiem it works pretty fast to put you to sleep, but does no good for pain, and I dont think I should mix 10mg of oxy with it and it doesnt help w anxiety, and dont want to mix 2mg of clonazapam with the ambiem especially with the oxy the 3 together sounds like a bad combo! I hate to say it but it seems that the 10 mg of oxy and 2mg of clonazapam around 8pm relieves the pain and slowly relaxes me, but still allows me to be functional and productive! I do alot of work at nite for my small business, then around 11 pm 1mg Xanax faster acting to start the get groggy sleap mode, and by 1am to 2am 1/2 to 1mg additional of Xanax depending on how I feal, this last dose usually puts me to the point that I am tired and ready to turn the light out and go to sleep! It seemed to me that I was taking a pretty large dose of the benzodiazapiens, but it seems that the 3 1/2 to 4 mg really isnt to out of line over the approx 6 hrs I take them. Even before the accident I took the clonazapam and or Xanax for anxiety, so this is really not new to me. I do notice that now that I have taken the 10 mg of oxy for about a year and 1/2 that it isnt as effective, I feel it needs upped a bit, it seems this shouldnt be a problem as others take what seems to be alot more, I was thinking 20mg??? In addition to my other meds, Should this be ok, and reasonable? I was thinking if I can stick w the oxy over time until I reach 40 mg in addition to my other meds if this is safe?? And if the increases could buy me a 2 to 3 year time span, that would be great! Then maybe switch to a different pain med if the oxy isnt working at 40 mg, I mean I see people taking 80 mg and up but this cant be good??? But the Ambiem just doesnt seem to be the answer, as I cant take it and be coherent to work,and no pain or anxiety benifit! But you are so right no individual or Dr can ever know what a patient is really feeling unless you have walked in those shoes!!! Thanks for your input, any opinion on this update? Dont know what the last guy that left a post about the feds was getting at? I have prescriptions for all my meds, and all from the same Dr. Usually when the Feds raid a person there is a reason why??? Not really my business. All I know is I am as legal as it gets, just trying to find the right combo, for my condition, and input from others that have experienced these combinations helps, as opposed to Drs that can prescribe the meds that havent walked in your shoes, let alone maybe have even taken the meds they prescribe! Thanks friends, all input good and bad is appreciated.....
This is pure ignorance, plain and simple, respiratory depression is indeed a side effect, taken as prescribed and having a body that's adjusted to a certain dosage renders that a non issue. As far as a fast track to addiction, just ignorance, dependence sure, but all patients who take these meds regularly have a physical dependence and theirs nothing wrong with that and is easily reversed if you decide to stop treatment by telling your doctor and allowing him to properly titrate your dose slowly over time. You don't just become an addict, unless medication abuse in the pursuit of seeking a high is involved, there is no addiction.
First of all, Ambien is not a benzodiazepine, it can enhance the defects of them but it isn't one. I'm guessing you were prescribed Ambien for sleep and not a low dose to be taken during the day for anxiety? You need to understand there is no real hard limit, it's not that this dosage is safe but this one isn't, but what is appropriate for one person because of years of building a tolerance and having their doctor adjust the dose can kill another person, so asking what dose is safe is impossible to answer and is just likely to leave an answer to hurt someone, the safe dosage is the dosage that your dr. Prescribes and gives you the therapeutic effect that it was prescribed for with minimal side effects. The only thing I'm concerned about is the nighttime regimen, is your doctor aware of this being the norm, and also are the benzos prescribed to be taken to help you sleep or for anxiety. Don't say for anxiety but I can't sleep if I'm anxious I get that but it's not what I'm asking I'm just asking exactly what it's prescribed for, at what dose, and how often. Here's the thing, with the clonazepam, the 3 hour mark when you usually take the Xanax is right about when the klonopin is reaching its peak blood plasma levels/ is at its most effective point. If you are supposed to be taking clonazepam before bedtime to sleep but its not working then ideally the dr. Needs to adjust your dosage or just change your bedtime dosage, unless its not prescribed for sleep in which case having to take that plus the Xanax until you get groggy is counter-productive, believe me I'm not attacking you I've been and am where you are, I get it. Iff you aren't supposed to take either benzo as a sleep medicine then you need to tell your doctor that the Ambien dose(by itself) is too low if you are saying that you take it and can't sleep still. One thing I can tell you from experience is with sleep meds, especially for ppl like us, it's crucial that you lay down to TRY and sleep within about 45 minutes of taking the Ambien , just try it, lay down attempting to sleep for an hour(if you waited 45 minutes after taking it to lay down) or even just rest but don't get up, and see if it doesn't surprise you and put you to sleep. With many people, me included, if you aren't laying down it won't work or not as well, and for some, as in my case, if I don't lay down within an hour or 2 max after taking my seroquel then it will actually keep me up, I'll be exhausted but it will actually keep me up. Even if you were prescribed benzos to sleep which is rare and almost never uses these benzos or that, I'd suggest trying to make Ambien dose work and if not raising your dose or switching sleep meds, but you shouldn't have to take your benzodiazepine anxiety meds for sleeping and the biggest reason is this screws you over and your body gets used to whatever mount you have to take at night to sleep and it makes it much less effective when you take other doses during the day for anxiety, I hope that makes sense but essentially your benzos will work much better at much lower doses if you don't need to take them to sleep, it basically reduces how often you're exposed to the substance increasing its effect when u are exposed to it other times and letting lower doses do a better job. My only other concern is the spacing between doses, and believe me once again I've been there, I know what leads to that, I still find myself doing it or wanting to and have to catch myself. I want to take as little as possible so I take half my dose or whatever and then a couple hours later I'm not really any better off so I have to take the other half but this practice kinda screws things up as well and makes the med work less effective each time because the closer to the last dose it is your current dose will be less effective, it might even seem more effective because its combining with the amount you took a few hours ago, but when it comes to take that dose and you havent taken anything in say 6 hours then your dose does nothing and your suffering and wind up having to self medicate, for this reason it's best to take your full dose, if its 2mg every six hours then take the whole two and wait six hours before taking again, or however it's prescribed, or if you've been on a dose too long and it's not lasting long enough tell your doctor so he can raise or tweak your dosage, but this way you don't wind up out of meds earlier than you should and either in trouble or getting labeled. Your pain med dose is not too high for safety, their is no ceiling for dosage, just make sure if you raise your dosage it's because you're pain levels are after talking to your doctor is too high and warrants an adjustment, just be sure it's always taken only when needed for your pain and not because your dopamine levels are looking for more. Good luck
I have been on Klonopin for years. I take the 2mg TEVA 834 ones, and I get to take them twice a day. They at this point keep me sane. I switched to these from Xanax XR 3mg twice a day, which when I stopped abruptly from, I had severe seizures for about 4 days that I totally hallucinated and ended up in 3 different hospitals. Klonopin has a longer half-life and in general has a much much less sedating effect than Xanax.
Hospitals that treat panic attacks use Ativan 1mg usually, and getting Ativan 2mg is usually hard. But that's because Ativan and Xanax have 7 hr half-lives.
Klonopin has an unusually long half-life of about 30-40 hours, which makes it insanely easier to come off of. I have never had seizures coming off of Klonopin abruptly.
I know you are NEVER supposed to come off of benzodiazepines abruptly by just stop taking them and not weaning off of them, because all of them carry some risk to a degree of seizures, but sometimes situations arise, like going to jail for a few days and they don't care about your medication history, for example, or your shrink retires and the new one refuses to renew on the fact she doesn't use benzos in HER treatment protocol, which is malpractice, or whatever, but I've always had a legit longterm prescription, and now that I am off probation, I don't have to worry so much about stupid probation violations and interruptions.
The point is, for those that want to just use benzos to get high, which a lot of people do, Xanax is the one with the most potent high, but also carries a higher risk of overdose. My doses I told were very high doses that took about 10 years of medicating to get up to those doses. I had been on Xanax XR 6mg/day for 2 years before the stopping and seizures, and was switched to klonopin, where I have been now for a year, but I have been on Klonopin before, same dose, valium 10mg, 2-3x/day, Ativan 1-2mg 3x/day, all of them, ProSom (Estazolam) 2mg/night, over the years, which is the only reason that doctors will keep me on them is because once you stay on them too long they tend to alter your brain to become very dependent on them, and coming off of benzos is a slow tedious process that involves a lot of anxiety and insomnia.
I would never recommend anyone use them recreationally or buy them off the Internet. If you think you really have an anxiety or panic disorder, get a real doctor or shrink and work your way up to whatever dose you need on whatever med works for you. Benzos replaced barbituates, which are rarely ever prescribed today bc of how dangerous they were.
Online pharmacies in the USA have to sell FDA approved brands of pharmaceuticals, but the price of the exam and the medication is usually astronomical, and will cost you hundreds of dollars a month when really at a local doctor and pharmacy is only about $20-$40/month. It's a huge rip-off and the DEA is cracking down on them.
If you use overseas pharmacies, they don't have to be regulated, and the brands may be stronger or weaker than the American Rx use brand counterparts. And it becomes an expensive habit, bc you eventually will become used to your dose and develop a tolerance to it, and you will not be able to feel it as well, and if you are an addict you will start running out of your script early, and having to pay online more and can't afford it, and then you'll be having seizures too.
They are all controlled substances. Buying them off the street will get you into jail if caught.
Anyway, the question was, which is stronger, 2mg or 1mg, or the 0.5mg that the person takes. Certainly there ARE some medications where the lower dose has different and higher effects of drowsiness than the higher doses, but benzodiazepines are not one of those medications, and the higher number is always stronger. But when compared to one another, they will be different. Like a 2mg Xanax is stronger than a 10mg valium. A 2mg Xanax is stronger than a 2mg Ativan (IMHO) and 2mg Klonopin.
They are all built to do different things, slightly, and should only be prescribed by a doctor.
And let me say, people who abuse benzos look stupid. My husband abuses them, and he gets so slow and nodding off because for him they are rare and a treat, and I don't like it bc he can't carry on a conversation, and he looks dumb. Yet he will go out and work like that. I wonder what the hell he looks like to his boss and co-workers. He doesn't think he looks or sounds stupid but I have recorded him on my cell phone and showed him later and he just told me to stop it, bc it obviously embarrassed him.
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