What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!

547 Replies (28 Pages)

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I have been on suboxone for about two years now because i was addicted to pain killers and i am down to about 2mg per day but when i dont have it i get the withdrawals,2mg isn't alot so what can i do to end this i don't want to take these pills forever is there a way to get completely off,and if there is what is it?

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If you are a chronic pain sufferer, then I wouldn't ask which drug is stronger, but which drug works best for your pain. We are all different and different medications work differently for people.If you are suffering from chronic pain then why are you wanting to quit? If you aren't suffering from chronic pain but are addicted to opiates then I know what you are going through because I have been there. The worst thing you can do is trying different opiates on your own, you need to talk to your doctor and let him/her help you in deciding which is best for you. I strongly advise you to not try to just quit on your own because that just won't work, opiates are impossible to quit painlessly without help from your doctor. Take it from someone who has battled with this since 1972, I tried many times and failed..Just be honest with your doctor and ask for help with your chronic pain and or dependence..I hope you will keep in touch here and let us know how you are doing


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You obviously have never truly had pain. There are people with debilitating and degenerative diseases pain Medication is the only obtion for us.

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To begin with, these folks who talk about having these SUPER BAD ADDICTIONS who had not much problem getting off of Narcotics by themselves and ACT like they had not much of a problem.....I don't even begin to believe them. Everyone I have ever known who tells me, "Dude...I finally kicked 2 weeks ago and I feel great"....they have no idea who they are bulls***ting but they sure aren't bulls***ting me. 2 weeks later is when you can't harldy walk or talk. So please...don't come at us with all of these smiley face story's about how you did it when all along you have some Hydrocodone or Oxy crushed up under your tongue. I know human nature and the PHYSICS of the human body, and you Sir are no different than me.

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Mr. Cohen,
First I must tell you I am terminal, not tomorrow, actually I'm in remission so that was very unexpected and a wonderful surprise but I take IR Dilaudid, now up to 48 mg per day but I have stopped for over 1 week for personal reasons (I also take IR morphine-can't tolerate long-acting due to GI issues and other than some mild night sweats and feeling over-heated occasionally I do not seem to have this terrible withdrawal you all write about. Is it that I'm not off long- enough to feel the full brunt of the w/d or am I some sort of genetic freak? I really want to know. I take x RX'd 99% of the time but have dosed nore due to SEVERE pain. Please give me your take and if I will experience them, when and for how long? I don't seem to do much of anything in the norm, could I just be wired different than other people? Please say what you mean just don't say it mean! Thank you =).

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Thanks for the clarification, Art Cohen. I'm sure there are those who abuse the systems, both medical and financial and those who are lazy, don't want to work, etc. However, we have to be careful that we don't assume someone's "faking" just because it can't be seen or we're angry that they're sick. I was only 50 when, after 8 years of severe, body-wide pain with no treatment or relief and pushing myself to work in spite of it, I was forced to face the fact that I could not continue to work. Many people assume I just collect disability. There was no question that, in terms of my health issues, I easily qualified for disability but a loophole in the laws meant that I never collected a dime. That was 11 years ago and my lack of ability to work has been one of the most difficult consequences of chronic pain that I've had to face and has cost my husband and myself 15 years of income from me for our retirement that we had been counting on. No longer being able to work has been financially and emotionally devastating. This didn't stop plenty of self-righteous, judgmental, ignorant people, including members of the medical profession, from making it clear that they doubted that my pain could be that severe or was even real. To have to fight a terrible chronic illness and at the same time be made to feel like you're probably just a hypochondriac who's looking for attention, while you struggle to hang on to what's left of "you" is a terrible thing. As I've continued to deteriorate and lose so much that was important to me, this abusive behavior has quietly gone away but the damage was done. I'm 61 and have met far more people who kept pushing themselves to go on, keep working, keep functioning in spite of serious illness. In my world, "breakthrough pain" means that, in spite of my doctor's and my best efforts, in spite of taking medication that SHOULD alleviate the pain, it is nevertheless so severe that it "breaks through" all that and I find myself still in so much pain I'm having a hard time even talking. It's not an excuse to be lazy--I worked from age 16 until I was 50, raised 3 daughters, kept house and did loads of volunteer work and would love to still be working. You may have people in your life who match the description you give of those who claim to have breakthrough pain. I would just again caution you not to be very careful not to victimize someone who really is suffering by putting them in this category just because their pain may be invisible. All the best.

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Re: OpiateTexan (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Love your comments. I have suffered with chronic pain for about 13 years now. I recently went through a knee placement surgery that did not go as well as anticipated. Therefore I had to go through a second knee surgery 6 weeks later. I'm still in a lot of pain daily and if it weren't for the pain management medications I would not survive this. Fibromyalgia makes it a lot more difficult to tolerate pain. I have people in my life that do not understand the pain I suffer so they are very nasty towards me about it. So I agree if you haven't walked in my shoes then don't talk to me about what I should or shouldn't do regarding pain management.

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i was on 4 for 5 years the only thing that work for me was going on 60 of morphine the time release good luck it is verry hard to kick the dilaudid i was taking 10 a day talk about getting sick morphine works and you dont have to abuse it try telling the truth to your doc

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tell your parmacist you want watson brand prescriptions

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I need a friend myself.

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To Marty, Thanks for letting 'Human_ helper' have it. Obviously someone who does not have pain and I question what he is doing on this site in the first place. Trying to find out how to take his recreational drugs perhaps without killing himself?? His day is coming! We (chronic pain patients) know we are addicted to the drugs. We are not idiots. We are in the most horrible pain we can imagine to have reached the place we are right now. I would give up all the meds I take and never even take an aspirin again in my life if I COULD JUST HAVE MY LIFE BACK before some quack surgeon ended it in 15 minutes! If your not a chronic pain patient, and I mean a REAL chronic pain patient, then keep your opinions about addiction to yourself! Joy, RN (mamawofkaleb)

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i have been on every medication in the world for the past 3 years and i can say the one that i had the most problems with was fentanyl yes its strong and it did take away most of my pain for the first year however you max out very fast you always need to be increased in mg's and after the first year the worst sweats and chills from it... so i asked dr to take me off that and just leave me on my 8mg of dilaudid but h said he couldn't that it wouldn't be enough pain control so he put me on butrans 20mg pain patch well its been 6 months and so far so good between the diluadid and butrans and kentamine pain cream and the lidocain pain patches im feeling pretty good.... stay away from oxy rocky and all the others that make you feel like s*** and take way what ever life you have left no heavy pain meds are good destroys your liver and everything else but we do what we have to to be some what pain free

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My pain management Dr. has told me many times they have a drug indused way of getting you through withdrawls.She is a anesteasiologist,so I would do some more research.She also mentioned a 2 day detox.Very safe..AGAIN ask a DR.

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All I am giving is my experience. and I couldn't do it on my own..If you have read every single post I have I think you will see that I don't ever give medical advice telling people they can do it, it is just to dangerous to be playing doctor..The one absolute I tell everyone is to do NOTHING until they talk to their doctor..People that are older with other medical conditions like myself have died from severe opiate WD's...So while I am very happy for you that you can do it on your own, I will never give that kind of advice to anyone, I think the safest way to go about it is to give your experiences and then make sure you tell them to talk to their doctor be4 trying to taper off of any drug....I am 56 years old so I know what I am talking about....I wish you well

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I have been taking 6x8mg dilaudid for a long time problem is I need increases as tolerance develps. Doc put me on long acting, Crappy stuff that gives you the constipation and doesnt work as well. Now put me on the new oxy with the napolxaline in it. More crap. I dont know why anyone would want to stop taking them if you have severe chronic pain. I guess what I say is oxy's are a joke compared to the 8mg. dilaudid for pain relief. For other uses, I cant say, but you people who keep abusing the meds are making it worse and worse for us chronics with pain. Knock it off will you and grow up.

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I too wear the 100mcg. Duragesic Patch. I have suffered with chronic pain since 1994 and have never had any real relief until the Fentanyl. I also get 120 10mg. hydrocodone, but rarely need them. Fentanyl is AWESOME!!

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No wonder those of us in this lovely battle called chronic pain have such a high instances of depression. First of, our meds tend to be depressants. Then we must deal with excruciating, disabling unfair daily pain. At least childbirth without any meds comes to an end. On top of this blessed life, we must deal with A**h*les, that abuse our precious meds for their pleasure, thus creating a stigma against any of us that need them. Then there are shortages, and Dr. that do not want to, or stop prescribing narcotics because of all the red tape and the fear of being prosecuted. On top of all this, some of us; like me; are blessed with "friends" that are convinced that our pain must be gone by now since we had surgery. Our recurring pain must be either a.) bulls***, so that we can keep getting our addict selves high, or b.)the pain is in our head and actually cause by our meds. (??) I feel so much sadness for all those that must struggle with this nightmare. People like this "LYSS74" make our already difficult journey a little more frustrating. She should really have the joy of walking in our shoes. Duerf- I second your thoughts and well put. Enough already have a heart or a little empathy people all we are trying to do is function enough to raise our children and love our spouses, and maybe have the odd moments of pain relief. if we are so lucky to have caring and understanding doctors, who try to help us. Good luck out there.

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Really suck it up! Trust me your not. SPECIAL you obviously have no idea what real pain is cause you can't just suck it up when you have severe chronic pain you can not just stop taking your medicine and have mind over matter... ITS CALLED WITHDRAWL so unless you are in actual pain and have a true illness then you can understand what happens when the pain meds run out or they dont work like they should. Maybe you shouldn't talk about something you don't know about

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If u are not the 1 that started there post with suck it up...I wasn't talking 2 u... the 1 I was talking 2 is the 1 who. Is downing every1 for being on pain pills. Trust me I understand the ones in pain. I can't stand people who don't have REAL PAIN AND PROBLEMS THAT ARE UNCURABLE.

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As a idiot who has somehow lived through using narcotic drugs since 1971, one thing is always certain, one narcotic may be stronger than the other ( whether it's "off the hook" heroin or 5mg.vicodan) but they ALL WILL get you strung out! After kicking more times than I, or anyone else that knows me, could EVER guess, nobody wants to be dope sick regardless of what the narcotic is. Methadone last alot longer than other narcotic withdrawls BUT it's all the same dread when you know there is nothing to wake up to when your strung out. Anyway, switching from Sub's to 2mg. Dilaudid's( and V's) is NOT a very smart move if your sincerely trying to clean up. Your M.D. must be enjoying your cash, or insurance, because that was a lame switch if he knows your intent to be clean. Hate to say it , Brother, but there is NO secret remedy when strung out, you will have to "pay the due's" to get things right. It may be 3 to 5 days OR it may be 4 month's before you get a night of "normal" sleep. I don't know your history, etc., but just be strong, my friend, and get past the initial week and take it from there.BE STRONG AND YOU CAN DO IT !!!

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