What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!

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To God is here..
Please go to a boaed about religion This boaed is about medications and this thread is concerning chronic pain. Stick to the subject..


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I have been on every pain relief medication known to man. Sooner or later, they all stop working, and the dosage gets higher, and higher. When you're on pain meds, your brain stops making the 3 chemicals your body needs to fight pain. It is a vicious cycle. The only thing that matters, is the next fix. I started going outside in the sunshine, working in my garden. The pain started going away, gradually. I weaned myself off the meds. What no one told me, is that sunshine creates endorphins. That was 5 years ago. I am not pain-free, but the level of pain is not as high a when I was on them. My medical condition has not improved, but my reliance on God has. As long as you stay on the meds, you will be a slave to them and your pain. It will rob you of any joy you might have had in this life.

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@ kilt, how can you say "just suck it up" when you've never been addicted to experienced withdrawals? And if you have been through withdrawals than you are/were addicted, Withdrawals is the reason a lot of people relapse when trying to quit because its a very painful experience...so educate yourself before you go and tell someone something that you don't know what your talking about

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This is an old post I see but I can only pray you will read my response. As someone who is a nurse and a sufferer of chronic pain but has the audacity to judge someone else''s pain and use of pain meds (except of course your own) should not be a nurse at all. I am terminal, please tell me how much you think my bone mets hurt? What meds would you allow and do you really think my doctor is going to be audited for treating terminal bone cancer pain? My best friend is a nurse and she is hanging out with me while my husband is away and she is telling me to tell you that you forgot something from nursing school if you are indeed a nurse, she said "the pain is what the patient says it is" and it's the 5th vital sign and she hates working with addicted burnouts like yourself. Yes she read your post and is shocked and said that if you are really a nurse you must treat you CPPs terribly, likely steal their meds and clearly have a serious habit of your own going. I am terminal and you take higher meds than I do, please explain? No one should judge another person's pain, NO ONE, if you haven't found another job or been let go by now, please do all of these people that are suffering or courageous enough to talk about their pain or addiction without your two cents.

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Very nicely said and so very very true!

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I suffer from chronic back pain, sometimes its to the point where I cant even get out of bed. Its not ever gonna get better. My doctor started me on 5mg percs and they totally aleviated all my pain. It's been 3 years and he still has me on 5 mg, I have missed worked, kids' school activities, all sorts of things. I have no pain tolerance what-so-ever! I to run out of my script waay before I see my doc every month. It sucks to know I know what works for me but he is sending me to pain management and they are supposed to help me. My question is if I take 60 mg of percs at a time ( i know Im not supposed to, but thats how much my tolerance has gone up), how many of the Dilaudid would equal that? I wish I could wean myself off of these damn pills but the withdrawl is horrible I can't stand I don't know what's worse, the pain or the withdrawl? Oh yeah another question, what do they or are they supposed to give you to help you with withdrawl? ANd yes for all you who haven't walk in our shoes please know what you are talking about before you are so quick to judge! Beacuse at the end of the day, If we could do better we would!

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the most unhelpful self absorbed rambling post ive ever read. Everyone who;s read this post is now dumber for having done so!

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To answer your question you would need 12 mg of dilaudid contin. Yes a doctor or a methadone clinic can help you off these drugs.

Hope this helps!

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I really agree. People who live healthy normal every day lives have no clue how it is to live every single day of your life in excruciating pain with no real cure. All u can rely on is pain meds n they dont work worth a damn sometimes

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How long we're you on the meds and what were you on? I am terminal, but not in the immediate future and I am on Dilaudid and now they had to add Roxinol (all liquid b/c it's in my colon which is lost all gone from disease & surgery). The Dilaudid pills aren't that helpful but w/the Roxinol it's been better but I don't feel addicted. I can go days (sometimes) w/o taking, how long would withdrawal take to set in? It's wierd but as long as I've been sick nd it's been close to 10 years I have a few days of the sweats (which I hate) then cold and clammy but that's it. Could I be wired differently? I've been told to plug for more effectiveness and I looked it up, how old that work better for me since my meds are already liquid? I'm past worrying about appropriate use, no offense but I'm not going to last all that long so the more relief I can get w/o being admitted or being on hospice would be helpful, I am underinsured. Thanks for any advice.

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I sure know what it is to be in PAIN that drugs do not touch.Have Chronic Neuropathy and all they do is experiment on me.I have taken it all in the last 14 years and no help at all.Have IBS and Chrones also.I am getting so dang disabled,can't take a bath or even wash my hair.PAIN IS SO TIRESOME WHEN YOU HAVE IT 24/7 ,AND NO DOC i HAVE WENT TO EVEN TRIES TO HELP ME..HOPE EVERYONE GETS BETTER..Arlene in Oregon

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To Ezra
Congrats on the patch-Smile-
unfortunately ALMOST nothing works 4 me but oxy
I'm up 2 130 mgs 3X daily,
Just helps me walk, talk, + BE normal!!
But I read your post + I just wanted 2 say "Congrats, I'm
Thrilled 4 u"!!!
I hope that 1 day
U will NOT be begging 4 pain relief!!
SO come over to our side 4 six months
(AS u can tell, I'm not impressed with all of u healthy,
Don't talk till you've lived our lives!!!

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Don't have much time to write, will try tomorrow but you need a different doctor. Neuropathy is HORIBLE, have from recurrent shingles and I too have Crohn's disease. It can take a while but there should be some combo that helps. Narcotics do not work for neuropathy but there are other meds that with doctor's supervision, hang in there and I will post what helped me - also, narcotics did help at times so I'll write in next day or 2. Hope you are ok for now, sending you hugs!!

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Wow you really had me in tears here pretty much and really inspired by your words and your story, someone who actually knows what they are saying! I think you shut everyone else right up, we'll those who were on here to knock down those addicted to pain mess anyway. I don't want to say the obvious and typical thing here that I am sorry for what you have gone through but I really am so I will, I am deeply sorry and feel great empathy for your situation and I pray that you and your wonderful family can get through this, together as you should be. God bless you for opening up and speaking the truth. I just wanted you to know that someone does care. Thank-you ~8()8~

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I do believe that a very few people have a "specific gene" that keeps them from getting as addicted to opiates as the normal person would as dictated by simple physiology of the body....HOWEVER....if you will think about it in the 16th century when Europe lost 50,000,000 people to what is commonly known as "The Black Plague", there were a very few people who never got it no matter how much they were around the plague victims. English scientist's several years ago had a theory that some people had a gene that had mutated throughout the ages that BLOCKED this plague. So they went to a village in Southern England, got permission to test many of these villagers who back during this plague did not get sick.....sure enough, an abnormal amount of these villagers who were tested that had decendents from their church record books who died from The Black Plague.....had this mutated gene! So, in essence....there has to be a few lucky people who, because of their chemical make-up, do not get addicted like most people do. Life.....IS stranger than fiction.VGPKFJ

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To Post #197 Mr. Cohen,
First, I am not a dude, lol, and I did not take offense to the post prior because I had not written my response yet I don't believe. I have been on narcotics on and off for 35 years, Crohn's and RA related and yes when on IV in the hospital I would feel just awful for a week and no doctor EVER knew what it was, now I realize it was w/d but I really don't think they knew. I have read all about the different pain receptors in the brain b/c I do worry about exactly what you speak to, the suppression of my own natural pain killers. I also experienced a period of decreased libido and enjoyment which my PM doctor warned me about and through adjustments I am just about back to where I was. I think all of those dealing w/debilitating pain or chronic/terminal illness will not always have a strong sex drive because the anxiety it produces also affects our chemistry so I am grateful to have a husband that loves me and is understanding of my situation and he never has to know that being intimate for me, well I'll just say I gain from the closeness and comfort and don't always need to see the stars (if you get my drift)! I have stopped or to be accurate, I have dropped from 48 mg Dilaudid/day to 8-16mg per day tops, and the IR morphine, from 4x30 mg doses to 1-30mg dose per day and yes a bit of clammy, increased anxiety (which I take Ativan for) but minor compared to what I read, no rebound hideous pain, no cravings (but I think I have been dependent not addicted), I wish you, Mr. Cohen, seeming to have a much more deep understanding of the science behind pain and the brain could tell me if I have gone one month with minimal PRN dosing from round the clock dosing and have never experienced the W/Ds you speak of could help explain it and/or tell me if it's not enough time to be off? It's not like you can see me or I will gain or lose something from lying, I just genuinely want some help or information please. My doctor tells me he's never seen anything like it, especially not taking the refills every 30 days but instead just what I need or last month, none at all when I have malignancy related pain, the says the kind that no one questions. I would very much appreciate your insight. My doctor just says just count your lucky stars and enjoy your life (which I am)!! Thanks in advance for your response and I did gain more knowledge from your well explained description of the body's/Brian's physiological response, just tell my brain/body! Actually I don't want that, I think this is one oddity about my health that is good. To all of you that suffer, you are in my thoughts.

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Post #211 Mr. Cohen,
I thought about it and I have run out of meds, not b/c I waited too long to return, but b/c I went "rogue" and treated my own pain with more than RX'd so I don't want anyone to feel that it means I am better than anyone else or haven't felt or had a moment or 3-4 moments of weakness but once the notion of addiction in my family entered the equation I became very rigid as I am told it places me at a much higher risk for addiction, and that scared me to a paranoid extent but I would be remiss in not stating that I am painfully aware that it could just as easily be me, however I was VERY young and I was not this ill and doctors were not liberal w/pain medicines like I think they are now. I used to say, just one bowel obstruction (not wishing anyone pain for real) and you would both take and prescribe pain mecicines like jelly beans - I was grossly under treated and I often wonder how I survived it. Back on point, once I got my pain under control and never had to worry about it being treated, I never took too much w/o approval via phone or visit and now I have NEVER had one craving, I do not have the addict gene b/c my PM doctor, when first taking me on, asked that I bring in all narcotics I had, in their containers, whether or not they worked, and I brought in 7 bottles and he opened first 3 of them but just looked and put them down and I asked him why I had to bring them in, and he just wanted to see what I had tried and accurate doses and he didn't expect me to bring in anything in. Later in our appointment I talked about my fear of addiction and first he said, we watch and treat for it, but that it is a very real risk but the benefit outweighed the risk (which it did) and an addict would not have a single pill left, would not go through biofeedback and every other allowable option to achieve pain control w/as little medicine possible. I also, for safety reasons (I was hospitalized many times in 2012 for complications of treatment and disease itself and not with the strongest of cognitive skills) gave my husband the medication and he gives me the full week and so far I haven't even used that part of the script. Now I opened a notice just today regarding new prescribing guidelines via the DEA, and basically w/their controls on the amounts that patients can now receive, I am refilling every month (as my doctor strongly urged as he is deciding whether staying in this field is worth the stress and scrutiny he's facing) b/c he said he has devoted his life to treating the sickest of the sick and if he can't take away the majority of our pain, but now that his education may have little to no role in the care of his patients, particularly tolerant patients (and I am very tolerant and am told that never goes away, & I agree, after a 3 yr. + break, I was back at regular dosing within 2 months which shocked me). Anyway, yes I know at some point I didn't have the medicine I needed but it was not due to withdrawal, it was due to unbearable pain fom pancreatitis and the thought of starting this over with a different PM doctor seems impossible to me so if he is looking to leave in a year (he said that would be the soonest, I'm hoping it's nit as bad as he thinks it will be - do you know a out these DEA issues? All I know is I am planning on stocking up on my usual meds, the extra should take me right through the end, or close enough for my oncologist to RX me. I have never faced losing a PM doctor and having read the horror stories and knowing what it took to get in (years on a waiting list & years finding the right one (not a dealer but a neurologist who doesn't price gouge). I hope I have to complain but Mr. Cohen, I don't want to come out of remission to find that I could go a very long time w/o help and w/d is not my biggest fear, untreated or even under-treated pain is and I will do whatever it takes to never go through that again. Thank you for this back and forth, I know mine was a long response but I am appreciative of the forum to vent and unburden myself. Thank you for your answers and I hope to "speak" with you again in the future. Tomorrow I am getting a new central line :( - they hurt me so much now, used to be a quick thing b/w procedure and recovery but now they have to keep me for a few nights due to severe vomiting from the anesthetic and what, in the past, has been significant pain and swelling. Hopefully this one will be easier, no matter how late I stay up, tomorrow will be here soI better get some rest. Hope everybody has a good week.

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My apologies for not catching the meaning behind the thought, "I am not fooled by this crap one bit" (quotation from "Art Cohen".) I didn't understand what the "crap" is that doesn't fool you. I can think of various possibilities but rather than guess I'd rather just go straight to the source for the answer!:-) Thanks!

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The ONLY way to get off dilaudid or any other opiate is the will to do so and unfortunately under strict detox care and rehab. If you don't want to go that route, then you could taper down your dosage weekly, using smaller and smaller amounts over time. You are going to experience withdrawals no matter what. If you're going to do it at home I suggest using the "Thomas Recipe" good luck and God bless.

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Since you are in an on-again off-again "relationship" with dilaudid, it's fair to let you know up front that unless you plan on completely ridding yourself of opiates it's not going to be worthwhile. The "Thomas Recipe" is easily found online through Google or whatever search engine you choose. I prefer Google. I'll post the recipe here for you tho--it's rather lengthy:
"PLEASE NOTE: I am not a doctor and advise those who chose to use this recipe to consult a physician if you have other health issues and or are allergic to any ingredients in any of the supplements. Without further adieu:


If you can't take time off to detox, I recommend you follow a taper regimen using your drug of choice or suitable alternate -- the slower the taper, the better.

For the Recipe, You'll need:

1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium, Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited for tapering since they come in tablet form. Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules, making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be used if you can't get one of the others.

2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store).

3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store.

4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper, Magnesium and Potassium (you may not find the potassium in the same supplement).

5. Vitamin B6 caps.

6. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that's all that's available).

How to use the recipe:

Start the vitamin/mineral supplement right away (or the first day you can keep it down), preferably with food. Potassium early in the detox is important to help relieve RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). Bananas are a good source of potassium if you can't find a supplement for it.

Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you use any benzo, make sure you're aware of how often it can be safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules. Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside. You shouldn't need the Valium after day 4 or 5.

During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom.

Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need, as often as you need it. Don't take it, however, if you don't need it.

At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help.

Continue to take the vitamin/mineral supplement with breakfast.

As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better.
A special thanks to Thomas who invented this wonderful home remedy!

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