What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 24)


I have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!

547 Replies (28 Pages)

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Is oxycodone 10 less strong than dilaudid 4?

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Lee - you are NOT on "a lot" of pain meds if you are still in pain. I've had severe chronic pain for 22 years and take somewhat more than you do (2 - 60 mg Oxycontin with 6 - 8 mg Dilaudid for breakthrough pain daily.) It's all very well for someone to say, "Oh, please don't take more, it's all bad, you'll get drowsy/high/dizzy/addicted"--whatever. If you're still suffering, you need something more or different. I love the quote from 18th century writer/philosopher Samuel Johnson, who said, "Those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt." Basically, these people are simply telling you to just suffer. That's not so easy when you're the one in pain.

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Whats wrong without u why are u talikg the meds

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Most of the people in severe pain, i agree with u! However like shelly 1432..i would never go to the needle from what my dr gives me. Im not condemning those who do and to be VERYY honest id be very good at it. I have to go to hematologist each month to have a pint of blood removed...bc Lupus is attacking not only my muscle tissue and joints but in past 4 yrs has increased to attacking kidneys, lungs, heart (rarely) and many other things that took 10-14 yrs to put together. It began in my 20s (im 45 now) and by time i researched a bit i KNEW i had fibromyalgia and possibly RA (including some type of brittle bone disease- a simple fall can result in a shattered wrist/arm...which i end up with metal plates/screws/rods..etc) actually im positive for autoimmune disease and my anti-nuclear antibodies is always positive. Im negative for them ALL except lupus sle cannot be ruled out (ANY IDEAS???) I go to Duke University and they are stumped to a point....... OK BACK TO MEDS.... 10-12 yrs ago a dr put me on percocet 5mg. (90 tabs) oh it helped me sooo much! but after 4-6 yrs....of course i was running short on meds every month. Id just DT for a week or so. That dr ended up dropping me bc SHE didnt know migraine meds were barbiturates. I got a new dr very quickly and she never responded. He immediately put me on 10/325s 90 tablets - during this time--we began finding out i had severe fibro, spurs on neck n spine, autoimmune disease that has caused severe and constant rib/lung pain and he tried for about 4 months putting me on oxycontin 40/ 2xs day. I finally gave and and agreed n loved them..got them about 3-4 yrs ago. And yes i had began cutting them in half bc it took wayyyy too long to work. I told him the truth and he added back the 10/325 percocet for break through pain. I STILL have the painful pluerisy it changes sizes but never leaves. Ive learned to live w/o being able tp yawn and severe stabbing pain in mornings. My NEW dilemma is-- i had 20 teeth pulled yesterday..the oral surgeon said my tolerance to meds was VERY high...i came out of anesthesia and she was sewing my gums n my mom heard me yelling from the waiting room. Im unsure what they gave but i began tripping somewhat and finally pulled it together n yelled hurrrrrt. I left with a prescription of hydromorphone 2mg (dilaudid)........ this morning i was in SOOO much pain. I took my oxycontin and percocet.2 hrs later i feel much better. Last night (was s 3hr drive home and i was exhausted) i took the dilaudid and was sitting in bed..fell asleep and fell in floor. I also have xanax for other illnesses....i cant be falling like that! I break bones too easy. So im scared now. So which is best drug for me??? Those who dont have severe chronic pain should feel LUCKYYY not judgmental!!! Come on....ppl smoke bath salts....u cant alwayssss blame a company or drs.

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465, I also have a lot going on as well. I'm 51 and like you I have had chronic pain since I was 30. I was on way too much Fentalyn patches for ten year with oxy and percs. Now I'm off all that stuff. I feel so much better. Now I still have so much pain and use 6mg of long acting dilaudid twice a day and 2 mg dilaudid for break thru. I usually take 3. We are all different and what works for one might not work with another. I just find oxy has such a bad rep in Canada. It is now extremely hard to get. I would really like to lower my meds more. I think you need to stay with one med. Like if you take oxy you should take long acting oxy as well. This goes the same for the dilaudid. You might have better luck. I have been thinking of pulling out all my teeth as well. Would you mind telling me more on your experience with that? Hope you feel better soon!

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Yes, you can taper off of Dilaudid or you can stop cold turkey with the aid of Clonidine (it is a heart medication). It is useful because it keeps your heart rate steady and low while going through withdrawals and makes the withdrawals so very less intense. Depending on the amount or mg of Dilaudid you take depends on how much Clonidine you need. If you are serious about it you can talk to your doctor but if you are still on the fence and not wanting to expose yourself to your doctor, you need to go to one of those walk-in clinics and be truthful with them. Tell them you are addicted and you would like to come off but need to be discreet about it because you have needed it for pain and you are not sure if you can deal with the pain opiate free. So are you unsupportive of me not trying to come off this medication or are you in support of me trying to get off of this medication by prescribing me Clonidine (ask the negative question first - very important). Then you take your meds as directed for 3 - 4 days and you should get past the worst of the worst. Let me know how you do.

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Most pain docs will prescribe a long-acting (no eurphoria) opiate to use and then prescribe a short-acting (euphoria) opiate for break-through pain. Don't get me wrong you can still get euphoria from a long-acting opiate in the beginning but not for very long. Even the euphoria from the short-acting opiate is short-lived that is why you have to keep increasing the dose as much as possible.
Different opiates work better for some as opposed to others. For me, Kadian (long-acting) works great but I would need Dilaudid for the short-acting med.

So I tell you this so that maybe you can stick to one medication in different forms. For example Morphine comes in extended release and also, immediate release. Same medication, different composition.

I hope this helps.

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Women in menapause shouldnt even be given long acring meds. They can cause false negatives in UA's and really mess up your adrenal glands and hormones...THATS why everyone sweats on fentanyl! Oxycodone is the best for folks with hypothyroidism. It raises T levels, improving mood and energy.

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That is a very interesting response. I don't necessarily believe in the microbiology of it and the endocrinology aspect of it but it does give one pause to think.

If one opiate can cause a "false reading" for a menopausal woman then ALL opiates would cause a false reading. They all act the same throughout the body with the exception of the opiate mu receptors (comprised of neurons and synapses) in the brain. Everyone wants to be on Fentanyl because it is the closest thing you can get to H legally and that it is 80% stronger than morphine. Get real.

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This got me off opiates 45 years ago, blind detox from methadone using orange juice. It worked for me. I had a 10 year run.

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People who have never had an addiction are very lucky but they need to keep their mouth shut I would love to see the suck it up person deal with coming off methadone after being on 200mg a day for 7 years. I did it by going to jail for 6 months and I nearly died. For the person trying to come off subs with dilaudid needs to ask his doctor why he is letting you mix a drug that has a blocker with a type of drug that it is meant to block. As bad as hate to tell you your going to hurt and it takes a while but you will wake up one day feeling good again if you try coming off sub's without anything and that's the only real way to do it. Try tapering a half mg a mouth till you are off but expect to still hurt for a while but you can do it.

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You are absolutely correct and it's people like that who become addiction counselors and have no clue about what you are going through. But give it a little while and the person that can't get addicted to anything will feel our pain. I hope they can suck it up then.

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You may be onto something there. I was visiting a "Mental Hotel" when a said "former green beret" from Nam talked about being captured. He was dosed up on H for a week and then let loose in the jungle. Luckily he was found by his camp. When he returned to his camp they fed him a concoction of cooked together:

4 oranges
4 lemons
4 limes
4 starlite mints (red and white pin-wheel looking mints from a restaurant)

Sounds crazy as hell and I really question the validity of it but if you say OJ really helped you through severe Methadone addiction withdrawal maybe there is something to it.

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OMG Girl! Sucks! Your lucky you are getting any meds at all. You better be very careful if you want to continue to get them. You are actually on the fast-track of getting off the opiate train legally. The doctor most likely has a contract with you and if you admit anything else that you do to your medication to alter it in order to feel the effects of it, he will drop you. There is a reason there are directions on the pill bottle and patients are bound to follow those directions to a "T." I don't mean to sound hard-nosed about this but I am trying to give you a wake up call! I am all for honest and not lying but you also have to not "tell on yourself" in your best interest. He didn't need to know that. If you were trying to establish some sort of trust with the doctor, that is one thing.
Back to your meds and you really, really high tolerance. Do you know what your next stop is if you don't get a grip on this? I understand it is addiction, or chemical dependency, or opiate tolerance, false addiction (any nice way of saying, you "R" addicted) your next stop is the HORSE which will lead you to death very quickly with your tolerance or you need to detox and not ever relapse. My theory (unproven) is that when you detox after having a huge run, a heavy run for a long time, and you clean up then anytime you relapse (1 year, 6 months, 20 years) you are okay maybe the first couple of times but then your tolerance kicks in. The problem is, you haven't had time to build up your tolerance again; therefore, you are at high risk of overdosing like 100 fold. You have the built in tolerance but lack the daily, monthly, yearly constant dosing to practice building the tolerance. That is why so many people when they relapse, overdose and die. I don't want that for you and you want better for yourself. So I apologize - actually no I don't apologize for trying to make you see what is in store for your ass. I want you to wake up and look at the big picture to get better maintenance to live longer. Peace.

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In my opinion the dilaudid 8mg that I take every 3 to 4 hours and my morphine sulfate liquid still doesn't quite kill my pain at all. I've been taking dilaudid 8s for 10 years and before that it was dilaudid 4s. Nothing else seems to help with break through pain. Since that's been said, what else would help control my pain to the point that I have a better quality of life?

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I've been addicted to opiates my whole life and after every rehab methadone everything the only thing that has helped me is suboxene. I've been on it 8 years and never run out. This coming from a woman on 220mg methadone when I gave birth so I know how hard opiate addiction is.

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True.....I read that the one easy to consistently get a reading of is hydrocodone but remember nowadays it's all about monitoring and people control not pain control

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Where do y'all live that you're getting prescribed these pain meds? I too have three herniated disc from L4,5-S1, bulging discs at C6&7, spinal stenosis, nerve damage, radiculopathy, decorative disc disease, degerative arthritis, fibromyalgia and jus had a hip replacement a year ago that is still giving me problems and my former pain management doctor had me on 20 mg Opana twice a day, 4 mg dilaudid, four times a day and 350 mg of Soma four times a day for over three years, then jus randomly decided that myself and everyone else needed to be taken off of everything. I was barely making it day to day while on my meds. Now I have no life at all. I wouldn't wish my pain on my worst enemy. I live in NE Ohio and can't seem to find a decent doctor that will take the time to listen to me and work with me as to what worked and didn't work with past treatments. Everyone is so fast to judge.

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I Hurt Much Funny how I loved dilaudid when I was a kid but hate them now...not very good for pain but fentanyl patch and oxycodone for breakthrough work very well, every six hours anyway, for 3-4 hours.,they refuse to give more than 4 and if you're menopausal you should be getting all oxycodone. I found studies that said as much but doctors don't want to hear it

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Whatch What you tell people! She said oxycontin, not oxycodone. Which is time released!!!

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