What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 14)


I have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!

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The ONLY way to get off dilaudid or any other opiate is the will to do so and unfortunately under strict detox care and rehab. If you don't want to go that route, then you could taper down your dosage weekly, using smaller and smaller amounts over time. You are going to experience withdrawals no matter what. If you're going to do it at home I suggest using the "Thomas Recipe" good luck and God bless.

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Hi to Tanya! I'm not familiar with the "Thomas Recipe." Could you explain what that is? I am prescribed 8 tablets per day of Dilaudid 8 mg. for a severe chronic pain condition. Some days I need it all; some days I don't. I find that I can take all 8 on the bad days but can take only 2-3 on my better days with no problem. My condition is incurable but can sometimes improve; in case there comes a time when I don't need such strong pain meds or need less, I'd like to have this information. I'm sure others would also. Thanks for sharing! :-)

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Been on 240mg of methadone for about 10 years now.ive tried every pill there is but these dont mess me up , but they are by far the best for my pain..it started with a simple inguinal hernia repair.well my femoral nerve was severed and wound up being entrapped in scar tissue.then 2 more exploratory surgerys (and found 2 more hernias).I had barely aany feeling in my left (from my groin to my heel).I had a 2 part surgical implant of a spinal cord stimulater that helped cut down the pain.i returned to work pretty much just hauling equipment for the construction co. I worked for.at the time my conditions were illioinguinal hernia w/obstruction left, nueritus, nueralgia, neurapothy, anxiety, all bwc approved.and a bulging computer in my stomach, connected to a tv cablesized (lead) from my waistband to my neck..very unconfortable..after letting it scar into the pocket, where the abdomen muscles were scooped out.5 years! I went back to truck driving..2 years after was in an accident on the highway (@89, 000 lbs.) Hitting a fedex truck that stopped on a bridge to call home, 2 foot of the truck was in the driving lane???? Hit and demolished that b4 my semi went up and over the side of the bridge...fell 92 feet , landed upside down on asphalt..so thats where it gets fuzzy, I kept waking from the intense heat of the deisel burning, broken l2 back, arm, head trauma, and my spinal stimulator in my stomach counted 13 peices from the seatbelt I was hanging from..a man ive still never met ((happend 5/5/04) cut the belt ifell in a pile where the pass. Side was and he drug me out, put his red flannel coat under my head and disappeared..4 stimulators later , depression , ptsd, adding up to 7 or so allowed conditions and divorce .im handicapped, live alone, and have a .45 in my hand ..I wake up in the dark to eat methadone so maybe I can make it to my massage chair to see which chores I would do today if my brokenbody could..ive never been without methadone and morphine and zanex and seroquel (nightmares) but im sure im addicted..its really helpful to hear you lucky a**holes saying its just (in your head) some of us were dealt a bad hand..the funny part is I crashed while I should have been layed off from bridge construction...I never liked to sit idle when I could go to work .hahahahaha .the last battery change for my stimulater was over a year ago (10 year batterys, I have yet to have 1 last for 5) resulted in a postsurgery infection and had to b removed, so ive been cut open in the exact same place in my stomach 6x for nothing.1 year healtime, eachtime.yes, the painful cable going to the base of my brain is so scarred into place it cannot be removed.so you ignorant people and your suck it up attitude that would have ate this kimber .45 a long time ago should come down off whatever you think makes you so tough and try some reallife pain....

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Since you are in an on-again off-again "relationship" with dilaudid, it's fair to let you know up front that unless you plan on completely ridding yourself of opiates it's not going to be worthwhile. The "Thomas Recipe" is easily found online through Google or whatever search engine you choose. I prefer Google. I'll post the recipe here for you tho--it's rather lengthy:
"PLEASE NOTE: I am not a doctor and advise those who chose to use this recipe to consult a physician if you have other health issues and or are allergic to any ingredients in any of the supplements. Without further adieu:


If you can't take time off to detox, I recommend you follow a taper regimen using your drug of choice or suitable alternate -- the slower the taper, the better.

For the Recipe, You'll need:

1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium, Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited for tapering since they come in tablet form. Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules, making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be used if you can't get one of the others.

2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store).

3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store.

4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper, Magnesium and Potassium (you may not find the potassium in the same supplement).

5. Vitamin B6 caps.

6. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that's all that's available).

How to use the recipe:

Start the vitamin/mineral supplement right away (or the first day you can keep it down), preferably with food. Potassium early in the detox is important to help relieve RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). Bananas are a good source of potassium if you can't find a supplement for it.

Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you use any benzo, make sure you're aware of how often it can be safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules. Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside. You shouldn't need the Valium after day 4 or 5.

During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom.

Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need, as often as you need it. Don't take it, however, if you don't need it.

At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help.

Continue to take the vitamin/mineral supplement with breakfast.

As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better.
A special thanks to Thomas who invented this wonderful home remedy!

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If you're being honest with us here about mentioning the fact that you are a drug addict to doctors and nurses in the ER and they did nothing about it is absolutely unbelievable. I'm a nurse and I know that self-admittance of being an addict draws much attention toward the patient who makes such a statement. The reason behind that is due to culpability and liability, we, by law, have to report it to the proper authorities and have the patient admitted to a detox and or rehab facility. If you told a doctor that you are an addict and he not only ordered an narcotic shot as well as a hand-written rx for more, then he/she took a HUGE risk on you. Honestly I've NEVER heard such a thing in my 20 years of nursing experience. Maybe you should try the Thomas Recipe as well. It's also posted on this same thread. Good luck!

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Olivia, we need to chat, in a different forum. Please email me @ {edited for privacy}

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Your personal email doesn't come through when you include it in a contribution to this forum so, unfortunately, we can't connect that way. I'm curious as to what you'd like to chat about; your last couple contributions seem to be addressed to another contributor since their subject isn't something with which I'm dealing. Thanks for giving me an idea of what topic you'd like to discuss!

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I need help with obtaining an rx on line or through an alternate source for dilaudid. Pharmacies around here are super expensive if you don't have insurance and require name brand.

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Olivia, you can reach me if you can read between the lines: {edited for privacy}. Maybe spelling things out that way will help. I just have a few other questions that I'd rather not "air out" in this type of setting.

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I don't trust internet-based pharmacy's, has anyone had any positive feedback when dealing with these sources?

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I've never used an internet pharmacy so can't recommend an alternate source. There are mail order pharmacy, like Express Scripts, but I'm not sure that you can get opioids through them. I know I need a new written prescription each month to fill my pain medications and have to pick that up at my doctor's office; it can't be mailed and the prescriptions can't be called in to the pharmacy. Wish I could be more helpful!

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That's a fact pain like discitis can only be managed with pain meds an k8s seem. To work as well as anything but with all drugs your tolerance gets higher and you will run short ever month

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I've been on the same strength and amount of Oxycontin and Dilaudid for many years. I NEVER take more than I'm prescribed and I NEVER run out nor have I developed a tolerance for the meds I'm taking at this dosage. They're still working very well and I don't anticipate needing more. You're misusing your medication by taking more than prescribed, presumably because you still have pain at the dosage you've been prescribed. This probably means that you're in pain for the last part of your 30 day prescription (however many days that is). Secondly, it means you're violating your doctor's trust in prescribing these meds to you which could become a serious problem. If you're not getting adequate relief with the amount of pain medication you're taking, a better idea would be to talk to your doctor about the inadequacy of your current dosage to relieve your pain. If your doctor won't give you sufficient pain medication to control your pain--you need to find a different doctor. A doctor must take controlling a patient's pain just as seriously as they take controlling the patient's blood pressure and/or other basic indicators of serious health problems. To do otherwise is certainly unethical and, in my opinion, malpractice; the impact of untreated, severe chronic pain is tremendous and overwhelming. I know it's hard to fight for this when you're hurting (sometimes you need another person to act as an advocate), but sometimes it's the only way to alleviate the pain and prevent it from further destroying your overall health.

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First of all, Dilaudid is an opiate not a narcotic as you stated. Dilaudid is used for short term pain relief and Oxycodin for long term. They are OFTEN used together under the supervision of a health care professional. Beware of taking advice from the uneducated!

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Dilaudid is an opiate which is a narcotic!!! WOW!

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Oh my goodness, Alex! As Tanya has said, opioids are narcotics and narcotics are opioids--just two different names for the same thing Also..."Oxycodin"? Oxycodone is the "generic" name of a particular narcotic. In it's plain form, it is known as oxycodone and is short-acting. When it is in a time-release form, it is Oxycontin; Oxycodone with Tylenol is Percocet; oxycodone with aspirin is Percodan; Dilaudid is "hydromorphone"--and so forth and so on. All of these medications, plus many more, are opioids/narcotics. Except for the "Oxycodin" you mention--not sure what you're talking about but there is NO medication called Oxycodin!" Talk about the uneducated....

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Hi I think that methadone is the only way to detox off an opiod drug, I think it works cause u dont feel any of the stomach pains, and a doctor can detox u, or a clinic can detox u so that u r comfortable,

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I have an incredible opiate tolerance and dilaudid is much better than oxycodone as a pain med. I can't even feel a 40 milligram opana but 8 milligrams of dilaudid makes me smile for hours. I am prescribed both. Those of you who say dilaudid is no good orally are either burned out from abusing it or you have tolerance levels that are unheard of.

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Yeah, im on dilaudid for break through pain and take 8mg 4x a day, oxycotin 40s 3x a day, soma 3x day, and xanax 2mg every 4 hours. its all legit, no doctor hopping, no pharmacy hoppin, just one doctor for pain management and another doc for anxiety. i dont know why they would prescribe all this medicine if they DIDNT WANT ME TO GET ADDICTED, i mean c'mon. i just take them orally though, ive really wanted to try and do them other ways but i do need them for chronic pain and everything ive been though im not just trying to get f***ed up on them and strung out on something that i dont even need. i mean i need these pills but f*** sometimes it occurs to me that i want to try it another way...banging it will def f*** me up for life i already know that bc when i have to go to the emergency room and when i stayed at the hospital for 2 months they had to give me dilaudid and i just ABSOLUTELY love the rush i get from it, so i know if i try banging it i would be hooked...im stuck

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To UNFORTUNATE USER: You cannot possibly be taking "Oxycotin" because there is no medication with that name. More likely, you're taking "OxycoNtin". It's always good to know how to spell your medications. If you're getting any "rush", as you say, from taking the Oxycontin and the Dilaudid, you're probably taking more than you need. I take Oxycontin, Dilaudid and Xanax-- 60 mg. Oxycontin 4x/day and 8 mg. Dilaudid up to 6 times/day for breakthrough pain; I'm also allowed up to 4 mg. Xanax/day. On the majority of my days, the severity of my pain requires that I take everything I'm allowed which is a pretty high dose. In spite of this, I have NEVER been buzzed, high, la-la, groggy, fuzzy, had a "rush" or any other type of reaction besides pain relief. I've been on the Oxy and Dilaudid for 15 years and the same dosage of Xanax for 20 years and they still work just fine with only a couple of minor increases in the Oxycontin dose years ago because I was still having severe pain and it took a while to titrate up slowly in order to find my effective dose. Now it's been several years since I had any increase. I take what I need for the reason these medications were prescribed for me and am grateful for the pain relief so I can have a life without thinking about how I could abuse them to feel high. Doctors don't prescribe these medications because they WANT the patient to get "addicted"! (What an ignorant statement.) I was titrated up VERY slowly and, with previous doctors, had to fight for an adequate dose over many years that actually controlled my pain. Because of moving several times, I've had a number of different doctors over the last 20 years and NONE of them were eager to get me on opioids. In fact, my experience with all of them was that they were very cautious about putting a patient on these drugs and I was always required to sign a form on which I agreed to take the narcotics under very definite guidelines. It took a long time to build a trust relationship with my doctors so they eventually knew I wouldn't misuse these meds and that I would respect the guidelines. They realized, of course, (as did I) that I would become PHYSICALLY DEPENDENT on the narcotics which is totally different than addiction (do some reading about the differences between addiction and dependence.) Of course, I don't spend MY time contemplating how I might be able to abuse my meds for some "recreational" purpose. As I said earlier, if taking the pills gives you anything besides pain relief you may be on a higher dose than is needed to address your pain. A FINAL NOTE: I don't understand why you would write here to talk about how you'd like to abuse your narcotics because they give you a great rush and how it's too bad you need them for pain because that means you can't use them to feel high so you're "stuck" having to use them legally for their intended purpose but at least you get to go to the hospital periodically and get a great rush on Dilaudid. I don't know how old you are but this sounds very immature. I can't say it often enough--it's people like you who make it difficult for legitimate pain patients who need narcotics in order to have any kind of life. You help create the false idea that any patient who takes narcotics, even to address severe pain, is really just taking them to enjoy the buzz. I'm not making this up--I actually heard a supposed "pain expert" physician from the University of Wisconsin say of fibromyalgia patients who need narcotics for pain relief, "Of course, they just love their high." Please, don't contribute to this incorrect idea by speaking/writing as you did here.

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