What Is H86 And Where Can I Get It?
UpdatedI am looking at trying to find this H 86 and would like to know where I can get it in Canada? I have been HIV+ for 25 years and is it safe to take while taking ''HIV cfoictail"?
10 Replies
H-86 also goes by the name Avemar. Go to the website, research.avemar.com. You will see a Disclaimer page pop up, Just hit Close and all the information will appear. There are many articles written on Avemar (H-86). You can than click on the menu choices at the top of the page - Journals. You will have to keep clicking Close on the Disclaimer pages. One of the titles that will appear is Alternatives for the the Health Conscious Individual. Click on that. Then Cancer: The Hail Mary and More will appear. It is an article by Dr. David Williams. You can download the article in PDF. In the article, it contains the information about Avemar which was invented by Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the same doctor who invented Vitamin C. You will also find how to purchase Avemar (called Ave in the US), where to get it, and the cost. Prayers for your healing and God bless you. I truly hope it works for you.
Make teas with leafs from the soursop three. It fights cancer and its amazing. I know people in Puerto Rico that has healed from metastasis and even tumors so big that they had been sent by their doctor to die in their homes and are currently alive and well. Try it my uncle is using it and has told people who has already healed. His prostate cancer went down from a PSA 9.4 to 0.61 in one month.
If you want the REAL H86, is it known as AVEMAR-AWGE. I know for a fact it is the real product from Hungary and it works 100000%!
Can this help with stroke pipol paralais on the left side or left lenticular nucleus stroke? It's for my 31-year-old daughter. Thank you.
Just google avemar and this is what you find...Avemar® Dietary Drink - Fermented Wheat Germ Supplement?....no more cures cancer than prayer...geeez
yes and hi. there is another product called hemp it has according to testamony healed peopel of cancer. you can get it at almost any natue food outlet. vitamin store and gnc in its organic form. it has a tremendious build up ability of the immune system.
Hi Tammy,
From what I could gather, H-86 is another name for fermented wheat germ extract (or brand name Avemar), marketed by "HSI" - a company whom many, including myself, believe to be a scam.
In terms of cancer treatment/cures, there's plenty of options out there that are not just limited to wheat germ. But if you're searching for more specific details pertaining to H-86, I'd encourage you to read through the following discussion threads to get an idea of what others have to say about it:
I hope this helps!
You may want to try Amazon for H86. I understand it's $187.89 for two bottles. {affiliate link added}
Re: Doc (# 5)
I don’t believe Doc
Re: John (# 3)
Do you have a picture of this and where can I get it
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