What Helps Clean Methamphetamine Out Of Your System Quickly For Urine Test?
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If you take methamphetamine daily, what besides the 3 to 4 days of non use will help to clean it out of your system for a urine test?

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I know this is an old message and I hope you passed. Just in case you did or didn't. If you still want to know for yourself or anyone else. From what I have read. How soon it gets out of your system depends on how often, how much, and how long you use it. Plus depends on your body mass index and how fast you can burn it off depending on your metabolism rate. I don't know how accurate personally. But so far most have said if it's a urine test to drink plenty of water and or cranberry juice 48 to 72 hrs before test. But keep in mind it will vary from 3 to 5 days to be clean. Federal law says up to 5 days. Blood test is almost impossible to pass. It's not only more accurate and instant but the detection is 90% extremely sensitive. That test take from days to anywhere from 30 to 90 days. All depending on if they decide to retest or go to the extensive of the hair follicle test which can detect use dating years back of use. I'm only speaking through research not experience but also knowledge of what I was taught through some of my medical training. Sorry for the book lol. Hope this helps in anyway possible for anyone who needs it. In the meantime. Good luck!!! I forgot to mention. If you can try to sweat it out as much as possible. If you do, make sure to drink plenty of water but don't over do it. Pee could end up being too diluted. Plus you don't want to overheat or pass out. Just sip water every 10 to 15 mins at a time. DONT GUZZLE down a lot at once.

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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I took methamphetamine on Friday around 6pm and possibly have to test Monday at 7pm. Will it be out of my system by then?

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I've never seen anyone inject cancer or smoke it in a glass pipe. Addiction may be an illness but I'm not sure you can really compare it to cancer. Just saying.

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Sweating it out of your system. Water too. You want to stay hydrated when you plan to sweat a lot. Plus you need water to make sweat right? Besides, staying clean, I think that is the best way to try to cleanse your system.

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LADY, You are AWSOME! I know your post is very old, but I just wanted to put it out to you. ALL you said is 100% CORRECT!! and you are also compassionate. I only wish there were more people like you. Honest, real, and give a sh*t still.

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Baking soda does in fact work. 3 tbl spoons in a glass of warmish water. It's nasty af so try not to puke. But you drink it 2 hours before your test. Pee one time at home before your test. Then drink lots of water. It is a temporary 2-3 hour window. It might give you explosive diarrhea so be careful. Lol. It does work. I have done it and my friends have done it. I have used all the way up until I drink the baking soda water. (like I said it is nasty as all hell. I've never tried it but maybe mixing it with cranberry juice or something will help make it more bearable). Another method that works for methamphetamine AND heroin is pectin. The stuff you make jello with. Just mix a package in some Gatorade 3-4 hours before the test and your golden. Hope this helps y'all!

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Did you find a solution that worked? I need help now

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How exactly do I take the baking soda? Please help. I last dosed on Friday and for the first time in months I have to pee for probation Tuesday morning. Super worried, please help if you can. I see so many different instructions on how to take the baking soda thing.

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I have been clean for two weeks from math...relapsed for 3 days. Drug screen in three days a very detailed screen. How do I pass this but have the suboxone in my system. Help

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How can u compare "choosing" to use which ends up in abusing sometimes to cancer? If u make the choice to use, then know whats involved making that decision istead of waiting til after to starft panicking bc of a drug test most of these people on here knew they had to pass within days! ! People don't "choose " to get cancer so there is no comparison between a drug user/abuser/addict who "chose" to try it knowing it could be a possible addiction and an innocent cancer patient who didn't ask to get sick and didn't have a choice! Like my jest friend who's been in the hospital for over 2 mos bc she has cancer.. Again..for the 4th time which she did not ask for and is fighting for her life ! Don't be so quick to compare the two without actually thinking about it first! Unreal!

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Hey Kman. This is for you and anyone else that agrees, I apologize for the length and if you're looking for an answer to the original thread keep scrolling, I just had to put my two cents in.

Way to be ignorant, profiling, and judgemental on your fellow people. Alcohol is the deadliest drug in America with the highest addiction and the only one you can actually die from the withdrawal. Yes many addicts on the streets stealing and robbing to maintain their addiction make illegal narcotics look like the prime source of evil in mankind. You don't realize a large percentage of your co workers, friends, and possibly family use some form of narcotics via prescription or through illegal street purchase. Whom might I add are the legitimate productive members of society that you say "users" will become if they, and I quote "get a brain, don't do drugs and get a job. Like everyone else". Now that's just ignorant to me. Don't get me wrong, I do not in any way condone drug use. I am a recovering addict and cannot maintain recreational use. I have seen and experienced the horrors of drug addiction personally. If it were up to me they wouldn't exist but they do. We are human beings, and a greater percentage of us can maintain recreational use while still being the law abiding, tax paying, productive members of society that you seem to think only perfectly square never touches any disgusting drugs except a glass of wine everyday, along with your narcotic sleeping aid and valium to deal with your abnormal feelings of anxiousness. Open your eyes a little more to the world and other countries drug policies, addiction rates and crime from addiction. Ugh I could just keep going on but I don't like to ridicule someone when they obviously just don't know any better and would if they had lived a different life or just did more research. This world is only going to become better If everyone spends a little more time trying to understand that which they are not. We are blessed with the age of information at our fingertips yet so many of us judge and condemn that which truly have no idea what is behind opposing beliefs. I'm guilty of it myself I was raised a certain way and it's hard to retrain that way of thinking. I do feel that by 2040 this world will have successfully became a new world order, which is actually a good thing, contrast to popular belief via media hype. Or the world will be in utter chaos. Okay I'm just going to shut up now. Love your life everyone and smile at people you don't know, you never know how it might affect the rest of their life.

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Okay for clarification purposes, strictly off what I read on the web, bounty (the quicker picker upper) is a base. You need to ingest mostly acidic compounds like coffee in order to neutralize the metabolite (by product of bounty in system). That's sort of Why the baking soda thing works if it in fact does. Every thing I've read on soda has been years old now and you know how the govt. Is with their Nazi SS tactics. Always coming up with new ways to imprison people. I heard it doesn't anymore due to PH levels now being tested.
I've also heard that it is a MASK, it doesn't make you clean for long. I hear bounty is water soluble so it passes through frequent urination. Also for hair tests you're pretty much the brass on the Titanic. (Going down).

My pet lizard has been a steady user, and I mean steady, not ascending. he's been using about the same amount per week/month for a year or so now. He was fired from his job at the sun bathing rock about a month ago. He went clean for a week then lapsed, then clean again, then lapsed (you all know how it is). Well a job offer for a better sun bathing rock called him literally an hour after doing a line to get the motivation to go out and apply for more rocks.

So they want an interview at 4pm tuesday. today now. And that was 7pm monday. My lizard has been clean since obviously, and has been steadily drinking water and also bought a detox supplement from the drug store. He's also gonna try out cranberry juice as well today.

I'm pretty sure steady water drinking and peeing will get the job done for him, since as said before bounty is a water soluble chemical. His big moment will likely be Wednesday before 4 as its about 24 hours after an interview when they test you. If I don't forget I'll let you know how my lizard did! Again he was on and off for a month and prior steady for a year. He took three lines over the weekend and Monday got the news about a job. He's kicking himself in the ass for giving in to his lizard friends' offer to do the lines but I mean come on, if he did a shot of 101 instead he'd be fine, funny how this world works.

Lastly I keep reading these replies and it breaks my heart. Especially everyone saying such hopeless things about themselves, Whether you feel in the gutter or not, do NOT alienate yourself and call yourself a monster or lower than the rest of the world over some thing you do in your own damn home. Most 9-5 squares I know can't wake up without their coffee. It's THEIR coffee too like they golum from lord of the Rings talking about their precious. Religious people usually only have God on their mind, what makes you guys truly different than every other person on this planet? the answer is NOTHING. Except your unique personality and all that. We (talking on behalf of my lizard) are not the problem. Our over bearing totalitarian government is. Okay my rant is over, just keep a level head, and keep improving yourself, however way you feel is best for you.

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I have to test Tuesday at 1pm. I took methamphetamine late Sat early Sunday and have not touched it since. I've been drinking lots of water, taking cranberry pills and juice. I also had baking soda. Will I pass?

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A few days ago, I ingested 1 small dose of methamphetamine. The next day I had my appointment with my new psychiatrist, and was given a drug screen. Knowing I'd be dirty, but really DID NEED to have my meds, I submitted my urine. But, ten minutes later, my psychiatrist gave me my script for adderall and clonazepam. Why was I given my adderall? Did she test for drugs or body chemical levels? What will happen when the test shows up positive for meth? Will I no longer get my scripts? Will I be blacklisted? Will I get a second Chance? Will it go on my medical history? I really need the answers/opinions to these questions. I suffer from extreme anxiety and adult ADD, and have OCD and can't stop obsessing on the possibility of losing my doctor, my meds, and going through withdrawals. Please help.

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I took a little 3 times over a 24 hr period on Sunday and have a possible drug test on Tuesday or Wednesday. I am 5 ft 3" and weigh 120. What do I do to pass? Yes I was stupid but was laid-off from the oil field and haven't worked for 5 months. No idea if I got the job but I must pass. Almost no body fat and I'm 57. Please what can I buy? I never do this...

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I did 2 doses at about 2'am Friday and have a drug test on Monday for probation first time user been drinking a lot of water now cranberry juice. Will it be out of me by 3:30 monday?

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I'm having a drug test In a week I need to get klonopin out. I bought Coconut cleanse 2 day cleanse,cleanses and Detoxifies . Anyone know if this works?Ty.

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I can't seem to get the answers to question on how to pass a probation drug test...

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Last dose of methamphetamine was at 6am. I need to take a urine test by 3:30. What is the fastest unnoticed cleanse?

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I took methamphetamine yesterday and the day before and also took heroin. I have a urine screen in 2 to 3 days. If I drink cranberry juice and use golden seal can I pass a 5 panel urine screen?

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