What Does Xanax Taste Like? (Page 3)
UpdatedAre Xanax tablets chalky and do they have a taste?
Re: Shaggy Bro (# 31)
Do the real pills taste bitter or chalky with practicly no taste?
Hi! I have 15 years of experience in this subject and I do consider myself a specialist. Do NOT do this your self please, unless you're accompanied by medical personal. The truth is... Most of the counterfeits are NOT completely 100 percent bunk. Like someone mentioned earlier, they are cutting them in half, possibly mixing them, and yes, I have thought I got completely screwed but after maybe 5-10 secs and a small sip of water, you taste that taste you're looking for, yet it's faint. I also have had 6-7 maybe 8 seizures, I've lost count... So I ran a test. I was able to make 20 last about 3-4 days BUT I was feeling more anxious than normal but not sick and I didn't have the sleepless nights and migraines that usually precurse my seizures. I ran this experiment with the greens scored in 4s, the white XANAX and 2 on other side scored in 4s, and the beige long rectangular scored in 4s... All worked as a temporary fix. One last thing... Anyone who does this, you will either be dead or like me. I control it now about 50/50. It used to control me completely. Buyer beware, very addictive. I'm going to leave you a list of the best:
1 mg blue oval footballs
1 mg blue round and scored
2mg fat green scored in thirds
2mg yellow and greens equal
And I've seen people swear by both colors. It doesn't matter. Taste test sometimes it will be stronger a bit one way or the other but it's not worth paying more for either if real...But do your research. Pharmaceutical companies, by law, only have to come with/in 20 percent of their "recipe". So, theoretically, you could go to the pharmacy one month and get something closer to 83 % effective and the next get something that is 115 % effective. 17% + 15% is a 32% difference. I did read this to be true for all pills but I have NOT verified that, for example, cancer treatment or heart medication is the same. ALSO and then I'm going to pop a school bus and watch TV. ALL of my responsibilities finished for the day... So remember also if your pills are exposed to over 98 degrees and/or moisture. They will lose up to 75% potency. I hope this helps. Be safe.
Re: Jayjay (# 14)
So are you saying it could be who makes them is why they taste different??
Re: Runciter (# 6)
Same here got those yesterday. Did a 12 panel on someone who didn't take any til we got em I got tired. But there were no other drugs in them. Now fillers idk about. They were hard to break hard to chew and chalky taste with a little bitterness when swallowed. Put them in water to for like 45 mins didnt disolve alot but they have corospovidone or w.e in it which is new it is used for pills and makes you poop lol it did that to 2 of us so I think they are real just not as good as they used to be and nowhere near the dark green ones.
Re: EDDY (# 20)
Seriously a 3d printer mate? Surely not, you get some f***ing chancers mate don’t ya.
Re: Benzogirl (# 12)
Let's chat about this.
Re: Comments (# 15)
I've gotten the white xanax bars - white 2 on one side and xanax printed on the other - and they were all bad. Some would make feel okay but some barely did little to nothing and I've head almost all pharmaceutical companies. Quit dispensing the pills that say xanax, I new they were bad seconds after taking them because I was still sick. Almost all pharmacies quit dispensing them because they were more expensive. IDC who u got them from, doctor or pharmacy, they are more than likely bad. Scammers can get the right chemicals to make xanax with a pill press but they will never be right. One pill may have exactly .5 mill in one pill and another one have less or more because they never get the mixture right. They're not pharmaceutical technicians so they have no experience or knowledge of what to really do, they just mix them up with no regard for who they're hurting or could possibly kill. People, if it says xanax on the pill I wouldn't take it period.
Re: andrew (# 5)
Me too Andrew. And the green speckled ones.
Re: pill smart (# 9)
yo what exactly happened? i just bought some r039 ones they look perfect but doesnt have much taste, am i about to die
Re: andrew (# 5)
Did you live from your bars? haha
Re: Elena (# 8)
Yessss!! I've bout some yellow bars and they were elitist to the print, shape, even the snap when ya break them on 1/2. 10 of these well after checking them out I tried a hole one (being I have PTSD I've been prescribed benzodiazepines since I was 23. Now 35, and these yellow ones tasted like it had a hit of alozaopran and hardly any bitterness. Well I took a whole and felt no relief of my anxiety and took a other one. Hour later another 1. 3 bars in 2 hours and I never got the euphoria feeling they usually give.
Re: Johnny (# 7)
Yessss!! I've bout some yellow bars and they were elitist to the print, shape, even the snap when ya break them on 1/2. 10 of these well after checking them out I tried a hole one (being I have PTSD I've been prescribed benzodiazepines since I was 23. Now 35, and these yellow ones tasted like it had a hit of alozaopran and hardly any bitterness. Well I took a whole and felt no relief of my anxiety and took a other one. Hour later another 1. 3 bars in 2 hours and I never got the euphoria feeling they usually give.
Re: SouthernBelle (# 52)
Johnny and Elana received their Xanax from a sketchy character, you get yours from a pharmacy and authorized by a Doctor. Whatever you do, don't spook your Doctor about your particular brand of Xanax not working, they might cut you off or change your medicine. Counterfeits don't come from the Pharmacy.
Listen, I am trying to save lives....Pressed pills are made from anything...Dry wall...Sleep aids...Etc...They take a pressing vice and press them. Especially on the green 2mg bars (s 90 3) 1st sign if real...The "S" is bigger. Second if you take sprite the soda pop drink...Pour a fresh new bottle in a clear glass...U don't need to pour much or put much of the pill...If the pill sinks to the bottom... and is real it will fizz stay at the bottom and dissolve fast. If fake it will float to the top of go up and down if some alprazolam is even in there...But then it will sit in bottom of the clear glass cup...In just chunks and pieces. That's fake!!!! Most likely has very little alprazolam in it or none but rather a sedative it also will dissolve slowly, it will start to fluff up almost like layers of a cake.
The real thing just fizzes completely and right away at the bottom of the cup into nothing but a fizzy appearance ... Rather it is completely dissolved and dissolves quickly. You do not want to see at the bottom of the cup any chunks and undissolved pieces!!! That means they are pressed pills! Now these pressed pills a lot of people are saying are fake but you get the "Feeling" that they may be real because they for just a moment give you the relief and that's basically because there's a sedative in there.
A real xanax bar or a football or whatever kind you have, will dissolve instantaneously in the sprite drink, and it will have a very bitter taste if you lick it or lay it on your tongue it will start to dissolve and taste very bitter. If it tastes very chalky it is a pressed fake pill with other ingredients in it. I mention this because I have had so many friends overdose.
I also am prescribed this medication and have been on it for years so I can definitely tell the difference. Also if your bars are crumbling apart if you crack them in half and you start seeing a lot of crumbling in the bottle that also is a sign that they are fake. I do not condone that anybody take any benzodiazepines unless they are prescribed and under supervision and by their primary doctor! This is not me giving info to let you know how to make pressed bars or how to sell fake bars, my information is solely to save your life. I hope I was of some help.
Re: Elena (# 8)
You have gotten a fake one. Xanax is always very bitter right away and never chalky. What I do when I do fill my rx I taste it first and if I do not get that strong bitter taste I say no thanks . I have a place that I went through for a very long time and out of the 3 years I been going I've gotten bad ones that are chalky and a slight very slight bitter at the end. It was fake. You can also if it don’t taste bitter crush one up and put it in a small amount of water and use a drug test on the water, I’ve done that as well.
Re: Lil b (# 55)
Lil, I must say after using this Toxin for 30 + years, many retail brands can also taste chalky. I've never needed to do any of the complex tests listed in this thread because I go to a store only. We know if it's not bitter you've got a problem
Re: EDDY (# 56)
Agreed but a lot of them are saying it’s a very very light bitter and I believe it to be fake cause all the Xanax I’ve taken over the years no matter what color they have a strong bitter taste right away
Re: Johnny (# 7)
I wouldn’t throw them away I would take them back to whom ever you got them from and get your money back .
Re: pill smart (# 9)
I got some yellow r039 and they are super chalky. I spit it out and threw them away. Thats f***ing scary.
Re: Britni (# 59)
Xanax should always have a bitter taste no matter what brand. I would of have returned them to get my money back. I would advise you to buy one and taste it and if it pass the taste test then buy more so your not losing money.
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