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I went to the Dr for anxiety and he put me on antidepressants. I refuse to take them I'm not depressed. They also make me not act like myself. How can I tell him I'm not going to take them without him taking away my xanax too, cause they actually help?

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I'm trying to corporate with him as much as possible. I've been on antidepressants after my first child (postpartum) they said. Can't remember if they did any good but everybody said they made me a zombie and just not myself. I don't mind the help but don't mess with who I am. That's why I'm against taking them. Now how do you tell your Dr. that without the looks or the thinking you just want drugs. Its not like that at all. Life just is kicking our butts right now. I'm sure everybody can understand that. I'd rather not be a zombie and feel the pains of life just keep them in check when it gets overwhelming.

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Hello, Whisper! How are you?

Which antidepressants did he prescribe?

Many of them do far more than treat depression, for example both Sertraline and Fluoxetine can treat depression, but will also treat other mood disorders and anxiety. They also have the advantage of always helping to keep it under control, since you take them regularly and they are not addictive like benzodiazepines.

The FDA lists their typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.

If you're not cooperating with your doctor to try what he wants you to, he may just stop treating you.

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