What Medicen To Abort 25 Week Pregnancy (Top voted first)


i need to abort because we have very little income, and no insurance.

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I am 25+ weeks pregnant and dont want this child now. i thought i am anemic that is why not getting periods. but the scan report shows i am pregnant. i want to get rid of this child anyhow. Please help me

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Shaming a woman for wanting an abortion is why so many woman haters want to control women. It's her decision to get an abortion not yours so stop being so judgemental.

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Since you are obviously a selfish person and do things with thoughts only of yourself I have a solution for you. Find a private adoption agency and you will get paid a lot of money by someone for that baby. So it's a win win. You get cash and the baby gets a loving home.

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The fact that someone would even consider getting an abortion at that far along sickens me . You’ve been pregnant for months and you wait until now to want to get rid of it . All you had to do was use a condom. Just give he/she up for adoption because at this point you seem too selfish and cold hearted to be a mom anyway.

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Re: Pookie (# 9) Expand Referenced Message


This is pertaining to abortion at 5 months...
Being five months along, is a great part of the problem. Yes, over halfway. And there-in lies the dilema. A woman, unless she lives under a rock, KNOWS her baby could survive at this point. That is, with support. Going to the natural end, delivery, requires a grace and conviction you can not SHAME a woman into. The danger of abortion at this stage is not small, for mother. Baby may even survive, but with serious damage. Looking at this, without prejudice, it seems safety would dictate an attempt to birth this child. Future readiness and desire for children may be a moot point if mom is damaged by late term abortion. Though certainly stressful, and "inconvenient", both mother and child would benefit from full term and delivery. From that point, mother can move on with her life, or care for her first child. Greatest benefit, keeping in mind delivery is NOT without risk, likely outcome....mother can go on to bear children in future, and if she so decides, there will be no problem finding a loving home for problem child. Again.....this ALL is with the issue of being over five months along. No one cares what my opinion might be if it were otherwise. This I do know and will freely state, to shame a person does not make them choose what you consider to be the right thing.

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Unfortunately, 25 weeks is over 6 months along and there are no medications that are considered safe to use past the third month of pregnancy.

In this case, you will have to see a doctor and, in most cases, undergo a surgical abortion procedure.


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Ummm....dont u realize your baby is more than half ready. U may want to just not be selfish but try adoption. Your too far along now.

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I am in the same predicament. I don't wanna. Go thru the delivery process and a abortion now is $3,000.

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How do I abort a baby at 25 weeks I don't know how to do it.

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Well, u def shouldnt of waited so long. And tons of people have babies w little to no income and I worked two jobs for 8 mths of my pregnancy. If everyone who got prego that was broke had an abortion... Half of us wouldn't b here. I'm the last to judge, but come on you are already 5 damn months pregnant and the baby is a whole baby.

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