What Kind Of Pill Is Small Circular Yellow And Has A Square Root Symbol On One Side ? (Top voted first)
Updatedthis pill is very small, yellow and has what looks like a square root symbol on one side & the number 2632 on the other side. help me please.
2 Replies
it's a muscle relaxer that starts with the letters obl.... I didnt get the full name. I visited my dad who is post rotator cuff surgery hoping to score some vicodin. Ended up with these so was googling around to get more info and see if they're any good or not.
This tablet with the V logo of Vintage Pharmaceuticals and the numbers 2632 contains 10mgs of Cylcobenzaprine, the active ingredient in Flexeril, and, as Ryan stated, it is a muscle relaxant.
Side effects might include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and headache.
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