What Is Urbanol Used For? (Top voted first)


I am pre-menopausal and get a bit irritable at times. My doctor prescribed half a tablet twice a day. Is this the right medication? I read an article about Clodazam (main ingredient for Urbanol) which doesn't sound all that good.

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Will urnbanol knock me out at night? I suffer frm severe insomnia ! I'm always tired in the mornings! Please help me

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Urbanol with Nootropics ?
Can I stack Urbanol with either Piracetam or Noopept. I have been given an opportunity to perform in a tv series with a top actress and suffer anxiety when I work bigger scenes. Due to my bad partying habits in the past my memory isn't that great and I need to take DMAE with Pira or Noopept to get optimum focus.
Please let me know if Urbanol goes well with the abovementioned ?

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I have been on Aropax for a couple of years. Recently i switched to a cheaper pill and my depression went way out of line. I started taking the Aropax again about seven days ago but now i feel like committing suicide. I know it is because my depression is getting better and i have reached the suicide line. Will Urbanol help me to go above that line and get me better sooner? I really need help.

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Re: annon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I think it’s fine. Urbanol has saved me with my divorce. Just a welcome break from the divorce grief.

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Re: annon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I get sometimes depressed..and panick attacks...I can control it with 1.serdep 50
And correct food..and walk...but when I hear of the corruption/the killings//and as elderly I cannot walk alone!!due to..you know!!it feels everything is too much

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Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor?

Urbanol does contain Clobazam, which is a Benzodiazepine derivative, they are most commonly used to treat anxiety, but they can be habit forming.

They may also cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness and irritability.

Learn more:


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I know this is wrong... but my friend used it and he once gave me one cause I was crying the whole day. (My grandfather died) and it helped. Not sure how, but now whenever I feel upset I just drink one, sometimes two. Is this bad??

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