What Is The Fda Approval Date For Pantoprazole With Levosulpiride Combination


Sir, i would like to know the US FDA approval date for pantoprazole with levosulpiride combination tablets(pantocid-L). kindly reply me.

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When it comes to any medication or product, the U.S. FDA doesn't give out approval dates ahead of time, because they have no way of knowing if they will approve something. Doing so requires that it pass a lot of safety testing.

Additionally, Levosulpiride has never been approved by the FDA or Health Canada, so it is doubtful that it will become available in the U.S. or Canada anytime soon.

Learn more Levosulpiride details here.

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Sir, i would like to know the US FDA approval date for pantoprazole with levosulpiride combination capsule. and What Is The Fda Approval Date For Pantoprazole With Levosulpiride Combination capsule in india.

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