What Is The Best Generic Version Of Wellbutrin Xl - Watson Or Anchen? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy doctor will not prescribe generic Wellbutrin XL but my insurance will no longer pay for brand name drugs. I will have to pay about $7000 per yer for what I am taking now (3 of the 150mg Wellbutrin XL brand name per day). I am reading that the problem with the generics is the time release mechanism and not the drug itself and that some are better than others. Anybody have experience with the generics made by Watson and /or Anchen?
Re: JJ (# 1427)
After trying various generics I found Mylan 300XL to be the most consistent result for me. My pharmacist agreed to order a supply of this specific generic. It has been years and no noted SEs. The drug continues to be effective. Recently my pharmacy ordered a different generic and lab was not indicated. I am returning it for replacement. When something works, stick with it. Good luck.
Kim, your problem may not necessarily even be due to the time release that they use.
Under U.S. law, the generics are allowed to differ from the name brand, in the amount of the active ingredient, by as much as plus or minus 20%. The FDA considers this an acceptable therapeutic window.
However, for some people that are sensitive to medications, a sudden switch from the name brand to a generic can cause problems, just like what you experience.
The name brands have to be precise on the amount of the active ingredient, to be approved by the FDA, but suppose that the generic you were switched to was one that was low in the active ingredient, that could have meant that your body suddenly went from the 300mgs it is used to having, down to as little as 240mgs.
Are there any other comments or questions?
I buy my wellbutrin brand name in Canada. I took my prescription to a pharmacy here in the US and they told me my insurance would not cover it and it would cost me $400. for one month's supply. (300mg/day).
I got a script in Canada for six weeks supply and paid out of pocket for the brand name. Total cost? $70.
Yes, that is right. It is almost 10 x more expensive here in the US.
What is wrong with that?
I couldn't agree more. The insurance companies are practicing medicine with all of the authority and none of the responsibility for their actions. Their relationship with their customers and with doctors is completely out of balance and dysfunctional for us and perfect for these greedy companies.
I'm gonna ng to go out on a limb and say whatever you're taking isn't working. That was pretty lame; you're snarky response to that person's appropriate question.
Asking here is one last source before putting a bullet in ones head.. So please, shut up.
I respond well to the Activas bupropion generic, when available. In most instances, local pharmacies dispense a different generic each month. I am currently cycling three different bupropion generics on thirty-day intervals. Each generic requires a period of acclimation and produces different effects. I feel an undercurrent of fatigue, or mental\physical weakness when taking two of the generics in (par)ticular. My energy returns whenever the Activas generic is re-introduced into the cycle. In fact, I've had insomnia several days after restarting the Actavis generic. I'd rather feel hyped then weakish. According to two pharmacists, Actavis is preferred by many in the area, but the buyer must order whatever Generic has the lowest cost at the time. They will special order Activas, but the demand is so high it sells out relatively quickly.
Several times I, and probably you, have been dispensed the newest (and, therefore, the cheapest) bupropion generic on the market. Those of us who became lab rats for TEVA understand new generics can be disastrous. We deserve consistency in how we feel and should be able to determine and acquire the generic that works on a consistent basis. We should petition for DAW prescriptions for specific generic brands.
Ok. Yeah. People won't be affected by switching to a generic at all. Do you read any of the preceding posts? The generics can really mess with some people.
Peacelilly -- I feel your pain. My husband and I were both taking Par Pharm 150 XL generic Wellbutrin with very good results for months -- we'd pick it up from CVS once a month for $7 each, a total of $14 a month for both of us. One day, we go pick up our prescription and the cost is suddenly $24 a month each, or about $50 a month for both of us now. How it went form $14 to $50 overnight I'll never know, but of course, our insurance was forcing us switch to MYLAN through their "new" mail order system. I realize that $50 a month for both of us is hardly a lot to pay considering what some people have to pay, but it is just very disconcerting that your insurance company gives you a generic medication for $7 one day, and then charges you $24 the next. My husband, a penny pincher, went for the Mylan, and all I can say, is our former pleasant existence became MUCH more stressful, with my husband's ADHD symptoms back in full swing. I took it to manage stress, anxiety and to keep my eating habits in check, but on Mylan, I became very anxious, and had thoughts of suicide and craved carbs & sugar much more -- I NEVER once had this happen on the Par Pharm. In fact, on Par Pharm, I ate much healthier and lost 30 lbs. So, I went off Mylan in the summer and recently started back with Par, to good results. My husband is still on the Mylan and now he's having suicidal thoughts, so we're switching him, too. In conclusion, I feel Myland is definitely an inferior brand. Clearly, there must be a hierarchy amongst even in generics if they are putting out a price difference like that between Par and Mylan. I mean, isn't it enough that we're taking generics? Now, you're going to downgrade the generic we take? Seriously ridiculous and unethical. And shouldn't all generics be the within the same cost? Obviously, they are not all created equally-- where the drugs are manufactured, and the binders and fillers that are used in making them could be the difference. I would never recommend Mylan generic wellbutrin ever.
I've had excellent results with Sandoz and Watson - terrible with Sun. It was as if I weren't taking anything at all. Depression and anxiety was terrible.
I hope this post helps someone else. I have been taking 300 mg daily of generic Wellbutrin XL for years and years. I have mild depression and associated memory issues. I'm not super sad, but I seldom experience any kind of sustained joy for some reason. My pharmacy seems to change generic brands all the time. I was recently given the generic made by Actavis, which is a larger, oval white pill with a 142 stamp. This has been wonderful! I noticed I have felt MUCH happier and optimistic starting shortly after I was switched to the Actavis generic. I've almost never experienced such sustained optimism - I barely recognize that feeling. I'm going to try to continue taking this type from now on, even if I have to change pharmacies. What a tremendous mood lifter it had been. I have found myself being extra thankful for all my blessings every day and just happier overall. Why? Maybe it's the closest to the original Wellbutrin. Or...maybe it's not that close and actually has more of the active ingredient. I've heard generics are allowed to vary by as much as 20%. Either way, it had really been working for me and is much better than Anchen or Watson (for me). I just hope Actavis' quality control is good and that future batches continue to work for me. God bless!
The fraud of the FDA is their refusal to admit to the public that years of collected field data has proven that there's not a single generic form of Wellbutrin which will duplicate the effects of Wellbutrin for everyone. Testing is meaningless if it can't correlate with field data. The only way the FDA could recover from this fraud is to pull every generic off the market. You can't double talk your way and dance around field data. I'm a retired defense industry engineer and I can tell you that anyone in the defense industry who attempted to hide or ignore the effects of field data would go to prison. Yet the FDA does this without consequence.
I think we can all agree that it's wrong of valeant to do this to any of us regardless of if we do or don't have insurance .... ESPECIALLY since the drug is for depression. Depression is so hard to deal with and when you take away someone's medication that helps them get through each day all for $$$ it's just wrong all the way around.
Yes, I am in the midst of a methodical experiment with generics. Long story short with my case; nearly life-long depression and diagnosed with MS 5 years ago, started on SR generics with widely rates of success over the course of a year or so, when the one generic I did well on was no longer manufactured I switched to name-brand but it was name-brand IR because it was all my insurance would cover. That was the best month of my life; I finally understood why my doctors put me on this medication. Unfortunately GSK had decided to stop manufacturing the IR formula. I lost all my appeals with my insurance to get on another form of name-brand. After some research I began to suspect the release system. I have never been good with the extended release of any drug. I always need more before the next scheduled dose, which is hell with allergy meds let me tell you. A pharmacist friend took my spreadsheets and expanded them to help me create a comparison between name-brand and all the available generic brands of IR bupropion. I have been on our top choice for several months now.
My conclusions for ME on the Mylan IR. It seems ok. Not the worst that I have been on, but not the best. I have put on about 10lbs that I can't seem to lose (which is a major issue for someone who is a recovering anorexic/bulimic). The constipation seems to have increased as well. I am not having severe suicidal ideation but my anxiety levels are still far above where I like them. My doctor and I looked over the list again and both agree that I should try the Teva IR next, as it has other ingredients that match the original that the Mylan lacks. Plus the Mylan contains lactose which I seem to be developing a greater intolerance for. The next hurdle is finding a pharmacy around here that can get it and will honor the "only refill with this brand" instruction. Walgreens was fabulous with this but continuing the tradition of my life being a farce of some Trickster God, Walgreens cannot get the Teva from their supplier. So I will continue to take the Mylan while I hunt for a pharmacy that can. I will update everyone on the next phase when I have some results.
Hang in there everyone. Write everything down, keep records. Remember we know our bodies best, we are our best advocates, and it isn't just "all in our heads".
There are people that are desperately doing an online search about generic Wellbutrin XL…people that are depressed and struggling because several years ago they started taking brand name Wellbutrin XL and did well on it – then their insurance quit paying for it, and they have been through the gamut of generics trying to find something that works. Anyone that runs across recent posts on this forum will just move on - in the past it has been a wealth of information - about different generic brands, options for purchasing brand name, and information about new “programs” as they become available. MS chick is right – this is serious stuff, and nothing to joke about. With the ending of the Direct Success program, and prices of Wellbutrin XL skyrocketing, there are a lot of people looking for help - please, folks, let’s return this forum to trying to help each other and share what we have learned!
Wow Alex...I agree...you really should stop responding. This board has always had really nice supportive comments, but you are snapping at everyone. When I first started taking welbutrin that was exactly how I was snapping at ppl. Now I am starting to wonder if your welbutrin is really working. Maybe you should go back & read all yr comments & see how mean you have been.
Not much activity here for almost 6 months - wondering if folks could update what they are taking now in regard to brand name Wellbutrin XL - have you switched to generic? If so, what generic seems to be working for you?
If you are taking brand, how are you affording it - are there any new programs out there?
If you are taking Valeant brand from Canada, are you having problems getting it, since it appears to be on backorder?
FYI - Valeant has changed their name to Bausch.
I have been on Wellbutrin for over 10 years and I will admit it was the last resort for me. I have been on probably every other antidepressant over the years with no luck. The only problem I have had is the fact that a generic ever came into play. I cannot take the generic as none of them seem to work for me. I have to have the brand and have been buying from Canada for the past few years.
Most doctors will work with you on antidepressants, if yours will not listen, please find another doctor.....Good luck!!!
Sam's Club carries Activas which is the company that bought Watson. I have taken Watson and Activas and they are one and the same as far as I'm concerned
Check out the manufacturer's site wellbutrinxl.com - to get wellbutrinxl (not the generic) direct from the manufacturer, Valeant via the Direct Success pharmacy located in New Jersey. I called the number provided and the representative handled the rest - contacting Medco to have the prescription transferred, etc. The WellbutrinXL was delivered to my door 3 days later.
direct success ships to all states, you can have your doctor call it in to them...actually they prefer that.
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