What Is The Best Generic Version Of Wellbutrin Xl - Watson Or Anchen? (Page 6)
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My doctor will not prescribe generic Wellbutrin XL but my insurance will no longer pay for brand name drugs. I will have to pay about $7000 per yer for what I am taking now (3 of the 150mg Wellbutrin XL brand name per day). I am reading that the problem with the generics is the time release mechanism and not the drug itself and that some are better than others. Anybody have experience with the generics made by Watson and /or Anchen?

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The explanation that I have heard about the time-release mechanism is that it is not patented, but a trade secret to each manufacturer. (In a patent, a company files a very detailed instruction manual to making a patented device, which is public, and they get exclusive rights to use it for some time period, but when the patent expires then everybody has a detailed instruction manual for duplicating it. A trade secret is simply secret, and stays secret as long as the company manages to keep it secret.)

As for generics "not working" and various other conspiracy theories, that's just nonsense. Every generic manufacturer WANTS their $30/month drug to work exactly like the $1,500/month drug, because if their drug works they get $30/month and Valeant gets $0, but if their drug doesn't work then THEY get $0. When I first went on the Teva generic 150XL it was nothing short of a miracle. The internet is full of tens of thousands of us who experienced that miracle, and who are paying $30/month or a lot less if insurance is paying a chunk. The specific problems that specific people are having with specific generics must have to do with specific ways in which some people's bodies vary from average.

There is a huge group of people who have gotten their lives back with these generic drugs which are very cheap. Stop saying that the FDA should screw us all over by taking them off the market.

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I did NOT taper. I just stopped. Two different doctors had told me previously that Wellbutrin is a medication I could simply stop. Please note - that's what my MD's told me. I'm no worse w/o it. Guess that's my litmus test. I had an inkling that these formulations weren't working because in the past if I stopped & restarted after some time .....the benefits were immediately noticeable. (Like in 2 days). And it's not that I was on & off this medication over & over. I'm guessing twice since 2009. Hope that helps.

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JJ, did you stop the WB gradually? I am doing great on the Sandoz SR plus small dose of Adderall. I forget to take the 2nd dose over half the time. Makes me wonder if I could stop. May seem crazy since I am so well on a generic, but I would love to eliminate any/all meds (not that I take a lot - 2 others).

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JJ here again. It's nearing 2 weeks since discontinuing all Wellbutrin XL (including Valeant made in Canada & "for North America" & any GENERIC as well). Scroll down if you wish to see my struggle w/ all. Keep in mind I'd been on brand since 2009. I decided to give up the fight in finding a comparable medication to the ORIGINAL. Alex-good for you! But I don't believe you're taking GSK's original formula either. All that aside-doing well. I only came here today to offer assurance to those still looking for that "Promised Land" in the desert of generics & Canadian formulations that you MAY find yourself better off w/o any of it. I'm speaking of my OWN experience in deciding to stop the medication. I was petrified. Nothing short of petrified. Now here I am. I'm ok. And I'm done using my body as an experiment -upending myself w/ trials. I believe (in response to an earlier reply), that the time-release patent is up in 2018. I believe that's the problem, but still doesn't account for those not doing well on generics of the other formulations. Troubling.

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There is a difference. The FDA only requires that the active ingredient be identical to the brand formula. However, the FDA does not regulate the various fillers a manufacturer may use. And it appears that it's those fillers which affect effectiveness and have a higher side effect profile. Actavis, Mylan, Zydus = All crap. Just so you know, the retail price for a month's supply of Wellbutrin XL 300 mg is over $1,500 USD.

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Good for you, but your comments are not helpful to those that are struggling.

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Lol Ricky
I totally believe & agree with you, but those of us without insurance are really suffering. OMG...I wish there was a way.

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I take brand name wellbutrin xl 300 mg. Generic wellbutrin is not real wellbutrin. We know this because teva was cheating consumers by not putting the right ingredients in. Teva eventually recalled its budeperion form of bupropion. I have lost 40 lbs. On brand name wellbutrin in just 6 months. This is the miracle weight loss drug that we've all needed.

Major side effect: hair loss because since you are no longer eating much food, you aren't getting enough nutrients. In return, your hair suffers.

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Just sick to hear that Direct Success discontinued the Wellbutrin XL program again - now that the manufacturer has done this for a couple of years, they now have many more people that can't function on anything but brand name Wellbutrin XL.

People's Pharmacy just posted a new article in July 2017 about brand vs generic, and said the average cost they found was $60 per pill. Think about this - $60/day - for one medication (many people with depression/mental issues take more than one med a day).

Source: "Problems with Generic Wellbutrin (Bupropion)? Not Again!", peoplespharmacy.com. Web. July 17th, 2017

Even if you find it for $50 - the new program from Valeant is a joke, considering the cost. Here is info on that program (which expires 12/17):

"You are responsible for paying the first $5 (or $100 if your commercial plan does not provide coverage) for each eligible prescription fill using the coupon. The coupon has a maximum benefit, and the patient is responsible for all additional costs and expenses after maximum benefit limits are reached.

NDC: 00187-0730-30 or 00187-0730-90
- Maximum savings benefit of up to $42.78 per pill.
NDC: 00187-0731-30
- Maximum savings benefit of up to $56.46 per pill."

Does anyone know if the time-release patent will expire anytime soon?

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I started on Wellbutrin SR 300 in the late 90's and switched to XL in mid 2000's. After generics were released I tried them from time to time with the same negative results. Since Valiant has raised the price 14 times in recent years I would have to pay my $4000 max out of pocket to my ins co to ensure I could get the brand (they are charging $1500 for 30 pills now) This year my insurance co will not reimburse anything for the brand after telling me they would..(now out $9000 for this year) Gave up on getting brand and went back on Generic but 15 days in I feel the same symptoms of anxiety that only the brand name seems to quell. Some would say this is all in my head (which to some degree is true as the brain chemistry affected by these drugs is located in my head) but I have been taking some form of this drug for close to 20 years...There is no generic form of Wellbutrin that works for me like the brand.....period. Today I discovered the "Demand the Brand" or guarantee plan that Valiant has out. It looks like I will have to pay the first $100 per month and anything over $42.78 per pill. That will be an additional $216.60 on top of the $100. Huge savings from the current $1500 per month. I am seeing conflicting reports on line over exactly what this program covers. If anyone has used this plan can they please let me know if they have had success? I def qualify for program and hope it works out.

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I did see that yours did not work, that's why I am nervous about ordering from Canada ??. Thank you very much for the information. I'll try it & pray I have great success. I definately update. I am glad this forum exist so that we can help each other.

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Sue, your only option then would be Canada. Big Mountain is where I ordered mine (& they price matched a competitor). I ordered from there because I saw another on this board does so. Your RX must specify Brand Only. And then you tell them u want Valeant Wellbutrin made in Canada (not from Turkey, etc) - Don't know which version you take..... You can call Valeant North America to inquire as to what marking should be on your pills. Please keep in mind from my post below that I did this. I rcvd the correct thing. Wellbutrin XL 150 made by Valeant in Canada. Pills say "wxl 150" as I was told they should. However-the ingredients differ from those on my North American manufacturer's label. If you have a bottle currently-keep it & you can compare. This did not work for me. I hope it will work for you! Please update!

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Unfortunately, I just called Direct Success and I was told that the program they had has been discontinued. So now I have no idea where to get the brand name. There is a coupon on the internet for $100 but it is only if you have insurance, which I don't have. Any idea someone? Not sure about the Canada Pharmacies. I am willing to try anything to get the brand name...except paying the high cost.

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Well......here I am again. If you scroll through I had done extensive research in my quest to continue on Wellbutrin XL. Let me try to shorten the story by saying I DO NOT BELIEVE ANY generic matches the efficacy of the original GSK & most have awful effects including "dumping" the med into my system indiscriminately. Understand I have taken brand (made in US or for North America) for years. I then ordered through Direct Success. Bad news is - I went four months slowly deteriorating on that. IDK why. SO I researched & concluded PAR came closest of the generics. Close isn't good enough-the "dumping". SO I ordered brand made by Valeant in Canada stamped WXL 150 -as Valeant told me it would be. That is correct marking on the tablets from there. Not Turkey, etc. Brand by Valeant from Canada. The ingredients are for sure different item by item than what is labeled when formulated for North America. Then I read a new, yes new article on thepeoplespharmacy that once again the generics are all under suspicion. Having felt just awful (depression, abdominal bloating & distress, weight gain around my middle)......I've decided to give up for now. Four days without & my depression is lifting. I feel clearer. My next step was going to be signing up for the card & paying $100/month I believe. Now I'm not saying this is going to end well & I'm surely not recommending others stop their med. BUT-I feel safe in saying that we're all so petrified of being w/o this drug that we're trying everything possible & nothing is giving the same benefits. And perhaps (as I'm experiencing) just wasting time & getting worse even. Throwing it out there for your consideration. And btw.....I have the FDA ingredient list from 2003 & 2016 which match except for (NF) following the 1st & 3rd ingredient in 2003 and is not present on 2016 label for those same ingredients. I will ask my pharmacist what if any difference that may be. Something just isn't the same with these pills. Sorry. It's not.

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My son and I are having problems with the Par pharmaceutical brand he's on the same amount as I am which is One tablet twice a day 150 mg and the company is Mylan . But mine says SR and his size XL I think that makes a big difference.. mine is also a generic but it seems to work better for both of us

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Iv experienced the same thing...141 pill really worked for me but the 3113 doesn't work the same. It's like half the pill size. There is Par which I might try or just give this one time. Iv gone from Watson to mylan to achen to activis all cause of discontinuation.

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I've noticed more than a couple people here saying good things about Par. For me it was a total nightmare. Made me anxious as hell, but people could respond differently to how fast the drug enters the bloodstream. (I take the 150mg XL)

I went on Canadian Wellbutrin for about 9 months. I'm back on Watson (Actavis) will probably go back on Wellbutrin again, I just got lazy and forgot to refill for a new 90 day and send it, etc.

Having gone back on the generic i'm only noticing i'm less focused and a little more on edge, but my mood is actually generally ok. But I'm also exercising a ton and I think that helps too.

With brand name, I had a thicker armor though. Felt like less could bother me.

I would honestly try a few generics and order the brand name cheaper through Canada and see what works. Unless I start going sour on the Actavis, I'm going to continue it for now.

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Is the brand name really that much better?! I have PAR brand all I will take and have my pharmacy only fill that one. My insurance covers generics 100%, it works but not as good as I believe the brand would. I normally in the past only did well with name brand in any kind of med. just curious if there's that much of a difference?

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Eric - Thanks for the clarification on the patent! Appreciate the insight you provided!

Would you happen to know if there is any research that shows Wellbutrin's effect on short term/working memory since it is an antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors?

The information that came with the medication when I picked it up from a different pharmacy included the following:

"Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects including...confusion, unusual behavior/thinking, memory loss)..."

"Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this drug, especially dizziness and memory loss."

I am trying to understand what may be attributing to memory loss that I am experiencing and know that acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter for memory.

Thanks in advance for any insight you may have on this as well!

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I am having the same problem--have made the adjustment to Par from Wellbutrin XL. I take one 300 mg and one 150 mg, or 450 mg total. After about 8 months on Par, my pharmacy switched the 300 mg to Activis! It's like going from 450 to 150. I don't know how people cope with this constant yanking around by the insurance companies. I can't believe it is even LEGAL to fill an Rx with two brands of generics for one prescription!

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