What Is The Best Generic Of Lamictal? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I've been taking the generic for Lamictal for about five years. Recently I've been feeling different at about the beginning of the year. I use to take the white ones but now I am taking a generic by Taro. What is the best generic for this drug? I never really payed any attention until I started getting this crazy migraines. If anyone has any insights it would be much appreciated.

216 Replies (11 Pages)

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Ashlie (# 76) --

Hi Ashlie! I actually take lamotrigine/Lamictal for BiPolar. I believe with XR (extended release) you take it once a day, as opposed to multiple times a day (as I currently do - I take it once in the morning and once in the evening) - according to my neurologist and psychiatrist. It titrates the active ingredients throughout the days, I guess. I am not a medical professional or scientist, so I can't say I know all the details of this... I'm only sharing what's been shared with me.

Teva is not discontinuing the XR. If I had to take a stab, it's because that is a more profitable drug for them because the XR is more pricey - though, again, I don't know anything about it, so that's all conjecture.

So, since Teva is the only generic that's come close to getting it right, for me, I'm going to try to stick with them and see if the extended release will work as well or close to as well for me, before I go to other generic brands - though, if I can't get a pharmacy around here to order Teva for me, I may be stuck with the other generic brands of the regular release, which is why I am so grateful for any and all info that people are willing to share here about their experiences.

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This morning I started digging into specific ingredients in generic lamotrigine vs brand name Lamictal. Here is what I found for what seems to be most popular generic manufacturers. I did not include coloring.

Lamictal (brand): Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium starch glycolate

Teva: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate

Jubilant Cadista: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycolate

Taro: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone

Aurobindo: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, povidone, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate

Unichem: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium starch glycolate

Alembic: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: lactose monohydrate, sodium starch glycolate type a potato, povidone, magnesium stearate, talc

Zydus: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium starch glycolate

Cipla: Active: lamotrigine. Inactive: colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone, sodium starch glycolate

Teva Extended Release: (appears to be manufactured by Actavis and don’t know that one can really compare ER to regular tablets).

No way to know how much of each inactive ingredient is in each brand, but at least this is a starting point for comparison.

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Re: Ashlie (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there, Ashlie! Thanks for the continued updates. Are you on your full dosage now? How many days have you been at full dosage? It might still be evening out.

You’re such a trooper. It know med management is always a drag when things change. I think I speak for many of us who are leaving Teva when I say this is the part we’re dreading. We appreciate your continued insight.


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Re: Ashlie (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

I do not believe there was any sort of merger or acquisition. The only commonality I am aware of is that both companies are based in Israel. I will say the Taro tablets resemble the Teva ones in everything but shape.

My dosage is the same and it is every bit as good as the Teva for me. It is only $16 for 30 200mg tablets at Costco. I would buy a Costco membership just for the Taro. I was within 2 days of buying the name brand for $560.

No tapering. I picked up the Taro and tossed the Unichem.

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Re: Laura (# 138) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens can get Taro, but may have to order it in for you - just ask them if they can get it in your area.

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Re: Raechel (# 149) Expand Referenced Message

Raechel thank you so much. I'll try Taro since there is quite few bad reviews about Unichem

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Re: Raechel (# 149) Expand Referenced Message

I also like Taro, it has been my backup choice for Teva. After, Cipla manufacturer was absolutely horrible!

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I have decided to try Taro manufacturer. So far it's working fine, most importantly no seizures. I still have about one month supply of Teva but I didn't want to switch suddenly so I was taking Teva in the morning and Taro at night. No side effects. One thing I have noticed that I dont have headache every day like I used to before while taking Teva. Couple of times I did take extra half a pill around my period. There is something about epilepsy that while I'm on my days I feel like I'm about to have a seizure but luckily it hasn't happen in years. I was driving myself crazy for days thinking what am I going to do. I'm glad it worked out and hope it works for rest of you too. I'll keep you updated if any changes

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Re: Gus the Greek (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Hi all - I’ve been on Taro a few months now, as I’ve shared. Doing great. Pretty seamless transition from Teva from Taro.

Walgreens has happily ordered it instead of Unichem for me with 2 days notice every month.

I would agree with Gus and reiterate that there’s about a 25-50mg difference for my 400mg dosage. I’m not sure if it’s an up or down adjustment. I have not adjusted my dosage to accommodate. I decided to see how I did over a period of time before I adjusted. At this point, I’m pleased with my mood stability and have no plans to adjust from my initial dose of 400.

So grateful to have this brand as a replacement and to this community for sharing their experiences to help make this brand known.

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Re: Fonzi (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

I just tried talked to my Walgreens, as well - the ones who usually order Taro for me. They said when they went to order Taro, it was not available to order and did not have a projected date upon which it would be available. So, it may be a shortage in this area. (I'm in the Chicagoland area.) Or - and I hope this is not the case - it may be a discontinuation. I absolutely hope that's not the case.

I did call over to our local Costco and they have it in stock there. So I refilled my Rx there. You don't need a membership to get it there. Perhaps try that? It sounds like they've got a contract with them, nationwide, so they're more likely to get it, than Walgreens is going to be able to special order it.

I'm so sorry!

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Re: Hope (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

Hooray! Thanks for checking, Hope!! Huge relief. I'm going to *hope* ;-) that this is some temporary fluke with Walgreens... maybe just Walgreens here in the Midwest. Thanks for doing the legwork!

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After successfully making the switch from Teva to Taro (thanks to everyone for the guidance), my Walgreens hasn't been able to get it this month. Once again, I contacted Taro Pharmaceuticals USA to find out what is going on. I was told that the 200mg WAS on back-order, but was released on the 13th of May, and should be making its way through warehouses and distributors. She assured me it is NOT being discontinued - yay! So, if you're having trouble getting it and being told it is discontinued, it is not. I know that I, for one, am just very nervous about the possibility after the Teva discontinuation.

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Re: Hope (# 196) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you SO MUCH! When Costco (who fills my RX and uses Taro as their preferred brand) said they were on backorder, I was having mad-flashbacks to our chaos a couple of years ago. I tried calling Taro three times last week and kept being sent around the place on their local and their 800-number. I just gave up b/c of time. So I am very grateful to have the info you provided.

I wondered if it had something to do with the challenge they had with the 100mg Taro contamination. Thank you, thank you!! I wish you the best on Unichem. I was able to grab an extra month's worth at a Costco that had a couple of bottles left in stock, so hopefully it'll last me until the supplier gets it back in the stores.

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Hi KD,

No one can really say what the best generic would be, for any medication. The reason being, everyone reacts to medication differently, so what might be the best for me could be horrible for you. I imagine that the side effects you are experiencing could be caused by some of the inactive ingredients in the generic you are currently taking. I think your best bet is to just speak with your doctor and experiment until you find a generic that works well for your body. Are you taking any other medications that list migraines as a side effect?

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All of my medication lists migraines or headaches as side effects but it is strange that it never happened before. Well I switched up to Zydus from Taro and don't know if I notice any difference yet. I might feel a little more active and starting to feel the urge to get more things done. Who knows. I will just have to give it a week and find out?

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I also have tried several different brands and Cipla is the best. The worst are the large white ones (ZC 80, ZC 82, ZC 83), manufactured by Zydus but also sold under other names (sometimes with the same imprint!) The active ingredients are made in India and shipped over here by the metric ton. Here they are mixed with fillers and pressed into tablets. They have a bitter taste, hard to swallow, and give me an upset stomach.

I tried to get my insurance company to approve brand name but there's been many hoops. The brand name version is 20x more expensive. My preferred generic is a "light pink" (more brownish) oval tablet that's easy to swallow and doesn't cause stomach aches.

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I want to say thank you for your post, which coincidentally enough, explains why I have been having severe migraines. At least it makes sense to me now. I only get prescribed 25mg tablets to be taken 3 tablets in the morning. So again thank you sincerely for your post. May God bless you and all who may be reading this reply!!!

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I was taking Lamotrigine peach diamond shape by teva for a few years. Then (2009?) I was given pills from another mfg - I don’t remember name of - white circle. I started having seizure activity within just a couple of days. Went back to the teva & didn’t have any more problems. Now my pharmacy special orders lamotrigine teva brand. I’m hoping they don’t ever change their formula.

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Re: Cassie (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I sure do. Cipla was terrible for me, I normally take Teva. It was after a month of Cipla that I really felt sick.

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Re: Neller (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I have found that Sams Club will order Teva generic Lamotrigine for me. Cipla and Unichem don’t work at all.

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