What Is The Best Generic Of Lamictal? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I've been taking the generic for Lamictal for about five years. Recently I've been feeling different at about the beginning of the year. I use to take the white ones but now I am taking a generic by Taro. What is the best generic for this drug? I never really payed any attention until I started getting this crazy migraines. If anyone has any insights it would be much appreciated.

216 Replies (11 Pages)

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Re: Dwight S (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry to hear the Unichem is not working out for you - please, please keep us posted how you do on the Taro - hope it will work better for you - hang in there!

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Re: Raechel (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

I take lamotrgine as an anti-depressant. I imagine most of us lost far too much of our precious lives determing what is wrong with us and then finding the best treatment.

For me depression is slow thinking and the inability ton accomplish tasks. It was disheartening to have these symptoms come roaring back after 7 years. I have to be sharp when meeting with clients so I actually took Thursday and Friday off. Hopefully a few days on the Taro will have me back in order by Monday. It does seem better so far.

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Re: Dwight s (# 113) Expand Referenced Message

I'm doing pretty well on Taro so far (about 2 weeks) but I also take Nardil which is a pretty heavy anti-depressant.

I'm looking forward to hear how you do Dwight - please keep us informed. I had gotten worse on Alembic and Aurobindo but seem to be better after switching to Taro.

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Re: Lisa (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

GSK rejected me. Turns out you have to earn less than $30,00.00 as a single, $41,00.00 for married joint income. $51,000 with a dependent. I just got a letter asking to talk to my doctor to hear about my side effects on generic. There may be hope yet. The letter I included with the application may change their minds. I am not a healthy person on top of being bipolar. I spend $650.00/ month on additional meds every month before Lamictal. I told them with the $1,160.00 added for Lamictal it’s more than my monthly income if I want to eat or not live on the street.

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Hi guys, after my horrible reaction to Cilpa, bad reaction to Taro and bad reaction to Unichem I decided to try Alembic before purchasing the brand name Lamictal. I am feeling good on the Alembic. I've been taking it for about 7 days, had a little nausea first couple days and that went away. I don't think it's as strong as the Teva so I bumped up the dose a little last 2 days and feel ok so far. I still feel a little different but I'm not super sick like the others. I've never been on brand name so I don't know how it feels compared to the Alembic. Anyone else tried Alembic?

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Re: Dwight s (# 121) Expand Referenced Message

Dwight that is so great! Self improvement is never a waste of time. I was thinking Taro would be the next best thing to Teva since that’s who acquired them I think so maybe they kept the same formulation. No idea. Are you on the same dosage you were as on Teva? You mentioned tapering down on Unichem? I’ve been thinking about talking to my doctor about trying the extended release form if still available from Teva. I’m not sure which pharmacy around me has Taro actually...
Keep on keepin on!

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Re: Dwight s (# 134) Expand Referenced Message

Anyone can use the Costco pharmacy - you don't need to be a member (just tell the door person). I believe this is by law.

Taro is working fine for me too btw.

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Thanks for the input everyone! I’m strongly considering switching to Taro as well. After being on Unichem for over a month I’m starting to see previous mood swings and slight mania I didn’t have while on the Teva Lamotrigine but did on Paxil and especially Wellbutrin and I really don’t want to go back there. I need to schedule an appointment with my psych first so I’ll see what she thinks we can do. Good luck to you all. Also I’m on Lamotrigine as a mood stabilizer for bipolar II not for seizures so I’m not sure how each generic varies for those I’m sorry!

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Walgreens switched me to UNICHEM and it is TERRIBLE. ALL of my symptoms are back. Additionally, I'm so fatigued I can hardly stay awake sometimes. It is by far the worst generic version of lamotrigine I have ever taken. I've been on lamotrigine for a decade, so I've had quite a few. I do remember having Zydus, Northstar, Aurobindo and others. Those also felt inferior to Teva, but nothing like what I'm going through with the Unichem version. From reading through this, it sounds like Taro might be okay, so I'm going to call around and see who has it.

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Re: Laura (# 138) Expand Referenced Message

I actually upped my dose on Unichem thinking it wasn’t quite strong enough and turns out it was the opposite! I’m on 50mg/day versus 100 and it’s much better but still not as reliable as Teva. Something still just feels off. I too am going to try and get Taro through my Walgreens! Good luck and sorry you’re going through hell right now. You’ve made it through before you can do it again:)

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Re: Raechel (# 149) Expand Referenced Message

Just to clarify... Taro is the brand of generic lamotrigine I’m using istead of Teva. Sorry if that was unclear.

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Re: JonnyUnitus (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Jonny.

Still to early to tell however I can say Im doing ok and not falling apart. I am sleeping much better on TARO however may need to increase the dose by 25mg-50mg to find the “sweet spot”.

Was taking 200mg TEVA.

Anyone else notice its not quite as potent as Teva?

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Re: Raechel (# 158) Expand Referenced Message

I have always found Taro a goid choice, if Teva unavailable. Im grateful fir this helpful community too.

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Re: Cmg (# 162) Expand Referenced Message

Costco by me has it by default. No membership needed for pharmacy. I would try there.

Good luck getting taro brand.

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Re: Cmg (# 162) Expand Referenced Message

The +20 / -20 isn't the only prob. There is crappy lamotragine and better lamotragine. Just like any other drug. All these generics are made in India now. Sadly some of the manufacturers are terrible and make poor drug using poor chemical source materials. Sure fillers bibders but also the ingredients in the lamotragine itself.....

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Re: Cmg (# 162) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens special orders Taro for me. Just tell them you have a bad reaction to their other generic.

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Just spoke directly with Taro Pharmaceuticals USA customer service, and the rep said that there is no shortage, or plans to discontinue Taro Lamotrigine, and seemed stunned that Walgreens couldn't get it. Too early for my refill, so can't say about my Texas Walgreens yet. Sure hope it's not going to be an issue, as things are going well for me with Taro after Teva was discontinued!

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Re: Raechel (# 175) Expand Referenced Message

That is so great Raechel! I’m glad it’s working well for you. I will keep that in mind about Costco, thank you for that information. I’ll check back in after I start to share my experience! Thanks to you and to everyone on this thread for sharing all your trial and errors, it saves so many others from discomfort and stress!

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Re: Lisa k (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

Taro didn’t work for me either. Switched to brand ($550) a month and felt like myself after a few days. I guess Teva was the closest to Brand

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Re: Connie (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, Hope checked with Taro back in January - you can scroll down and see her post below - and she said that Taro confirmed they were not discontinuing. Taro Pharm was very surprised that Walgreens was having trouble ordering and said that anyone should be able to order. I suspected that Walgreens corporate in my area was putting a restriction on the local Walgreens ordering certain RXs outside their contracts. Hence, I just went with Costco, since there's one down the road. But, I'm fortunate to have one so close.

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