What Gives A False Positive For Cocaine In Hair Test (Page 2)
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Recently had a positive result for cocaine on a hair test. I'm a 56 yr. old diabetic and i'm in dire need of this job. Suggestions?? I've already gone the route of contesting the result.

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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Maybe you should learn how to spell as well. It really makes a person look stupid when you dont spell correctly.

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Yes a liver disease but the toxicologists plainly said that those test are accurate which by reading many blogs im positive they are bogus science at this time also it has cost me 6000.00 to defend my case. People beware of the D..mn dcs. They honestly have no legal right to even make u pee in a cup. They will lie on reports and if u call them out on their mistakes then you are screwed. Dont trust them and dont even open your door for them in TN they have been under federal investigation for quit some time

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I'm a mom of two beautiful children and recently had them taken from me. I willingly gave a hair follicle and urine test bc I know I haven't done anything. There were things that showed up, but the psych medications I'm on accounted for everything except for cocaine. I was very eager to get the results in so I could get my babies back. But the only one thing that's unaccounted for is cocaine, which showed up in my hair follicle. Now, I am 33 years old and haven't touched it since I was probably about 17. Ever since I became a mother, that has been my job and to priority. Can someone PLEASE suggest as to what I should do here? I do have a kidney infection that I have an appointment to see my PCP for next week. I'm desperate here. Please help me prove it was won't so I can have my little loves back.... PLEASE HELP US RETURN TO OR NORMAL LIVES...

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Your reply clearly shows you do not believe that she had a FALSE positive test result. The test result is NOT fact. This I know from my own personal FIRST HAND experience. I had stopped using drugs and moved to a different state. I was drug tested randomly, via urine, with no problems. And honestly was 100% drug-free. I underwent a hair follicle test and it was positive for cocaine!!! I was devastated! I had NOT been doing any drugs and in fact was clean for 7 months at that time. Those that ordered the test said they would try again in 3 months. And they did. And once again I received the horrible call telling me it came back positive. I had not been doing any drugs of any kind, whatsoever. These results changed my life. It you truly have not been doing drugs and you receive a false positive, I say to you - you are not alone. It happened to me. Fight it with everything you have. Stand up for yourself and never back down. Good luck. Xo

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FYI case manager. Pls quote the regulation or enlighten me as to where u are getting your information from because I honestly haven't found this information to be true at all. I have been a registered foster parent since 1999 and raised 6 children of my own including one that was adopted thru the state. The dcs is Smith county and DeKalb county Tennessee are all on a witch Hunt. I have seen that side of the situation for many years. They put good people thru H..L especially when my almost 18 year he's 17 and will be 18 in 2 months got caught speeding and had a small amount of Marijuana in his car. They are putting me thru so much crap. I and very ill I suffer from diabetes, liver disease and took a private company hair folical test and it showed a false positive I have disputed those results so at their request I used their approved lab I passed 100 percent take 6 days later but now they are trying to black ball me just b c I reported the case workers for improper documentation and violating the HEPA laws. Trust me people just don't comply with their request and then they have nothing to use against u. Don't even let the dcs into your home or don't pee in a cup. There is no law that says that they have the right to invade your life. Unless they can see immediate life treating abuse. The state and the dcs needs to be educated on these unreliable hair folical test that needs a lot of research to be accurate. These test were originally developed to measure the toxic metals in a body. Please don't trust anybody that works with the dcs. I would dare a dozen of the case managers and supervisors to take a hair folical test and then where would they be, ... Prob out of a job since the state is not smart enough to be educated in the variable that can cause false positives.

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Here in Texas CPS are the most corrupt people in Collin county and I know for fact they want that check they get for removing the child. I know someone who lost a child at 3 months. The mother went to jail. She was doing everything and beyond to get her child back and it was her 1st CPS case so there was no reason for them not to return the child but made her relinquish her rights and told her there's no chance in hell if she didn't relinquish. Even told her she could see her child 4 times out of the year but adoptive parents wont allow that so she got f***ed over by CPS.

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What is a deal T test? I've only heard of hair, pee, or blood tests.

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Do you have kidney disease or liver problems? Both can cause a false positive for cocaine.

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I wish someone could give me an answer for cocaine in hair, when I don't use. How do I get the right results?

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I have an open CPS case, I have never touched cocaine and I keep it real. My child changed my life. But, I have NEVER touched cocaine. However, I am a diabetic, I do have kidney & liver disease. I know I may have to pay for an expert but, I know I have NEVER IN LIFE TOUCHED THE STUFF. So, getting a professional may be my best bet?

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What can cause a false positive for cocaine on a hair test? This is very important, I never touch the stuff and failed for it.

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I am not and have never been a cocaine user but I tested positive on my hair follicle test and it was a deal T Test. What can I do to prove it was a false positive?

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To the CPS worker I don't do drugs at all but I failed a hair follicle test I take care of my kids and they are not being abused so how can I get them back

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I was giving a hair follicle test and it come back positive for cocaine and I don't do drugs, but I was given fentanyl in the hospital and I do use lidocaine cream for my feet. Would that cause it? I really need help trying to figure this out and proof.

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I just tested negative on a nail bed test and came up positive on a hair test taken same day. I was negative on urine test...how is this possible

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Omg this just happen to me after i gave birth to my son on march 25 and took my hair test on april 1 came back positive for cocaine and i never have done this drug ever in my life. they have me doin supervised visits with all six of my children and made me give my three wk old away. im goin crazy and have no one to believe me. i have never failed a drug test during the time i was pregnant. when i gave birth to him we both were clean so what happened? please let me know. thanks. i have all the meds that I took when i was pregnant given by my doctor...

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You are an ignorant case worker. This person is trying to find the answer to a problem - just like I am. I am so tired of people saying "you did cocaine because you tested positive." Yes I tested positive - but no I have never done cocaine. If you have nothing to offer in the way of information, please keep your holier than though BS to yourself. Remember a few years ago when everyone on death row was guilty? I am sure you were one of the people saying the appeals process is too long for death row inmates. Now there is one being released every month.

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No but I've been prescribed loritab and a few meds for upper respiratory infection

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As a CPS worker, I wouldn't believe that story, esp if I have a positive test as proof. Anyway.... the law states that neglect must be proven (present danger) for children to be removed from the care of the parents. CPS must prove that the danger is immediate and that the drug use is affecting the care of the children.
If this is not the case, a child cannot be removed from the home. ex functioning alcoholics.
You also have the option of paying for the test yourself at a reputable facility.
My advise would be to be honest with yourself and your case manager so that they could formulate a plan that would allow you to get the help and treatment that you need to take care of your children in the best possible way. The government does not want anyone's kids and foster care is just a temporary alternative.
Get the treatment you need to put this page behind you. Your children need you to be a good, responsible and loving parent!!

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