What Dose To Begin On Contrave?
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My doctor started me on Contrave at the full dose of 2 pills 2 times per day. After reading the packaging I see it is recommended to start at a lower dose and increase each week. I already took 2 doses of 2 pills. Has anyone else began at the full dose?

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I take Fluoxetine 20 mg twice a day and my doctor has prescribed Contrave for me due to my weight issues. Are the two medicines alright to take together?

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Hello, Bird87! How are you?

Yes, that is a very high dose to start with, it's usually titrated up one pill a week until you're taking 4 a day.

Jumping so high immediately could cause you to experience many more side effects, than usual. The FDA lists them as possibly including nausea, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, anxiety and anorexia.

Have you checked with your doctor about this?

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