What Does Opana Er Show Up As On A Urine Test (Page 4)
UpdatedI took a 20mg opana er yesterday morning and have to do a drug test today. I need to know what it will show up as?
Surprisingly..on a 14 panel test I just took yesterday, it not only came up as oxymorphone, but also as Methadone. And there's not a chance in hell it's left over from the last time I took a Methadone, because it's been 6 years. I really find it odd it also contains the same drug as Methadone. All I've taken in the past 3 months are the 40 mg Opana. Go figure. I now don't at all trust these dip tests. because nowhere can I find where Methadone is in an Opana.
My roommate was taking Opana that was prescribed too her and she ended up getting pregnant and even though she started weaning herself off the Opana as soon as she found out and she still ended up having a miscarriage
And if she was addicted before she became pregnant and then detoxes her baby would die. So, you tell me, should she keep taking the medication and keep the baby alive but cause a little pain (which will be managed) or should she just go ahead and let her baby die?
Does opana ER show up the same as opana instant release on a urine drug test?
Re: confused (# 13)
Yes! If you take Oxymorphone you will test positive for Oxycodone. This doctor of yours is not too bright.
If given tylenol-3 by prescription and have to take a urine test, will opana show up as the same thing?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Agreed. Opana will (without a doubt) show up as OPIATES
Re: Byrdie (# 67)
Thanks. I am also prescribed oxycodon. So i should be fine.
Thanks again.
Re: Jessica (# 19)
Agreed. This world lives in glass houses. Depending on the length of time and the amount that is given to the mother. As long as taken as doctor prescribed the fetus wont have the "withdrawl symptom" The pill does not go straight to the baby people. Shes not stuffing it directly in its mouth. It has to pass through the mother and the mothers liver before reaching the baby. In small doses believe it or not does not cause harm. What you eat, breath and drink will do more harm than that one pill a day. If you are concerned. Get off the internet and go see a real doctor. Believe it or not a lot of women take a ton of precautions to avoid getting pregnant while taking medication. Until each person reaches perfection, maybe keep pointing your finger at your self first then spend wastless time on shaming a person who is scared and just wanted to know what to do. Sad. we should be more human to one another.
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