What Does Opana Er Show Up As On A Urine Test (Top voted first)


I took a 20mg opana er yesterday morning and have to do a drug test today. I need to know what it will show up as?

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So what exactly does the opana, or oxymorophone show up as in a urine test? It is an in office "cup" urine test. I am prescribed oxycodone but not opan/oxymorophone. I took an opana. Now I am worried. Im not sure what it will show as. Will it show as oxycodone, morahpine, both, or something completley different. Im not sure the cup test have a specific line for oxymorophone. Your answer is greatly appriciated. Also do you know how long the oxymorophone stays in your system, to be detected by a urine test?

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Damn justiceseeker F*** she might not have know she was pregnant did u think of that before jumping down her throat

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This is not true at all my dr. Prescribed me opiates while I was pregnant. Do the research people. My child did not have to be winged off anything. I took them as prescribed. oxymorphone 15mg every 12 hours. Your baby will be fine. It seems people are in a hurry to judge not even knowing your circumstance. Good luck and congratulations.

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If ur doctor sent u for a urine test for oxycodone only but he gave u opana and oxycodone but u only took ur opana would u test positive for oxycodone still even if you didn't took any oxys but u took opana.

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i was prescribed morphine & Loratab. and at one point even oxycodone while i was pregnant due to falling and compressing my spine my child was perfectly healthy perfectly fine one of the smartest babys I've ever seen. here he is coming up on 5 yrs old still the smartest kid i know. people just need to focus on there own s*** and stop thinking their opinions matter on someone else's life. oh how the world would be if people would just do that.

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Your a junkie too m.fu..er or you wouldn't be on this sight and homies right the girl may not have known she was pregnant and quite possibly asking for help and has already made the choice to quit!

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I take oxymorphone hcl er 10mg. I went for My monthly pain management appointment and took a ua and it came back positive for oxycodone and he said that it was right. So the following month i went in for My appointment and this time i seen My regular Dr and she gave me a ua and it came back positive for oxycodone Just like last month but she said that i shouldnt be positive for oxycodone and accused me of taking meds that i wasnt prescribed. I didnt take anything but What i was prescribed. But of course she acted like i was lying. I told her the other Dr said that it was normal to test positive for oxycodone even though i take oxymorphone because oxymorphone is a derivative of oxycodone. She said that the other Dr was wrong. So i called the pharmacy at the hospital and asked them and they said that u could test positive for oxycodone even though u take oxymorphone. If anyone has had this happen to them please let me know or if anyone has any information on this please let me know. Thanks.

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Ok.while taking anything while pregnant is always looked at as a big no no..so.e peopledont stop to think of the ones that have been on medications for very serious..needed or legit reasons. Take a minute before taking judgement in another. Issued to be one of those justice be right tellers until it happened to me. I wwos s injured at work and thought it was a simple tthing that need up to be lifetime. I jad what I thought nothing to worry about cause I had already had my children so was at the worstworried about how I would act on meds. Well 6 yrs later after divorce and remarry he wanted a child!! So after research I learned that after so long on a certain medication withdrawal is insane to think of going through so to think of putting a child through it is horrific. Well to those out there who judge the doctor chose to not take me off of the medication because of the reasons that put me on it and so from there I went to a high risk doctor and did weekly ultrasounds and a in home nurse as well as a regular ob. While it seems like alot..you do what is best for your kids and with support and great prenatal care while on meds I had 2 very healthy children. Do I always agree with everything everyone says is the reason they do what they do..no!! But for me it was the best decision of the doctor...sooo to those out there that think opiates is ok to take during pregnancy..no I still dont agree I was scared everyday but I hope this story helps someone somewhere

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Opana contains the active ingredient Oxymorphone, which is a narcotic opiate and should be detected as such on a drug test.

Depending on the type of test they do, they will either just show the presence of an opiate, or they can determine the specific one that you took.


However, if you have a prescription, there is no need to worry, just inform them of that, when you go in for testing.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Sorry "quick to judge" but you definitely have been misinformed. If Opana is taken during while being pregnant consistently your unborn child will also be addicted to it as well. After the child is born he/she will have to have it in their system as they are sadly addicted to it as well as the mother and WILL ABSOLUTELY have to be weaned off the opiate or suffer from withdrawal just like any adult would. After giving birth he/she will be given Morphine to suppress the withdrawal symptoms and in turn will slowly be weaned off the Morphine given to them through an IV. Also, I hate to tell you but afterwards Child Protective Services will be contacted to handle that situation. I see this all the time sadly in my profession. The poor babies never had a choice in the matter of abusing drugs nor asking to be born into instantly being an addict. Watching a baby go through withdraw symptoms is terrible to say the least. Especially when the Mother knows what she's been doing and thinks that the baby won't be addicted so she doesn't inform the Dr. about it and the baby has to suffer from WD's until the Dr. runs tests to see what the issue is. This is why now we automatically drug screen the Mothers before delivery. Some of these people up here are so clueless and should really start using birth control or practice abstinence. As some do not deserve such a precious gift to abuse the child before birth and afterwards as well. People can be so selfish. SMH -----

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Ok first order of business. Junkies who are probably on the government dime have no right to judge a woman who is 15wks pregnant. She can be safely prescribed Opana while pregnant. Second, don't attack someone for asking a question if you're too *******d to spell or use proper grammar and punctuation. I understand you're probably high out of your gourd, but if someone has a legitimate question and you all go bat-s*** with your judgment it's a laugh! So keep your very unwanted, uneducated and scathing opinions to yourself.

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I see your name is momof3 and thats cool and all but your very quick to play God and judge someone. Calling her a junkier yet you don't know s*** about her. All you know is she took one freaking pill when her she was 15wks. pregnant with her baby. Now i'd love to know if you knew that she was paralyzed like me or had some other type of injury/disease that calls for her to take an opanas. She might even be prescribed and she's choosing not to take them everyday just for her child. When my sister was pregnant she was having a lot of pain. The doctors prescribed her Lorcet 7.5 and told her to take only when she needed it. They were giving her 30 a month. She took about 10 to 15 a month and give me the rest. Basically im saying, please know the whole situation before you judge that woman and call her a junkie. It's people like you that give people like me that fought for you and others like you overseas a bad name like, "a junkie". I'm a Untied States Marine. I didnt get hurt overseas, when I came home I was also a volunteer firefighter. We had a call, I jumped in the fire truck with another guy. He went around a curve going out of town and overcorrected. When you got 8 tons of water in a tank on the back, that water is just going to help it flip just like it did in my situation. It flipped and the tank came right off the back and hit me in the back. I broke 18 vertebraes with a spinal cord injury at T-3, both shoulders, 3 ribs, and ended up with a traumatic brain injury. The doctors thought I would be a vegetable but the good Lord had other plans. Even though ppl like me that are paralyzed and get strong medicine like Opana ER 30mg with oxycodone 15mg yall want to call us Junkies. Look, its people that weigh over 300 lbs. and complain that they are having problems with their knees. You damn right you got problems with your knees when you weigh over 300 lbs.... lose some weight...yet you wont because you love getting 130 percocet 10/325's...When ppl like me can only get 90...SMFH... CALL THEM JUNKIES...NOT PEOPLE LIKE ME!!!

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You have no place to judge. Only one being as that right and it ain't you! You don't know anything about her situation. Thus is a site to get needed information, keep your opinions outta it or go to a different site! My gosh what is wrong with people. You say God bless her baby....maybe you should actually read your bible before u think you have a right to pass judgement!!!!!!

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Umm no you are wrong. I was medically on opiates while pregnant. Two of my pregnancies were not planned and I could not physically come off of them. I was monitored and NICU was in place in case something was wrong but that was never needed. So before you choose to judge, know your facts. I have a perfectly healthy 7 & 9 year old. Also, my doctor who is on the top doctors list in the country told me the worst it would do is make the baby a little sleepy!

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Very good presentation: mayomedicallaboratories.com/media/articles/hot-topic/2014/2014-02-15-urine-opiate-tests-pain-management-fulltext.pdf

In this presentation it explains why Oxycodone shows up if you only take Opana. I have been on OpanaER for 9 years. My tests show Oxymorphone 14,000 ng/ml and Oxycodone Less Than 100 ng/ml. There is a table on page 25 explaining why Oxycodone. It's in the math! Same manufacturer, allowable % of pharmaceutical contaminant in Opana.....Oxycodone! I have NEVER taken Oxycodone! Mic drop??

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It is safe they give them to pregnant women

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I take prescription opana er 40 mg and when urine tested it didn't come up under opiate they said it had to be sent out to lab why didn't it show up and will it on the lab test

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well if you used it in any other way than prescribed that's probably why it didn't show up just saying! the chemical make up of opana if misused will not show up in a typical urine test. if taken correctly unless you run out 3 to 4 days before you're supposed to it has had enough time to get out of your system to where is you take a urine test it will come up negative for opiates. Not saying that you abuse your medication or anything just trying to give you a little insight on the drug.

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If you are prescribed opiates already and happen to get pregnant they can't stop your meds. If you go through withdrawal so does your baby and it could die. The baby will have to stay in NICU when it's time for you to go home to withdrawal with doctors. If it's to much for the baby they give the baby meds and ween them down before he goes home. So f*** the people who are judging cus that's what the doc tells you and your gonna deal with the guilt of leaving a sick baby not them

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Hi I'm prescribed lower tabs but I have random drug test for dhs and its a swab test. Will opana show up as the same as that. I haven't took any cuz I'm not sure what it will show and don't want to lose my kids. Was just curious. And also was wandering about dalata 4mg what that shows up.

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