What Does Opana Er Show Up As On A Urine Test (Page 2)
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I took a 20mg opana er yesterday morning and have to do a drug test today. I need to know what it will show up as?

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Did you pass the test ? If prescribed oxycodone and took an loans? Will I pass ua?

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For one how the f*** do you know that she knew that she was pregnant when she took the pill... Did she say that she abused it - no... She asked a simple question on how it would effect it and all you wanna do is judge the poor women... Maybe the damn doctor had this women on this medication because she has severe pain issues, ever think of that... And when you are pregnant you can take pain medication as long as you're not abusing it and it doesn't hurt the baby... So before you go judging people learn and think a little more.

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Opana shows up as oxycodone on a drug test. And it only takes 3 to 5 days depending on body fat to get out of your system

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You shouldn't come down on somebody if you don't know their situation. What you think just cuz she's pregnant a doctor will prescribe her Opana or methadone or Oxycontin? They did that to my wife and she said she wanted to detox from it and they said she'd be a bad mother if she did because the fetus could die. So if you don't know what you're talking about you shouldn't judge other people.

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Very good presentation: mayomedicallaboratories.com/media/articles/hot-topic/2014/2014-02-15-urine-opiate-tests-pain-management-fulltext.pdf

In this presentation it explains why Oxycodone shows up if you only take Opana. I have been on OpanaER for 9 years. My tests show Oxymorphone 14,000 ng/ml and Oxycodone Less Than 100 ng/ml. There is a table on page 25 explaining why Oxycodone. It's in the math! Same manufacturer, allowable % of pharmaceutical contaminant in Opana.....Oxycodone! I have NEVER taken Oxycodone! Mic drop??

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Ok first order of business. Junkies who are probably on the government dime have no right to judge a woman who is 15wks pregnant. She can be safely prescribed Opana while pregnant. Second, don't attack someone for asking a question if you're too *******d to spell or use proper grammar and punctuation. I understand you're probably high out of your gourd, but if someone has a legitimate question and you all go bat-s*** with your judgment it's a laugh! So keep your very unwanted, uneducated and scathing opinions to yourself.

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This just happened to my sister. She tested positive for Opana but has never taken it! I'm trying to so some research and find out if any other drugs can be mistaken for this. So frustrating!

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My child is 7 years old now and didn't have to weaned off either nor did he have withdrawals. I took opiates during whole pregnancy cause the doctor told me I'd lose my baby if I quit. We were monitored the entire pregnancy and he came out perfect. No birth defects, no withdrawals and didn't have to be weaned off.

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justiceseeker... under certain circumstances people need to take pain meds while pregnant. I had to cause the risk of quitting them was too great. the doctors told me I would lose my baby if I quit taking my pain meds. The doctor cut me down a lot but said I had to stay on them because I had been taking them for so long for nerve damage and CRPS in my right wrist. You shouldn't and DO NOT have the right to judge someone before you know the whole story. I realize this post is from years ago and if you are reading this you need to hear the whole story before you judge. However if this pregnant girl is taking them without a prescription and doesn't have doctors monitoring her as I did she needs to go to a rehab facility and get off of them the safe way and while monitored. Do Not Judge Lest Ye Be Judged Yourself!!! If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.

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First, read this: practicalpainmanagement.com/treatments/pharmacological/opioids/oxycodone-oxymorphone-metabolism. The easiest way to explain what happens is that the medication he was legally prescribed, a metabolite of it is oxymorphone! I would think his doctor should know such information. I've read quite a lot about this because I take oxymorphone. The way my doctor explained it to me was that, anyone taking oxycodone can, and will test positive for oxymorphone because your body goes through this entire process with the oxycodone and once its all said and done, what's actually in his body and killing the pain IS oxymorphone partially! Now, I'm not trying to argue in any way, shape or form with whomever posted the comment about opana showing up as oxycodone, just isn't possible. If it were me, I'd research, research, research. You really don't have to dig too deep. Print it out and when he goes back, ask the doctor to explain it in layman's terms! ;)



Best of luck!

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On a quick office swivel stick test opana will show same as hydrocodone and not oxycontin. If they send your urine to a lab then it will show as oxymorphone itself because they use different fillers in all different types of tablets. The drugs themselves all show up as opiates that's why they put different fillers in all the different kind of pain killers and the fillers are what they look at to identify exactly what pills you have been taking, but only a lab test can see the fillers.

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Doctors prescribe narcotics if you're pregnant. With all 6 of my kids I was on narcotics for chronic pain and not one of them came out with withdrawals and my 11 year old and 8 yr old is fine, same with others. Now taking some crack and methamphetamine and drinking like a fish and all that is something you can talk some s*** about.

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The same happened to me... I've been on Opana ER since 3/2007, never worried about UDT, never had a problem. I moved to Central Florida, new DR said UDT showed no med then sent out, came back positive Oxymorphone 13,456ng/ml and positive for Oxycodone <100ng/ml, The next two same results 20,164ng/ml/<100ng/ml, 18,671ng/ml/<100bg/ml. I have been told by another lab that because the Oxycodone is <100ng/ml and the Oxymorphone is so high (as it should be) that they should NOT be reading it as a positive. I am NOT taking Oxycodone nor have I EVER taken Oxycodone!! The Dr. Has fired me as his patient!

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Oxymorohone is Opana and Naloxone is Narcon used to treat overdose. I don't understand how your drug test would come back positive for this either. Especially only taking Oxycodone. That's crazy. I use to take Opana and Oxycodone and they both would come back positive only for the drug they were, so I'm no help. Not sure why this would happen.

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I am so upset that I came up positive on my drug test for oxymorphone and naloxone when I do not take them and I don't even know what they are I only take oxycodone 10 milligrams that I'm prescribed along with my other prescriptions generic Cymbalta and meloxicam and Flonase Nasal Spray I don't know how in the world I tested positive for those two things can you help me please they're trying to kick me out of my doctor's office

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I am a 53 year old woman and I am prescribed oxycodone 10 milligrams, generic Cymbalta, meloxicam, Crestor, Flonase Nasal Spray, I don't understand why my test came back positive for oxymorphone and naloxone and somehow or another my drug test came back with oxymorphone and naloxone

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Umm no you are wrong. I was medically on opiates while pregnant. Two of my pregnancies were not planned and I could not physically come off of them. I was monitored and NICU was in place in case something was wrong but that was never needed. So before you choose to judge, know your facts. I have a perfectly healthy 7 & 9 year old. Also, my doctor who is on the top doctors list in the country told me the worst it would do is make the baby a little sleepy!

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If you took only one, nothing. If you are prescribed it regularly, your pain doctor will wean you off during the last trimester. Forget these people who want to judge you rather than give you a straight answer. The doctor you are seeing will give you the most accurate answers. If you are a drug addict, there is no shame in having a disease, provided that you are seeking help. Your baby will change your life, but you have to want that change. Best of everything to you. Please don't take anything not prescribed, and be completely honest with your doctor about everything so they can help you!

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I call it a miracle but...due to other legit medical issues, I didn't know I was pregnant until almost 7mths!!! I am a chronic opiate user and somehow, my baby tested negative when He was born! No detox, no withdrawal, no side effects at all for him :-) Again, I have no idea how this happened but I am grateful beyond belief.

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I was one of the unfortunate women to get pregnant while on a certain birth control that I will not name out. I was ALWAYS on top of my birth control for the very reason that not only did I no longer want anymore children being that my youngest was 11 years old but because the biggest reason of all was my injuries that I had sustained that caused me SEVERE pain. My pain was so bad that I would take three oxycodone 30mg every 6 hours for pain and I would still be in agony! After taking about 7 pregnancy tests I accepted the fact that I was pregnant. (come to find out today that birth control I was taking and depending on is off the market now and is being sued today because some F*****g a**wipe decided to slack off and screw up a batch and send it out anyway to women like I who trusted that BC pill. ANYHOW, I was already shy off 3 months into my pregnancy before I came to find out I was pregnant, I felt so terrified, angry, and guilty, all at the same time. Here I was PREGNANT for almost 3 months taking so much opioids that at that point I had no idea if my baby was already harmed! I really in a trillion years did not expected to ever get pregnant! At that time I didn't know anything about pregnancy and oxycodone. So my husband convinced me to do some research before I made any decision. well come to find out that there has been many studies done on pregnancies and opioids and not one study showed that the fetus suffered any physical or mental mal-formation, HOWEVER!!!! it is considered very dangerous to suddenly stop taking opioids because it is a fact that not only a baby comes out ADDICTED and dependent on opioids but the fetus could very well die if a pregnant women goes into withdrawal mode. The baby is not strong enough to sustain the withdrawal symptoms because the baby's withdrawal are ten fold worse than the woman's withdrawal and being that the poor little thing has such a tiny tiny undeveloped heart he will die resulting that woman to miscarriage. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL TO GO THRU WITHDRAWALS WHILE PREGNANT! AND IF THE THOUGHT OF YOU PICTURING THAT POOR THING WITHDRAWING DOESNT BREAK YOUR HEART I TELL YOU WHAT WILL!

The moment you see your newborn, a helpless child who had no choice but to be dependent on opiods suffer through withdrawals just after being born! Mind you I was honest and straight-out with my doctors from the minute I called to schedule my first appt and I did as much as I could so that my baby wouldn't have to go thru that horrific moment. I gave up oxycodone and opana and got on a very low dose of methadone. I was in agony thru most of my pregnancy but I was willing to make that sacrifice for a baby that neither he asked to be conceived nor did I plan or yet think of conceiving. So I found a OB doctor who Specialises in opiod dependent pregnancies and his medical advise was to start me off immediately on methadone and discontinue the use of opana and oxycodone. I took a low dose of methadone and without one symptom of withdrawal through the rest of my pregnancy. When it came time for me to give birth and welcome my little munchkin I was prepared by my Dr of what baby might have to go thru. My dr explained to me that being that instead of being on oxycodone and opana I was on a very low dose of methadone which significally lowered the chances of my baby withdrawing as harsh as he would have if i would have continued oxy and opana. When my baby was born he did indeed have symptoms of withdrawal, a very minimal withdrawal than what could have been, however for me that did not make me feel better one bit when I was informed that he intact was showing minimal withdrawal symptoms. it was THE MOST painful, MOST horrible situation and feeling I had ever felt in my life! the facts that I got pregnant not by choice or because I was irresponsible or selfish but because of some careless prick whom not only was too damn lazy to do his job right but decided to lie and cover his screw up did not matter then when a little helpless newborn screamed at the top of his little lungs because of the horrific mental and physical pain he was going thru. So whenever I read or hear of a woman who is taking any drug I try to tell them about my experience and how horrific and unforgivable it is to see your little baby go thru such a horrifying experience that they have no fault in. To really please stop and not to be selfish and put her needs to consume drugs while pregnant because it is something that you will witness and will never be able to forgive yourself. As much as I know this wasn't my doing it does not make me feel any better when I remember the look and the cry of my child when he suffered and went thru something so horrible when he really had no fault in it! So please be a bit more selfless and if you know ur an addict and you don't plan or cannot leave your drug of choice alone PLEASE take very well care or yourself and do not make an innocent child suffer in that horrific way just hours of being born. yeah they get treated for it but to have to leave your baby in an ICU hospital department al bc you could not let go of your habit and didn't care to take care of yourself from becoming pregnant!

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