What Does A Swab Saliva Drug Test For (Page 3) (Top voted first)


What does a swab saliva drug test test for?PV

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Opiates only show.for.three dayd. You are fine.

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Can the saliva mouth swab test detect vyvanse? If so how far back does it test?

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How long does a mouth swab test detect diagram/Valium?

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I smoke methamphetamine, my wife does not, can she fail a drug test

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I relapsed on Thursday and stopped smoking that same day and had an oral swab at tx. On the following Tuesday. will it be positive?

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If I took mouth swab test on Friday and it was ship to FL how long will it take to receive results. It was delivered by FedEx but don't think it was overnight. I had a 63hr window from the last time I smoked and I exercise and drink lots of water gor three days straight and brush my teeth, gums, cheeks, and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash and peroxide. The day before and the day of the test. Will I pass anybody know

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Can they test for suboxone?

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@D- thats total B.S. I quit for 4 days and failed. You're the one spreading false info

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I've been using the saliva swabs for a while when going to my doctor. I'm on 60-80mg of Methadone daily for pain management. They say my test keeps coming back positive for methadone but negative for the Methadone metabolites. I'm taking my meds as prescribed so I'm stumped as to what could be causing it. Can the metabolites even be detected with a swab and if so, what could interfere with it? I know I've been having anxiety problems and digestive problems for a long time. Can types of drinks, like lemonade, interfere with the detection?

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How reliable are saliva drug tests?

An extensive study by the University of Utah in Salt Lake City concludes that it is a reliable method for drug detection. The universities’ Center for Human Toxicology concluded that drug use and drug concentrations can be determined by analyzing saliva. Saliva drug tests are becoming more common in the workplace. Of the United States companies that drug test, twenty percent test both urine and hair and thirty percent test saliva.Moreover this article specifically outlined the reliability when testing for thc. You are one of three medical web sites that i have read just tonight who defame the success of the SALIVA test for detecting thc or cannabis.For pre- employment we still need urine, but for randoms, accidents ,and injuries i am a firm advocate for the swab test. You being of the medical profession ,I'm guessing, you should know that the effects of thc wear off within 7 hrs tops and that's if it is a highly potent strain of drug. While on the job and someone is involved in a accident or chosen for random, 24 hrs to three days is plenty of history for anyone concerning ones so called drug history. Or better put THEIR PRIVATE LIVES WHILE OFF THE Clock. Please give me a valid reason why we should be concerned with what someone did 2 weeks ago speaking in terms of thc, also you must take into consideration the different metabolism and active lifestyle of each individual due to the fact thc will be gone from my high metabolism much quicker than say an obese person.So in essence we are forcing a test on everyone that is impossible for the urine to discern from each of our on physical makeup.When this issue is proposed to the nuclear industry along with how the positives outweigh the negatives in terms of downtime waiting on results, reduction in collection personal and the end of people trying to alter urine samples because of the difficulty altering a saliva test because how it is administered, the points will be hard to deny. i hope you take these words to heart when stating your opinion of the unreliability of a potential ground breaking test, i would appreciate communication of your premises that you based your opinion of the saliva test's inconsistencies. Since you portray in some fashion the opinion of the medical community I'm sure your information is based on medical study and not blogs of conjecture.

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I want to know what I can take to pass a mouth swap drug test

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Well the swab test apparently IS unreliable, because it wasn't detecting the methadone metabolites. It wasn't just one anomalous test either. It was 9 MONTHS of monthly tests. I went through a lot of emotional crap and physical sickness due to it. And as soon as I switched back to urine testing, the metabolites magically re-appeared. So it's either one of three things. One, the swabs themselves are faulty. Two, the lab reading the swabs doesn't know how to properly test with them. Or three, some OTC medication I'm taking interferes with the swabs. Either Rantidine (acid reducer), Pepto Bismol pills, or Loperamide HCL (anti-diarrhea). Those are the ONLY options.

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I am a pretty regular smoker, usually twice a day but have slowed down to once a day since figuring out I will have to eventually take a saliva or swab test for pre employment. I have looked up and researched every site out there looking for answers! I just need the reassurance that I'll pass with confidence if I'm able to stop a day or two in advance when I'm notified of the interview. I know the best answer is to quit until then and I may have to do that but here's hoping for the best that someone has an answer for me!

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3 days on the suboxen

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Im getting monthly swabs along w/ urine tests to make sure im taking meds correctly (suboxone, adderall, and klonopin) Im supposed to take 1 each 2x a day. Im told swab will be able to tell how much/when I take. Is this correct?

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does anyone know the answer to this question?? I might get tested tonight for alcohol and I had 2 glasses of wine last night. Please help!

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I don't believe so, I have to take a monthly swab test for employment. I've been prescribed Subutex for about two years now (employer isn't aware of this) and they have never brought it up.

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i go for a drug test for janitoral job at a lab in hospitol ive been taking soboxn do you think theyll test for that its tomorrow i realy need the job dont no if i should go or not any advice

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can prescribed clonazepam be detected by an oral swab

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Just took six panel swab test for cna position. I smoke heavy marijuana and smoked 12 hours prior. Before taking test, I did drink coffee and made sure not to touch gum line and teeth. Is there a possibility that I will pass?

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