Wellbutrin Program Discontinued At Direct Success Pharmacy (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I've been getting name brand Wellbutrin XL 300 from Direct Success Pharmacy for several years, but I just found out yesterday that the cash program is no longer available as of October 31, 2016. So, I will be forced to switch to the generics again. I have had side effects from three of the generics on the market. I've tried Actavis, Mylan and Par. The best of the worst was probably Actavis so I guess I will try it again. Any advice? I am not eligible for any of the other patient assistance programs for the name brand drug.

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: suzie (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Suzie, I wound up taking the scripts to Walmart, and they were kind enough to work with my dr to get the insurance to approve it as a Tier 3 drug. So now I pay $35 for a 30 day supply of either strength; so in my case, I take both 150 and 300, so for the 2 it costs me $70 per month. It's not as great as $10/month, but I'll take it over the thousands of dollars it would have cost. Hope this helps, good luck to you!

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My copay with insurance would still be $900 a month for the brand drug, and the one of the patient assistance programs said it would give me $75.00 off of that copay. That still won't work for me.

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What types of side effects do you experience from the generics?

It is normal to experience side effects from medications, but they are usually transient and go away in about 4 to 5 weeks, once your body gets used to the medication.

The FDA lists the typical ones for this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nervousness, and anxiety.

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I stayed on each generic for at least two months before giving them up for adverse reactions.

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Yes, I have switched to the Actavis version of generic. It's the generic with the least side effects that I have tried.

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I was also receiving Wellbutrin Brand name from Direct Success. Has anyone found a legitimate replacement pharmacy to purchase the name brand that is similar in cost to Direct Success? Running the script under my insurance is close to a $1,000 co-pay. I can not tolerate the generic.

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If this is the same coupon at wellbutrinxl.com/savings, I tried it a couple of days after the new year, and it only took about $200 off, still bringing the total to over $1,300 for a 30 day supply at my local Target/CVS. Has something changed with this coupon, or is there a different coupon available now?

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What is phone number valeant coupon for Wellbutrin xl . I cannot find other thread mentioned in post

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Anyone have any updates ? I am on my last Wellbutrin pill(no insurance) I'm lost on what to do now that the program is discontinued

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Check out the post called, what is the best generic of Wellbutrin xl Watson or anchen. The original post is old but there are many current responses about the programs.

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Any chance you have their phone number for the new program? Thank you.

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Nice. I just called Valeant and verified this too. It is a different coupon than the one at wellbutrinxl.com/savings, and evidently it does bring the cost down to $100 per 30 day supply. Will find out for sure once I get mine in the mail.

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Thanks to this thread I learned that there are different makers of the generic version. I saw my doctor and was going to try and switch to a different brand all together but I really didn't want to because of the weight gain etc. Then after reading this thread I remember that my pill changed shape this last time and this is my second bottle. I have been on it a little over a week and I am doing much better. The first generic one caused depression and anxiety both. So, going to give it a try a little longer.
I also called the number and the card is coming so I really hope that works and I can go back on the name brand stuff and not have to "try a little longer".

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Dave, what pharmacy did you use? How did you explain the whole thing to them --was it straightforward or did it require a lot of walking them through it?

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I use Target/CVS. I had gone into the store the other day to have them run the Rx with the card to check the price, but I hadn't activated the card yet, so they put it on file and said I could just call back after I activated the card, which is what I did.

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Dave, Do you have commercial insurance? I took the coupon to walgreens today and was told this coupon only works with commercial insurance.

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Yes, I have insurance through my work.

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Thanks Dave! will take a short term health insurance and give a try,not sure whether it will work.

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Did you order from Canada? If yes, would you mind sharing your experience so far? Thank you!

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I took Canadian name brand Wellbutrin for 7 weeks this year. It's ineffective just like generics. There were pretty serious side effects like stomach problems, cough & breathlessness.

If you would like to try, I suggest you order the supply for one month. I filled my prescription from a real pharmacy from Vancouver for $30 (CAD 40 for 300 mg *30 tabs) plus $10 for shipping.

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