Weight Gain On Pristiq? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been on Pristiq now since November of 2008...not quite 5 months...and I have put on 15 lbs since starting it. DESPITE working out with a trainer at the gym twice a week weight training, 3 days a week of cardio AND counting calories. My doc assured me that I would also have a decreased appetite on Pristiq, which I have yet to find true...so he has now increased my dosage to 400 mg. Does anyone have anything to add to this?? I'm just frustrated!

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I also take pristiq 100mg a day and have definitely gained weight. When I asked about it I was told that, pristiq can lower your appetite, but it also lowers your metabolism - so now I can't lose weight as easily as I used to. I have a number of disabilities so I can't exercise by walking, or running, etc. So I got a stationary bike because it's supposed to be low inpact on my back. Has anyone else used a bike for exercise, and was it helpful? And, thanks for all of your really helpful information...it's like hearing all the stuff you need to know about your meds that the doctor is afraid to tell you!

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Auggie your idea made me laugh and Shoeluvr I agree Pristiq kills any sex drive but Zoloft did as well and I don't think there is a drug on earth without side effects unfortunately. Tracy S your doc is probably right about a higher dose will cause weight gain but I have only ever been on 50mg and I am not hungry on Pristiq in fact i usually have no appetite until about 4pm but the weight gain has been huge so I know it's not what I am eating because when I do actually eat it is usually just a salad with lean meat etc etc no junk, but you might be a lucky one and not gain any, that would be cool

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I have been taking Pristiq for 14 months and have gained 70 lbs. I am only 5'3 so that is a lot of weight. I have been checked for everything- insulin resistance, thyroid issues, early menopause (not even 30 yet) and my doc just keeps saying I must eat too much. I haven't changed my eating habits, AT ALL, and don't eat junk food, no soda, my friends and family all tease me about eating so healthy. I'm active and excercise regularly, but keep gaining weight. I gained 20 lbs in one month on this stuff! I also have issues of hot flashes and night sweats. After reading other posts I'm starting to think it's the Pristiq and am going to talk to the Dr (a new one) next week about getting off this. The pristiq has helped my depression, but it is NOT worth gaining this much weight. For me it's gone beyond just feeling fat to becoming a health concern. Has anyone had luck losing the weight after getting off Pristiq? I am desperate to shed this weight! Also, any suggestions for an anti-depressant that doesn't cause weight gain, or better yet, helps with weight loss?

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Wendy, I am short too and I know what you're talking about. I've tried a lot of different anti depressants, and Pristiq is the only one so far that has really helped me with my depression. But I HAVE gained some weight! I am 61 and disabled, but I knew I had to do something - I can't stand being fat! So, all I could think of was to get an exercise bike, and I put it in front of my tv and I ride it every night. It's been about 5 weeks and I've lost 16 lbs so far, I have also changed some of my bad eating habits, but I am one of those people who can't lose any weight without exercise. I also have a hypoactive thyroid, which doesn't help any. Does anyone else have thyroid issues?

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Reading all of your posts makes me feel a lot better. I have been on pristiq for over a year now. I was put on it after both my parents were diagnosed with cancer within a 60 day time span. I really feel that I probably would not have made it through all the chemo, surgeries and bone marrow transplant had it not been for Pristiq. Thankfully both of them are cancer free now and things are starting to get back to normal. During all of the treatments I really didn't pay much attention to myself. I know I generally have a very healthy diet so I just continued eating the way I normally eat. Well, I looked up and my weight gain is nearly 60 pounds. I have been exercising so much that I have actually injured myself. Inspite of all my efforts my weight keeps going up. Normally I lose weight with little effort. I was also beginning to think that it was because of my age (35) and having hot flashes, night sweats, and very very strange dreams thought that perhaps I was hitting menopause early.

Now I know for certain that it is definately the Prestiq. Just before finding this site I scheduled an appointment with my doctor to get me off this medication. I know it's going to be difficult. I had the experience of running out on a weekend. I had withdrawls to bad that my boss had to drive me home and take me to the pharmacy to pick up the refill on the way. I was SICK. So I am terrified of going off but I know I have to for my health. I also have the weight gain primarily in my belly (which is the one place that I never gain in). According to my trainer my belly fat is at a life threatening level.

Wish me luck....and I wish you all the best of luck as well.

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I have been on Pristiq 50mg daily for 6 months, during which time I have put on 18 pounds. I am very active, and a vegetarian. Nothing different but this medication. I am cutting my dose in half now and will be soon coming of this med.

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EEK.... I was on Lexapro ( and everything else you can list previous to that ) but decided to go cold turkey due to weight gain - 35kg's over a year or so ! Cold turkey was a BAD idea,I was sooo sick for about 6weeks! Anyway, my doctor has just put me onto Pristiq 50mg - and I am worried - he said I might lose weight,but reading these posts I am definately scared ! He is going to monitor my weight,so I guess we will have to wait and see. Its a terrible situation I need the medication for my depression, but my depression worsens when I put weight on,especially since I put so much weight on with previous anti-depressants. Dammed if I do Dammed if I dont - will update how I go with this new med, just started them today-wish me luck!

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A year ago this time I had just lost 43 lbs with a healthy, no alcohol for six months, and cycling about 100 miles per week. Feeling on top of the world to say the least. Then I got laid off...3 months later major depression! So my Dr. put me on Pristiq which made me feel great but wasn't covered by my insurance. So he switched me to Effexor which made me nauseous...so then we tried Celexa...and I acctually blacked ut at work! Had a new job by now and decided there was no price on my sanity. Four months back on Pristiq and have gained 20 lbs back without changing any of my healthy habits and my anxiety had been increasing. So I decided 3 weeks ago to start weaning my self starting by cutting the 50mlg tabs in half for two weeks, then into quarters. My behavior was eratic and moody the first week switching to severe anxiety. Major night sweats and I couldn't leave a dark room for two days! Have not taken meds in 2 days and shaking like a leaf...feels like every nerve in my body is firing off. I know it is the meds leaving my system but this is aweful. Wish I never took any of them. But I am determined and not depressed just hope this ends soon.

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10 kilos in six months and increasing by the week now. I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life. For the first three months there was no change in my weight and then boom. Even my doctor was shocked when he weighed me. Now it's piling on fast and I'm attempting to slowly decrease my dosage. I'm a tiny person and the weight gain is causing me health problems...but hey it fixed my depression but not my anxiety. Oh and this is the fourth antidepressant I've attempted. The others either made me violently I'll or suicidal. Hope this helps.

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Marianne: I think the worst part was that since my doctor told me it was weight neutral, I believed him! I was exercising and the scale just kept going up up up. Finally after working hard on Weight Watchers (I was so disgusted by myself.) I realized that it wasn't turning 40 that did me in (I'm sure it didn't help), but I do believe it's the Pristiq. I think that realization caused me more depression than Pristiq was helping with. I feel strong enough and like Im going to be OK now. I just have to wean myself off of it. I was going to do it cold turkey, but after being shaky and feeling off I thought it would be safest to wean slowly. It took me more than a year to get this way. I know I won't go back to how I was overnight. And I'm OK with that. Thanks. Good luck to you too.

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Marianne: I am thinking doctors aren't perfect, and I don't know why I actually kept listening to someone who doesn't know me as well as I know myself! I kept looking for reasons I was putting on the weight, and it just was packing on so quickly despite everything I was trying to do. Last week at Weight Watchers, I said that I am on a drug for anti-anxiety, and at this point, I believe it is contributing if not the main cause of my not losing weight. That's when I made up my mind that I need to stop the Pristiq. This forum has been so extremely helpful to me. Especially when I see how many people have put on significant weight with Pristiq. It made me feel validated to see that people were putting on this weight on this weight neutral drug, just like I am. Good luck in your weight loss. Just remember, it took you a while to put on, so give yourself at least that amount of time to take it off. I just hope my metabolism goes back to being how it used to be when I am completely weaned from Pristiq. Actually, however I end up, it can't be worse than how I am now. Good luck to you!

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To Barbefos, Pristiq was my first and hopefully last experience with anti depressants ! My symptoms went I went cold turkey were nausea, dizziness, headaches and a general rotten feeling from one day to the next for around 4 to 6 weeks. But my weight was coming off, so that was one darn good thing ! Laurette.

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Hey guys and girls. I actually asked my doctor about wellbutrin - as I had read it didnt seem to cause weight gain - seemed the perfect choice for me. Unfortunately Wellbutrin is only available in Australia as a stop smoking aid - thats all - and its very heavily regulated that you only get a short course of the tablets and only once per year ! The stop smoking part would have been great too , as I am a smoker & would have definately tried this one as it would have killed 2 birds with 1 stone - so to speak! Something that tackled the Depression & smoking ... would have been awseome ... thanks Australian government ... wouldnt want to make life easy now would they ! Totally sucks!

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Awww, thanks Auggie! I wish too ! I think I should move to the USA ! lol . Its probably some money saving bulls#!* from our wonderful government ! I was so excited when I read about it too , I think it really would be exactly what I need ! But eh STUPID GOVERNMENT! What can you do! It has me baffled as to why other countries allow it as a AD but we class it as a stop smoking aid only - weird if you ask me !!!!! Im in Adelaide , Australia . Lucky country my butt - theres nothing lucky about being told by the government we cant take something that could greatly improve our lives ! Bah !

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I have also gained weight with Pristiq. Before Pristiq, I was on Wellbutrin and weighed 135 lbs and wore a size 10. Now, on Pristiq for over a year and half.. weighing close to 170 and size 14s and 16s. Doc is not wanting to let me get off the Pristiq or get back on Wellbutrin because of heart palpitations on Wellbutrin. If he won't let me get back on Wellbutrin, I'm finding another doctor. I am sick of being fat again. It's more depressing than anything else.

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I've been on Pristiq for several years now but at 50mg. I noticed a difference in my mental status. I feel better, the depression is at bay, I also take Xanox XR 2mgs daily. Neither of these drugs have interferred in my sexual drive, its as normal as it's always been. My concern is that I feel like I gain 5 lbs every day and I can't seem to lose it. I'd like to think it has nothing to do with the meds I'm on, but I'm just not sure. My doctor assure me its poor diet and exercise. But I changed my diet and i go to the gym 4 times a week for an hour, and I still keep gaining weight.

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I have been on Pristiq 50 mg for almost two years. I found myself in a very bad shape and don't even know how I got there. I was a compulsive worrier. Pristiq really gave me my life back, but it also gave me about 20 extra pounds. I am always hungry and I never have the sensation of feeling full. I also suffer with Meniere's Disease so I also have to deal with the dizziness of that. I would really like to come off the Pristiq, but I am terrified of being in the shape I was in before. The Meniere's can be terrible, much less with withdrawal symptoms on top of it. I am also 50 years old so I'm sure I am peri-menopausal. I guess I just feel weird and it's a combination of my ear problem, the Pristiq, and hormones. Aren't we females lucky? All your comments really are helpful. Thanks!

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I have been on Pristiq for a year and a half. I gained over 20 lbs., have difficulty getting to sleep, and zero sex drive. So, you say, get off it. Tried twice and ended up with migraine headaches so bad that I thought I was going to have a stroke -- and that's just taking 25 mg. instead of 50mg a day. I used to be thin and I dread seeing people I haven't seen awhile. I feel like Brittany Spears without ever being on any illegal drugs.

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I've tried many ADS(paxil, wellburtin, cymbalta, effecor, lexapro) on and off for 15 years. The most success I had was on wellburtin 150 mg. I was on it for 4yrs, but stopped b/c I thought I didn't need it anymore. 3 yrs. later I tried it again but this time I had bad side effects like hostile, agitation, and mood swings. That was 5 yrs ago. Now, it's been 2yrs. & I've tried cymbalta 75mg, but I felt like a zombie all day for a month! So I started taking Lexapro 50mg for 8 mos., but got off it for gaining weight. Then I was on Pristiq 50mg (1xdaily) for 6 mos. It worked for my major depression & anxiety, but I had side effects. I always felt bloated, had high BP, and gain 10lbs. The worse part was that I thought I was losing weight due to loss of appetite. It wasn't until I had Doc. appt. in June that I realized I had gain 10lbs.since last Dec.09. Iam at my heaviest I've ever been!! I was extremely upset because I've had trying to lose weight (exercising 5x a week/burning 500-600calories daily & counting daily calories) from the last A.D.(lexapro). I even had blood work done to check for thyroid or other problems, but it all came back normal. Needless to say, i've been off Pristiq 50mg for a week & half and don't feel bloated anymore. My stomach is smaller but I'm still struggling to lose the weight despite my effort. I got off Pristiq 50mg slowly, splitting it in half for 2 weeks and then took a quarter of a half for 2 weeks. Once I was completely off it, the only withdrawal was occasional head ting or some people called them brain zaps.I feel normal now.

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I have been on 50mg of Pristiq for about a year and 6 mths. For 4 years I tried every anti depressant available some would work for awhile then stopped, other made my depression worse. I too gained about 70lbs from the taking anti depressants. However, since I have been on Pristiq, I am a TOTALLY different person no more depression. I have been able to lose 30lbs. within 4mths while on Pristiq and some help from Jenny Craig and the gym. However, I do suffer from night sweats and insomnia since taking Pristiq. I am taking a sleeping aid to help and have noticed after taking that medication my appetite is crazy and in some cases I have experienced sleep eating. I know everyone is different but Pristiq has made a huge difference for me . Even with the huge amount of weight I gained before taking Pristiq, I have not resorted to the depressed recluse I once was. I still have a long way to go with the weight loss, but it can be done on Pristiq at least for me...hope this relieves some of the concerns others have experienced. Also, prior to Pristiq I never had any sex drive, but I do now while on Pristiq. I just hope Pristiq continues to work.

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