Weight Gain On Pristiq? (Page 26) (Top voted first)


I have been on Pristiq now since November of 2008...not quite 5 months...and I have put on 15 lbs since starting it. DESPITE working out with a trainer at the gym twice a week weight training, 3 days a week of cardio AND counting calories. My doc assured me that I would also have a decreased appetite on Pristiq, which I have yet to find true...so he has now increased my dosage to 400 mg. Does anyone have anything to add to this?? I'm just frustrated!

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I am 37 and starting nursing school. I have been on lexapro for 5 yrs plus. Has worked great. My pmdd has goten really bad. Went to dr. Put me on kopleapen. .lol..wants to winge frm lexapro and put me on pristiq. I've never heard of it. Prior to leaxapro I tried paxell, well butrin and notjing worked. He said my body may have become immunto leaxapro. 20mg Dailey. ..after reading yalls post...I don't even wanna try it..need resolves begore svjool kivks in....hopegul

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I've been taking Pristiq for almost 3 weeks and my appetite has decreased about 50% plus I have more energy. Weight loss has always been slow, so I guess it won't show straight away-perhaps in another few weeks it should be noticeable :) I have also just started exercising almost regularly so far for at least 20 minutes a day on an ellipitcal.
(Before switching to Pristiq I was on Prozac for about 2 years. It made me lazy, groggy and dreamy).
Everyone has a different reaction to anti-depressants. So you should talk to your doctor and perhaps give it a try! :)

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I too have been on pristiq for 3 months & have gained 6kgs... I didn't feel any better if anything I was more snappy and agitated! I have been off pristiq for 10 days now and I feel better but now I have to loose the weight I have gained. I didn't change my eating habits if anything I exercised more & gained more weight in 3 months than I had in my pregnancies. I figure any tablets will effect people differently but it is absolute crap that you won't gain weight on these tablets! I feel more depressed about gaining 6 kgs now than I did before I started taking the tablets. My suggestion to anyone considering taking Pristiq would be seek alternative other options. Also getting off this drug is a nightmare so be very careful!!!! Good luck

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I started taking pristiq a few months ago for menopause symptoms and anxiety. I am in my 50's so am having to put up with body changes anyway. I exercise everyday and eat healthily but I've gained 6 kilos since taking it. Weight loss during menopause is not easy now I have an extra 6 kilos to loose! I've tried many other anti depressants but they enhance my menopause symptoms, Pristiq has controlled the symptoms but now I'm fatter, have no libido and feel unattractive and being single feel I have no chance of ever dating again because in this world only very skinny seems to be acceptable.

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Hi, I was prescribed this medication for depression. I took 50 mg of pristiq for a year, then 100 mg for 6 month, down to 50 mg for 1 months then weaned off for three weeks where I took 50 mg every other day. Coming off the drug was the most horrible expereince of my life in terms of withdrawl. I experienced most of the symptoms everyone else has described (dizziness, mind zaps, tingly limbs, tiredness, etc). I have now been completely med free for one month and 6 days. I am feeling 'myself' most days. I am a little more stressed then I would like sometimes, but I am a single mom of a 2 yr, 4 yr and work for Child protective serviced so stress might be something to expect!

What I am finding the hardest to deal with through this whole process is the weight issue. I am an active person. I work out at least 4 times a week, I participate in runs and physical challenge races. I eat pretty clean, am dairy, gluten and red meat free. I gained 20lbs on this medication and just can not get it off. I am wondering how long it might take to see some progress. People say it takes time, but it's really difficult to feel good about yourself and attractive when you feel like you are stuck in a foreign unattractive body. It's very discouraging to work hard and get nowhere.

Thanks for the vent!

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the most ridiculous one is Effexor. I was on it for 4 yrs. I Started when I Was 20, and those 4yrs were my saddened yrs of my life. It made me gain 40 lbs. 'i had trouble sleeping, eating, sitting still, concentrating, and when I told my doctor he kept increasing the med, till one day I decided that I will take control of situation. trust me guys there are a lot more effective ways to cure your depression, being on med is no answer. eat healthy, exercise, and if you can afford it then go to homeopathic, or someone with natural medicine background. do yoga and etc. doctors would love to fill u up with toxic pills. If you really have to be on med - then plz get a copy of your med ingredient from your pharmacy or doctor, know exactly what is in it, and do your full research.. Cheers

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What dosage would that be?

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I stopped taking Pristiq last week cold turkey. I was so over the weight gain I decided to just stop and deal with the consequences. First of all have to mention that when I told my doctor about my weight gain, she replied that the tablets are so good at making me feel better that I am eating more and that no way is it the Pristiq causing the weight gain! RUBBISH, its the tablets, my diet is and was always healthy and I exercise daily, there have been no changes except lots of weight gain.

Since coming off Pristiq, about 5 days ago now, I have been dizzy, mood swingy, tearful at the slightest thing, and tired.

Most of the symptoms have gone now, I still feel slightly dizzy, but generally, I feel great and so glad I stopped them. I feel positive, happy, relaxed and clean inside. I'm just left with the extra 6 kilos, which I'm hoping will drop off. I will let you know how the weight loss goes.

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I have been on Pristiq for several years! I originally started taking it to cope with PMS, but stayed on it longer after losing my beloved father and sister.

I have gained 15 pounds and simply cannot lose it while continuing to take the drug. I work out two hours per day and eat approximately 1500 calories, yet my weight remains the same.

It is my intention to go to the doctor to seek her assistance in getting off this drug as I want to lose weight and am convinced that I will not be able to while still on Pristiq.

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I have taken pristiq. Then I tried effxor also no luck now I have depression, no sleep, and more anxiety. And have put on several pounds. Am seeing my doc on Monday hoping to find out something. I know zanaz. Does not do very well. The anxiety gets so bad at times I get nasuaed and getting sick..is there any suggestions. Thanks

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I've been on Pristiq for 2 months and have easily gained weight!! Did not help with mood nor irritability! Terrible medication. I am stopping ASAP. How long after will I lose weight again? Anyone know?

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I believe that this is a true side effect. I work out hard, 5 days a week, don't always count calories but I don't pig out. And I have gained about 15 lbs on a 5'5" frame. Not fun..... I have recently decreased by dosage from 100mg to 50mg and have an increased appetite! What?!? So.....now I am wondering if the Pristiq "slowed" my metabolism at 100mg and now it is revving up my metabolism since I am decreasing my dosage.....

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I to have gained weight on Pristiq,I also have to put this in context as I have had weight fluctuations all my life,(male 55 years old),the interesting aspect of this drug for me is that it has helped my depression,yet I concur with doctors etc that even one days missed medication will mess with your head.On reflection it is important to distinguish if you are prone to weight gain viacomfort eating habit etc and or does this drug contribute to appetite ,still unclear;it may be a combination of both.As with most practitioners either M.D. or Psych they advise long term use eg i year and continual feedback.Its important that you take an ACTIVE role in your own treatment,this includes the medication you take,perceived effects good and bad and provide regular feedback to your G.P. In short its helped my depression,this is only one aspect of treatment,cognitive and behavioral change are important parts of the mental health equation to, hope this helps someone,best wishes Uncle Pierre!:)

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I feel for you. I was put on only 200mg a day & have blown up like a ballon despite extra exercise to try to keep the weight off too. I keep reading about "decreased appitite" and have yet experience this myself. I have gained 6kg in the last 6 months, which I am finding very depressing on it's own. I have not found anything official that states weight gain as a side effect but I'm sure that this is the reason for my sudden, continuous and substantial weight gain. I suspect water retention is responsible for a lot of the extra weight I am carying and this only started when I changed to Pristique after 7 years on Citalapram. My doctor has not forthcoming the few times I have asked for something to help with fluid retention but it maybe something you could discuss with your Dr. I suppose this just confirms that we all have different body chemistries Goog Luck, hope you get it under control.

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This has been my experience to a "T" but im scared to go cold turkey & completely unmedicated as I have a long history of being a bit of a basket case when taking nothing at all to aide in coping with my depression. They certainly need to re-visit the data on the side effects of Pristiq. SO many people have reported weight gain on Pristiqu that you cant ingnore so many cases of personal experience vs the standard issue data covering "side effects". Good Luck, hope you stay in control of mind and body and can remain drug free :)

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Stop taking it! Seen yourself off though I gained FIFTY POUNDS IN THREE MONTHS! I quit cold turkey. I would not suggest that though cause I did go through withdrawal. It messes with your metabolism. Its been a year and I've only managed to get twenty pounds off. Cant tell u what to do but this drug is horrible!

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Omg! Wish I had known that! Lol

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I have had all the negative side effects as well. I have been on pristiq for about 7 months. Same as other people, I gained about 25 lbs- a ton of belly fat and I feel bloated all the time!!! I get out of breath so easily (which is troublesome since I already have asthma), my blood pressure has also increased (which is another problem since I have high blood pressure already), AND, I have the side effect of excessive sweating. It has been awful. And, you are correct about the withdrawal because if I am just one or two hours late in taking it, I feel like I have the worst hangover ever! I have already made an appt to get off of it next month. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!

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Sydney, i also experienced negative withdrawals after only one missed 100mg tab.The prescribing of anti depressants is I am afraid to admit very much a hit or miss affair,like all products they come in, and sometime out of fashion,
am continuing with this drug as I have lost weight after modifying my diet and increasing exercise.
Wether or not this drug effects ones metabolism am still not sure...hope you find the right medication for you own circumstances...

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