Wegovy - Hunger With First Dose


I am still hungry with the starting dose of Wegovy (0.25mg). Is this normal?

4 Replies

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Same! I had my 1st dose (.25) last Wednesday and feel no effects!

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I just took my 4th dose last night and yes, I still have cravings and hungry but since I started doing low carb that has subsided a bit.

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Generally, you have to take most medications for awhile in order for them to reach their full level of efficacy in your body, very few medications have much of an effect when you first start them.

How are you doing, now? Have things improved?

The FDA lists the typical side effects of Wegovy as possibly including nausea, headache, anorexia, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Ref: Wegovy Information

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Re: CarolS (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

The first couple months on Wegovy I could eat normally and thought about food constantly. I'm in month 4 and progressed to 1.7 MG and I'm good with eating one meal a day now and I take home leftovers which never happened. Weight loss was slow the first couple months but I'm now down 25lbs. My A1C dropped from pre-diabetic 6.1 to normal 5.2. I have one more injection, then i go to 2.4 MG, I already got that filled because it's so hard to get.

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