Weaning Off Pristiq For Good (Page 7)


I just wanted to tell all of you trying to get off pristiq, its possible. I was on pristiq for severe panic attacks for 6 months. It saved my life. It gave me a chance to slow down my career, gave me a huge wakeup call. This drug put a cloud over my brain. I was not my happy, fun loving self. I was like a step ford wife. You can't wean off this pill. I was on 50 mg. I did every other day for a month. Every third day for two weeks then cold turkey. It really was not so bad. I layer on my couch for three days, cried a bit and watched movies. I'm happily on all holistic medications, no longer a slave to Pristiq. If I can beat anxiety, anyone can. My biggest advice.. Exercise. Next, surround yourself with positive people. Three, talk out your problems. Good luck.

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You are right----everything youve said makes perfect sense---I actually have an appt. with my therapist who says shes knows a good psych/nutritionist who helped HER a lot---so the appt is monday---since i wrote my first post here in the forum i had a mammo and something was found in both breasts...had the first biopsy in the left breast and thank god it was normal/ tomorrow i go for the right breast--i know im going off the original subject,,but its just that I'm having a bit of a tough summer so far--lol
in 2005 i had DCIS which is a form of "Stage 0" breast cancer---its still cancer and i had to go for the "lumpectomy" and radiation so it was definitely not a fun time--so I'm alittle nervous that something could be wrong---so now to get back on subject---with having this on my mind plus just the general anxiety and depression im trying very hard to conceal from my husband because im so guilty for not being a happier wife for lack of a better term....im exhausted and crying alot..... this really sucks! But Im trying...and the supplement suggestion is probably the best answer/ The gal a couple of posts down also mentioned the acupuncture (which is also an easy solution for me because my husband IS an acupuncturist ) ---but im not going to lie...The percocet im taking for back pain etc...DOES help....i cant lie..and its probably terrible advise to give to those trying to get off the damn pristique--- I think its amazing how much info you have found ( the girl who last posted) ---lexapro worked for me for awhile but thats when i gained all MY weight----my whole life people thought i was anorexic----you should see me now----!!! ill never be mistaken for that again.....im 180lbs and cant stand the sight of myself----so-----lets see----depression/anxiety, possible health concerns / guilt / overweight issues-----yeah...im pretty much in a real hole right now-HOWEVER---im obviously not alone,,,lol--Supplements / possibly a new medication beause as much as i want to believe i dont need an antidepressant..i think i might always have to be on something....cause this is NOT working---oh and the right diet of course----which for some reason,,,is so damn hard when you hate to cook! reaching for whatever is in the house usually is not good for you...ah jeeeez!! theres something else too which does help and thats praying...im not a big gung-ho religious person but i do believe there is a god and i hope hes listening to me----to all of you--- my grandmother always told me that god helps those who try to help themselves so i keep that in my pocket when i make my dr appts and do try to do the right thing,,,minus the percocet...thank you for the suggestions--and for those who want to try another drug....dont bother with Vybrid---it KILLS your stomach and makes your heart palpitate!
I know im spelling it wrong but if you google it...it will spell itself---you know what i mean...

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Read the past posts. My daughter is doing awesome now. She never thought she would be free. She got over the horrible withdrawal by seeing an acupuncturist. Good luck!

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Hi guys

Thanks to everyone who has written in this extremely enlightening thread. Reading things like this reminds me how wonderful the internet is. It is such a blessing to know that I am not alone with my anxiety, which, for me, has always seemed so isolating. These "brain zaps" that are being referred to - my first major one of these (lasting 3 days) really opened the door to my anxiety and that was nearly two years ago now. In the immediate aftermath of that incident, I was treated with seroquel (which I found to be intoxicating, but not in a good way), before being weaned onto effexor, ultimately maxing out at 300mgs per day. From there I did a straight swap onto 200mgs of prestiq because my pschiatrist believed the ridiculous amount I was sweating and my near inability to ejaculate would be mollified by the more direct route of administration presented by the active ingredient of prestiq.

It worked and from there, a few months later, I lowered my doses seemlessly to 150mgs per day of prestiq, to 100mgs and down to 50mgs which I have been on for about 4 months. At least... until 3 days ago (about which I will write more below). I should mention, I experienced none of the side effects being mentioned above in relation to my previous reductions in Prestiq, but this could well be because I increased my use at those times of valium (5mgs, but up to 10mgs if feeling particularly antsy) for periods of about 1 week after each reduction. I am frankly surprised that there is no mention here of the use of valium and just one mention of xanax (which i have been strenly warned to avoid because of its higher addiction-forming propensity). The use of percocet is interesting too, and yes, I believe this would have the effect of softening the withdrawals being described (but query whether it is worth it, given that I have heard it referred to as "prescription heroin").

I also should mention that I use Valdoxen. For me, this has been the singular most important factor in my battle against anxiety. It is non-addictive and promotes the most natural-feeling sensation of tiredness, overcoming the racy thoughts that used to plague any effort I made at getting to sleep at a reasonable hour. You should all take time to investigate this medicine. It is expensive, but for me it has been invaluable.

Which gets me to today. I was feeling so overwhelmed by a brain zap earlier today, being day 3 of my withdrawal from my 50mg dose of prestiq, that I felt compelled to google "withdrawing from prestiq" and hence why I landed here. Gosh the brain zap was dreadful. They are so overpowering. When they are happening, it feels like "this is what life is going to be like from now on", until you get distracted and they pass. Anyhow, I intend to administer valium over the next few days to help moderate these zaps and I sincerely hope that in that time these symptoms of withdrawal (which include nausea and dizzyness) will subside.

I will write a follow up in the hope that I can help someone in the same way you have all helped me today. Thank you all again so much

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Thank you for your post - and the information - very helpful!!

To provide an update - I am thankfully now down to .25mg (and yes - I am taking the "risk" of cutting the 50mg in half although it was not designed to be able to 1/2). Going from the 100mg to 50mg was not fun...had a pretty bad week or so with everything from body aches (muscle stiffness) to off and on weepiness and a couple of meltdowns. After doing some research, it seemed that taking a different AD/anti-anxiety medication during the tapering process seemed to help with the "discontinuation symptoms". since I had been on Lexapro before the Pristiq w/o any problems - my doctor prescribed the 10mg. - which I have added now (taking at night and my 1/2 the Pristiq in the morning). This has been a tremendous help and I actually feel like the "brain fog" is starting to lift!! I am doing my best to keep healthy - making smart food choices (although I am still having some carb/sweet cravings which was big time while I was on the 100mg). Taking daily walks with my dog and doing my best to keep my mind/body/spirit in a good place. Next week I will stop with the Pristiq - and hope and pray that it goes smoothly from there... my experience with Pristiq has NOT been a good one. It may be OK for some people - but I think it is a pretty powerful drug (as it works on both the dopamine and seratonin levels). Interesting to me that the EU didn't approve it - that the shareholders have a class action lawsuit against the manufacturers - and yet the drug is still on the market! Came across this article (written by someone in Australia) while I was doing my research. Very thoughtful and well written - pretty much sums up my feelings about Pristiq! Take care and BE WELL!! :))

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Just a quick response/note about taking Pristiq to a compound pharmacy (as a way to taper down as it only comes in 2 doses - 50 and 100mg). I looked in to this as a possible option with a couple of compound pharmacies in town. They advised me that Pristiq was not a drug they could work with due to the formulation (and counting). SO - I am finally down to 50mg from 100 mg - not a fun week for me to say the least. Taking Lexapro 10mg now to help with the "transition" and now doing my best to cut the 50mg in 1/2 and take what I am hoping is .25 mg. The danger here from what I understand, is that I could experience "dumping" -where the majority of the medicine ends up in 1/2 half and not the other... pretty much feel like I am playing russian roulette with my brain chemistry! Just started the new process this week - had some good days - and some NOT. Today I have felt anxious, and "spacey" - having a difficult time concentrating, formulating my thoughts and overall feeling fuzzy and a bit disoriented. The worst part is major muscle stiffness w/constant spasms in my neck and back. Has anyone else experienced this? I attempted to work in this condition today and not able to be very productive... hoping tomorrow will be better PS) I finally broke down and took a .5mg of xanax this evening to help relieve some of the muscle tension - will try a hot bath to see if that helps... wondering if I should just go ahead and stop w/the Pristiq - take the 10mg Lexapro and see how that goes. Any other feedback/suggestions would be much appreciated!

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I really recommend a respected acupuncturist! My daughter almost went back on Pristiq because she couldn't take the discontinue symptoms any longer....instant relief with accupuncture and two months free of that horrible drug. She is like a new person...fog free! Good luck!

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It sounds like you and I are going through a similar situation at present. I am now nearly one week off my 50mgs dose of prestiq (which I had been on for about 4 months, having previously been on as much as 200mgs). My advice would be to ask from a prescription of diazepam (valium) rather than xanax. Valium has a slower onset but also is much longer lasting than xanax. The words you are using to describe your mental state - "fuzzy", "spacey", "anxious" "disoriented" - would all be apt to describe how I too have been feeling. I have had a weird ringing sound in my ears, usually when I stand up, but I believe it has reduced in its intensity in the last few days, giving me hope that it will soon disappear altogether consistent with what others on this thread have been saying.

The extraordinary thing about my 50mgs dose of prestiq is that I genuinely believed that because i was having such a small dose of the drug - ie the lowest amount prescribable - that it may not have been having a therapeutic affect on me. These withdrawals, which are unlike anything else I have experienced, suggest to me that it is much more powerful than I was giving it credit for.

Dare I say it, KD, but I expect you will need to go through something similar if and when the time comes for you to wean off the drug altogether. Before that time, I would encourage you to investigate valdoxen - another drug i take. It helps me drift off to sleep each night and I am reliably informed will not have any side effects if I attempt to come off it.

good luck!

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Hi Andrew!
Thank you so much for your response and feedback. I will call my doctor tomorrow and ask him about this as an option/alternative to help me get through this. I am looking into accupuncture - as well as other types of "body work" to help provide some RELIEF!!.
To provide an update, I woke up Saturday morning feeling like I had been "hit by a truck"...awful is the best way to describe it - achy, stiff, nauseous (and I rarely have stomach problems)...edgy, irritable, on the verge of tears - with a massive headache, still feeling fuzzy and having a hard time collecting my thoughts.

This could have been caused by possible medicine "dumping" (who knows??)- as I had started "cutting" my 50 mg in half (per recommendation of my doctor as there is not an alternative with a lower dose). All I knew at that point, was that I have HAD ENOUGH - and decided to stop altogether with the Pristiq (and continue on with the 10mg Lexapro that I had started to help soften the effects of my transition)...

I have been dealing with this whole nightmare experience of trying to get off Pristiq since last December - and after much research (trying to find some kind of answers/help in how I can do this) - have come to the CONCLUSION - that WE -the people/consumers - have really been given a MAJOR raw deal (for lack of a better way of putting it) when it comes to the making/selling/marketing/prescribing of Pristiq. In a sense, we have been treated as guinea pigs in the rolling out of this medication..and pretty much left on our own in trying to find ways to deal with the side effects and discontinuation symptoms when tapering off...
How can it be OK for the shareholders to file a class action lawsuit against Wyeth/Pfizer for NOT fully disclosing the adverse side affects of Pristiq - that this drug was NOT approved by the EU - AND yet it is still being heavily marketed and prescribed to patients in the US and Canada? I also came across a very well written piece by someone in Australia who has suffered through this - it seems that Pfizer heavily promoted the drug in the Australian market as well.
But to me, the single fact that the manufacturer is NOT ABLE TO PROVIDE ANY HELP/ CLEAR DIRECTION to the people who want to TAPER DOWN/OFF THIS DRUG -along with the discontinuation symptoms that have been described as nearly "intolerable" - make me believe 100% that Pristiq needs to be taken OFF THE MARKET IMMEDIATELY!!
The way that it has been manufactured, along with the "DISCONTINUATION SYMPTOMS" - make it extremely difficult if not impossible for people to come off of this drug - and yet, there are NO WARNINGS about this!! How can this be??
My call to Pfizer for help was a big waste of time - the person I spoke with referred me back to my doctor (and then transferred me to someone in India to make a report of my symptoms).
Meanwhile, my doctor has not been given/ provided with any clear direction (from the manufacturer) on how to help his patients taper off this drug - as it only comes in 2 available doses, cannot be split, cut, crushed - and the compound pharmacies won't touch it!
Yes - I understand that other medications/AD also have possible adverse side effects (as I have been told by a pharmacist when trying to tell her about this)... but this medication has way too many known -and unknown side effects - and people./consumers need to be made aware of this!!
So after almost 2 1/2 years I have been on this medication - gaining 35lb - and dealing with multiple other side effects - and now 7 months of trying to taper off -TODAY IS MY THIRD DAY of BEING PRISTIQ FREE...FINALLY!!
I am still feeling pretty YUCK - "off" would be the best way to describe it - lightheaded, headache, fuzzy - with the worst part being this horrible muscle tension in my neck and shoulders. But I am determined to push through this - and just hoping and praying that these symptoms will pass soon...
I am doing my best to work (wondering how other people have been able to work while going through this??)
But after resigning last October from a very well paying job to take time and deal with my "health issues", and then going through my entire 401K, I am now in dire straights financially - and have no choice but to be well enough NOW to work and start earning/generating an income again...what a mess!!
The silver lining in this (yes, I believe there has to be a purpose for this), is that my eyes have been opened big time on how important it is for us to be our own health advocates - to the best of our ability...
In the meantime, I hope and pray that Pristiq will be REMOVED from the market sooner than later!!
Thank you for listening! Take care and stay STRONG!!

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OK - realized that my last e-mail took me over 2 hours to write - been having trouble collecting my thoughts - so yes, work has been challenging to say the least.

Sorry for any rambling - or repeating myself...I am just obviously SO over this whole experience and ready to feel like myself again!!

One last question - to the people who have been able to successfully get off Pristiq - how long do these symptoms usually last? From what I can tell, it seems that the longer that someone is on this drug (and the dosage) make a difference. Unfortunately I had been on the 100mg for about 2 years... and as I had mentioned - bridging with the Lexapro seems to help - can't imagine going off this without any other type of help... :((

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An update from my earlier post (#108) I struggled weaning off prestiq even with pharmacist assistance. My doctor had the best solution and I wish I'd gone to her first.
She prescribed me 4 90mg prozac. I stopped prestiq and took the first Prozac. A week later (I actually made it 9 days) I took the second Prozac. From there I was supposed to wait 2 weeks. So far it has been 17 days and I haven't needed the 3rd pill. I feel a little off balance but it is liveable. It may have been a little easier since I had already started the weaning process.
Btw...to finish the doctor's instructions I was supposed to take the 3rd pill after 2 weeks and the 4th pill 2 weeks later if needed. It honestly doesn't look like I will need either. Thank goodness. Feels great to be free:)
Good luck to everyone

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Awsome.. Im off Ive gone for a month every second day and now I went cold turley for 4 days.. I am having irritablity with the kids and also these buzzing lips and shocks.. weird stuff. But I am happy and also happy to have got my life back.. I thank pristiq for this.. But Im happy now and have a positive mind set and yes exercise is soo important. Anyone who is scared to come off, go slow and have trust in self that you have all you need to be the person that you want to be.. read this book, called - The Law of Attraction bu Jerry and Ester Hicks.. it will change you life.. write to me if want,

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I took Pristiq 50mg. daily for six months. It was good, stopped my daily crying and mood swings. But the lose of my libido and the waking up in the middle of the night, due to the 'night sweats' was too much. My Doctor told me to "just take it every second day" if you want to stop taking it. I'm no Doctor but this made no sense to me and after reading up on the internet about the horror stories of trying to get off of Pristiq...I was freaked out about stopping. What I did WORKED FOR ME!!! It took me a month, to do it gradually...with very little side effects or discomfort, no down time. I cut each tablet (yes cut up) into 4 pieces. For seven days I took 3/4 of a tablet...spread out evenly, through out the day. Then for fourteen days I took 1/2 of a tablet....spread out morning and evening. Then for nine days I took 1/4 tablet, a little of it in the morning and the rest in the evening (very tiny bits, at this point). I also took a really good multivitamin and Omega-3 1500mg. daily. It's been 3 months without Pristiq and no side effects or withdrawls.

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I have been on anti depressants for 10 years, starting from when I was in high school up until now, I am 27. I have been on a few different ones over the years. For the last few yrs I have been taking pristique. When I made the decision it was finally time to go off them I tried skipping days (it was extremely hard) I had accidently missed tablets before negatives to living in a small town an no chemist being opened so I can had the brain shocks, loss of slight, seeing things, bad temper, difficult to walk in a straight line, extremely hard to work and concentrate without feeling like I am loosing the plot. I contacted a Natropath with help from my mother. It was the best thing I did. I took a weeks off work, I ate as per my Natropath persisted, took natural medication from her. The side effects where not almost as bad as what I had previously went through, i would recommend to everyone and anyone to contact a Natropath if they are thinking if getting off the medication. It has done me the world if good. I have now been off them for 25 days. Someways are easier than others, I am still having trouble with concentration and the everyday function of my brain but I have completed the hard part and I couldn't be more proud or happy with the way I have accomplished it.

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I am on day 2 of pristiq withdrawal. I have been taking 50mg for about a year and a half. I starting taking it for the anxiety, but now I think I'd rather deal with the anxiety than feel nothing. I feel flat and passionless. I have no interest in being intimate and have just lost any interest in fun things. I am doing ok today but feel like I am sitting waiting for a sunami tidal wave to come. I have gone off of antidepressents before so know what to expect. I have quartered my 50mg pills and plan of taking a quarter if the withdrawal symptoms are so bad I can't function. I have gravol suppositories in the bathroom waiting for me in case I need them and ultra Tylenol for headache pain. I have hemp hearts that I starting eating today to boost my vitamins and minerals. I am vegetarian so have lots of fresh veggies and fruit, organic dairy and organic eggs from my hens. I most importantly have God and I know that he is with me. My spouse is also supportive, but somewhat apprehensive about me going off this medication. I don't feel he really understands how this drug has been making me feel. As well as the horrible weight gain and low self esteem I have now since taking it. Wish me luck.. Michele

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Hi Michelle -I COMPLETELY understand what you are (and have been) going through! - and the negative impact that Pristiq can have on our lives...
I had been on 50mg since 3/11 - and then bumped up to 100mg once it "stopped working"...the best way I can describe it is that it felt like I had a "blanket" over my brain - and like you, totally lost my zest/passion for life (my personality changed - wanting to isolate where before I had always been outgoing and social)- and felt like everything was a huge effort (couldn't think clearly)... after a couple of failed attempts - and about 5 weeks of hell (first in "tapering" from 100mg to 50) - and then in coming off Pristiq altogether - I am as of tomorrow 3 weeks Pristiq free!! FINALLY starting to feel somewhat like my self again - and an added benefit of losing about 8-10 lbs so far (I had puffed up big time and gained about 30-35 lbs. during my 2+ years on Pristiq)... it sounds like you are on track w/your nutrition. I have been staying w/my sister for the last 2 weeks to help get me through the "discontinuation symptoms" - which included severe dizziness, headaches, off and on crying jags and overall feeling pretty awful. I have not been able to drive during this time . Thankfully got the advice from my brother (a doctor in Germany) to add a low dose "light weight" anti-depressant during this transition. We decided on Lexapro (10mg) as I had been on that one before w/little to no side effects. through my research, I have discovered that Pristiq IS a pretty heavy duty drug - affecting both the seratonin levels and dompamine levels in the brain..AND you are correct that the doctors are not very well educated/informed on the potential side effects/discontinuation symptoms of this drug.. or how to effectively get their patients OFF the drug. I called Pfizer to file a report - was told to taper slowly (which as it is designed almost impossible to do) - and referred back to my doctor.
I would highly encourage you to seek support from family and/or friends while you are going through this process...coming down from the 50mg might not be as difficult - depending on how long you have been on this drug. I also got a 1 month prescription of xanax - and have taken either 1/2 or a full tablet during the times where I felt that the symptoms were too much... SO thankful to be feeling healthy and well again - the "brain fog" has lifted!! :)) YOU can do this too!! Hang in there and BE WELL!! Karen

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Since coming off Pristiq I too couldn't turn my head without feeling dizzy or having a brain zap, which really scared me. I've recently found out that you can naturally stimulate the Seritonine in the brain if you exercise, get as much sunlight as possible, eat well, get lots of hugs & watch happy movies! The sunlight & exercising have really mad a difference. Even just a nice walk somewhere in the sunshine. Try it & see if it helps you too. Avoid laying around sleeping in a dark room. Best of luck :)

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Wow, I am relieved I am not the only one. I have been on Pristiq 100mg for 2 years and 50mg for 2 years before that. I went to a Psychatrist who instructed I cut to 50mg daily for 6 days then nothing, at the same time start 25mg of Valdoxen. This didnt really sit well with me so i went to an alternate Dr for 2nd opinion the agreed with the Psyc. I have never been afraid of myself but I was very suicidal and angry, not to mention crashing my car and the physical symptoms. I called numerous drug helplines to find out what was happening, they were surprised to hear of my symptoms, so I started googling....wow so many people suffering from this horrible poison. I ended up in the ED last night, the doctors had no idea how to help me. So frustrating and infuriating to be left to have to work it out alone. I like so many others I've read about am now taking matters into my own hands, I'm tapering slowly, cutting up a drug that the manufacturer says not to, I intend on registering a complaint as soon as I am clear headed enough to do so. I am dumbfounded at how on earth this drug company is allowed to sell this product and how the medical fraternity has turned their backs on us, the people whom they took an oath to help...I can not wait to have this poison out of my system. Thank goodness for community and pages like this, without it I may very well have given into those suicidal and rage impulses.

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Hi Michelle,
Thank you for your post. First, I am so sorry for what you are going through!!
I can most definitely empathize/relate to your experience -and want to encourage you to please hang in there through this !! And let you know that it IS possible -although VERY difficult to come off of Pristiq...
After 2 1/2 years - and 2 failed attempts (ended up getting back on it because I couldn't tolerate the discontinuation symptoms) - I will be completely OFF this medication for almost 5 weeks this coming Saturday!
I am thankfully feeling better than I have in a long long time - and the "brain fog"/sense of numbness that I have had for over 2 years now has finally lifted!! :))
Needless to say, the process of getting off of it was NOT fun - and I agree that the lack of understanding about this particular drug in the medical community is very frustrating and disheartening. One of the lessons I have learned through all of this is how important it is that we learn to become our own "health advocates".
Once stopping the medication all together (I tried cutting it and became very sick from what may have been due to the medicine "dumping" - as this medication is NOT designed to be cut in half)..I had a week or so of feeling absolutely horrible - severe headaches, dizziness, disoriented and yes - a couple of major meltdowns and a time where I felt that I would be better off to die (than feel like I was feeling)...so please know that all of what you are experiencing is unfortunately part of these "discontinuation symptoms".
Please try to find a friend or family member that lives close by that can support you as you go through this process!! Thank God I was able to get through it with the support of my family (flew up to stay with my sister while I was going through the worst of it). I also added 10mg of Lexapro (per the advice of my brother who is a doctor in Germany) to help aid in the transition (from 50mg to 0) which I feel was a huge help...You may want to talk w/a doctor about this as a possible option?
I had been on Lexpro for the 5 years prior to Pristiq w/little to no side effects and will stay on this for another month or two to allow myself time to continue to adjust and "stabilize" -I do feel it has helped me in finally being able to get off of Pristiq.
My goal is to eventually taper off this as well - but unlike Pristiq, this drug is actually designed where it IS possible to do a gradual taper!!
Many of the other things that other people have mentioned on here can also play a big part in getting through this and feeling well...try to keep up good nutrition and exercise (which I know can be difficult to do when you are feeling so poorly).
You may also want to see your primary doctor to have your Vitamin D levels checked - mine were very low and this is something that can definitely contribute to depression.I was thankfully able to find a local holistic MD to work with who is helping me with this. She has the approach of looking at/treating the "whole person" - which totally makes sense to me!! Maybe you can try to locate one in your area as well...
Lastly, there is another site through Mayo clinic (just google Mayo clinic - Pristiq) which also has some info which might be a help.
Please take good care and post again w/an update on how you are doing...you CAN do this!!
Best wishes,

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Hi Karen,
Thankyou for your kind words. I am in total agreement with you, if only when we went on this drug we were not desperate and clinging to anything that would help us through our time of need. I feel like we all have been given the raw deal by this drug manufacturer and the doctors who prescribe it without fully understanding. I have a great naturopath which I will work with on 'getting clean', fortunately my job as a massage therapist keeps me active and I do notice I feel better once working. Just time now I guess :)... I am not taking this lying down and am going to fight to have this drug removed, it's not ok that this can happen, we trust in the doctors & government to look after us.
I am so happy for you that you are 'free' congratulations, be really proud of yourself, this is such a difficult thing to explain to anyone, I think you really need to go through it to understand how horrible and traumatic it is.
With gratitude for your encouragement & kind heart.
Michelle xx

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Hi Michelle

It sounds to me like you need Valium or Xanax. You should speak to your psychiatrist and see if you can get it prescribed.

I also felt suicidal coming off this drug. I work on the 9th floor of a building with a balcony and had these horrible images of throwing myself off the edge. It was truly terrible, but the valium certainly helped.

I take Valdoxen too. It is an excellent medicine but it does not pack the same anti-anxiolytic punch that valium and xanax do. This is what you need right now.

It took me about 2 weeks to feel normal again. I now only take 25mgs of valdoxen each night and valium as needed (which is not often).

When you are suffering withdrawals from this drug, you feel like you will never feel "normal" again, but the truth is that you will, it just takes some time.

Good luck Michelle

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