Weaning Off Pristiq For Good (Page 19)
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I just wanted to tell all of you trying to get off pristiq, its possible. I was on pristiq for severe panic attacks for 6 months. It saved my life. It gave me a chance to slow down my career, gave me a huge wakeup call. This drug put a cloud over my brain. I was not my happy, fun loving self. I was like a step ford wife. You can't wean off this pill. I was on 50 mg. I did every other day for a month. Every third day for two weeks then cold turkey. It really was not so bad. I layer on my couch for three days, cried a bit and watched movies. I'm happily on all holistic medications, no longer a slave to Pristiq. If I can beat anxiety, anyone can. My biggest advice.. Exercise. Next, surround yourself with positive people. Three, talk out your problems. Good luck.

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I am successfully weaning off of Pristiq. After receiving questionable advice about how to wean from my doc and researching the web ... I called and spoke to a pharmacist at an apocothary. He has been a great help to me. They are able to cut and recoat the tablets and/or also crush and capsulize the contents in lower dosages. You have to take several thoughout the day ... but it works! Be prepared to pay anywhere between $60. to $100. but it's worth it because I am getting results. Also, my Apocothary Pharmacist is a big proponent of natural therapies and gave me natural things to subside my symptoms as they were occuring. It was such a blessing to find him. If anyone on here is in the Tulsa area I would be happy to refer you. I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon his help. A god send for sure.

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Just an update for everyone on my original post, I have successfully weaned off the Pristiqu and have been fine. the head spins went away before the first week was out. I have more energy thus far and am sleeping fine. the lows are basically the same as when I was on the drug except for the very first little while when I felt that it was making me happy which wore off prety quickly. I am starting to do a bit of excersize and just making myself do the things that I don't want to when I feel down and giving myself a little mental reward afterwards by telling myself that I am doing well and taking it step by step. I also have stumbled across Lumosity websight which is a cognitive trainer, it's $7 a month and I am enjoying the brain excersize. I have read that this type of activity can also help in depression. As for the excersize I have been treating silly little chores as excersize because by 'cleaning out that pantry' and giving it a vigorous scrub - you get two benefits. The pantry is clean so you feel good about your self and you are also excersizing. I've also switched the dishwasher for washing by hand too which I've found a good way to be keeping myself busy and getting my brain into the right focus while keeping active. A big thanks to all of the positive posts for people who have been there and done this, it's very good to see that you are supporting and talking to those who need the help. I'll try to come back and let you know how I have gone with my efforts to fight anxiety.

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Hi I was on pristiq for two years and although did help. Anxiety the depression part wears off and I am so sleepy I too trieD acupuncture, church, and took those Chinese pills but they made me worse. I'd u notice anything? I have not tried GABA yet I would rellt like to but not sure if u can take it with antidepressants ? My psychi peanut know either I have been on viibryd 10mg and Prozac 5 mg and tired lays nd depressed lo anxious at times. Yesterday prescribed me Wellbutrin and I'm underweight but nervous to start it. Has anyone? Alp tried same that was suggested too but I haven't tken it yet? Please reply if anyone has experience.

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Hi Jennifer.. I'm sorry you are feeling yucky. I remember those out of control thoughts. No anti anxiety meds worked for me. You should look into some herbal supplements such as GABA. A big thing for me is staying busy when I get nasty thoughts. Put your mind on one task and own it. Crafts are great projects for me to keep busy with. Good luck and hang in there.

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HI Kendell-Thank you for your encouraging story. I have been on Pristiq for only three months (for anxiety) and it has done nothing for my anxiety. I actually feel more anxious on it and the dreams I have are just out there. My PC doc prescribed it to me and said it would it help with anxiety, no such luck. He wants to up my dose 100 MG...NO WAY. I have been off of it for over 48 hours. I am doing ok so far. I take 1000 mg of fish oil, I take Tian Wang Bu Xin Pian 8 pills three times per day, exercise, chruch, and do acupuncture. What are you thoughts? I am a little afraid of feeling "out of control" with my thoughts and the panic that may come with it. I am remaining positive and praying and relaxing. Any additional advice would be great and many thanks for sharing!

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Hey there! I've been off Pristiq for a year. Had some ups and downs but mostly ups! I recommend exercise.. No matter how much it sucks.. And staying crazy busy. When you are so busy.. You can't think about anxiety. I wish you the best of luck. Also, I've cut out sugar and white flour recently and I've really seen a change In my mood :) good luck!!

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I am experiencing weird brain high while weaning off pristiq, dizzyness, libido, happy and sad but no major low, very agitated and worried about how I will be at work tomorrow on day three. In weaning off I firstly missed one day, took half a does for 5 days and am on my second day off completely. My suggestion is similar to the people above posting that to stay positive and wear through it because there is no easy way to get off this drug. However be very careful and if you think that you are experiencing severe symptoms, get help from a doctor or take yourself to the hospital to be treated professionally because taking yourself off these types of medications can be extreme, the impact that it has on the chemicals in your brain are not to be underestimated because they can affect you physically and are very dangerous. There is risk of perminent damages if you are not very careful. Talk to your doctor and do not be disheartened, keep going back and discussing how you are feeling, be firm with the doctors that you need help and don't be afraid to ask for it. In my experience health professionals are there to help but can seam very distant and uncaring, don't let this get to your head, when suffering these types of illnesses it is very easy to let people get to you but most of the time this is all just part of the illness which is overlooked and not often spoken about between physicians and patients. You can do it.

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I've been on Pristiq, 50mg a day, for anxiety for about eight months now, and I really, really want to get off it. I've put on weight even though my eating habits haven't changed. I have trouble sleeping, and even when I sleep through the night, I still wake up feeling tired. I sweat at the drop of a hat. A pet I've had for eighteen years recently died and I didn't feel a thing. I want to mourn her but I can't. And I blame this stupid drug. I was originally supposed to be on it for only six months, but the doctor decided to keep me on for another six. I just don't want to stay on it, it's horrible.

I forgot to take one the other day and I experienced pangs of dizziness, what I think others in this forum have referred to as brain zaps, but I think I can stand them. The other side-effects should be tolerable for me, too. The only thing I'm not sure about is how I should do this. I was originally thinking I would cut each tablet in half and take them daily, but someone said this is a bad idea. I only have seven pills left before I have to get another dosage, but I really don't want to if I could go cold turkey, and it could work as I have a week off from next Monday. Or I could go the slow and steady route and wean off them from every two days, then three then four etc. I'm just really not sure, does anyone have any tips?

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I am also on this drug origionally 50 then up to 100mgs. I have noticed a lot of side effects such as eating non stop, really bad nightmares and hot flushes ive only realized since reading this that it was the drug all along. I have been on a few ad but i notice if i miss taking this one the verdigo is terrible, my heart races i really think. i need to get back down to 50mg if i have any chance at getting off it. Thanks everyone is great to know ur not alone.

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thank you so much for your words of encouragement!! it gives hope to those of us beginning our journey!

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Kendall, thank you!

I was on Pristiq for 1 year and the first time i tried quitting it was a complete nightmare with all the symptoms that people are taking about, i couldn't handle it so i went back on it.

But this time it was different; i switched to a healthy diet with lots of veggies, whole grains, fruits, healthy fats & lean meats, started exercising once in the morning and once at night, drank a lot of water, kept myself positive and with good faith in God. And then i decided to go cold turkey off the medicine...and i kid you not... i had 3 terrible days (one of those days was a nightmare and i almost puked but stayed strong knowing it would pass) and THAT WAS IT! after those three terrible days my symptoms have steadily decreased each day and after only 2 weeks they were all absolutely gone.

It has been 2 months and i am very happy, I thank you Kendall! because your advice was spot on.

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Kristi.. I can not tell you what it feels like to quit cold turkey. I did 50 mg of pristiq every other day and that was horrible. For me, I was able to get compounded pristiq in 10 mg tablets. I took 2 a day for 20 mg total and am now doing just 10 mg a day. This has been tough but tolerable. I am close to trying 10mg every other day and then be done within a month or two. My best advice would be to do it a LOT more gradual!! All of your symptoms are the same of what I had. Best wishes!

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I am on day 3 of cold turkey. I took lexapro for 5 years due depression following the death of a loved one. For the last couple of years, I have felt like a zombie. I talked to my dr and he switched me to prystiq. I've been on it for almost two months, and I seem to cry more now than I ever did without an AD. I was taking a half dose for about a month, and I decided to stop taking it altogether this week. I have been irritable and crying a lot. The brain zaps are horrible. I'm so glad that you've all posted about them, or I would be so scared. I just feel all cloudy and like I can't hold my head up. Today, I am very nauseated. I'm hoping that I will feel better soon. I just want to be the real me again. How long will the nausea last? I hope this gets better soon. I don't want to give in and start taking it again, but I am feeling pretty terrible...

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I am on pristique 50 mg for about 2yrs for panic attacks and major depression. Now these are not so bad but still present. Have learned breathing that is very helpful. I am on other meds for mood stabilizer so it's hard for me to separate the side effects to the drug. I have to dig a word or thought out of my brain a lot. I want to wean off - not sure what everyone means by "brain zap" though. Thanks.

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I'm glad you're having success. I too have been noticing that if I don't take my pill first thing in the morning, or if I sleep in too late, I start to feel withdrawal symptoms. Before I was on Pristiq, I used to be able to sleep 14, 15 hours easy. Now its more like 8 and done. It does make me feel more productive when I get up early and I definitely feel better physically. I guess that's a good side effect! :)

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I agree with you. I found excersie to help even when weaning off Pristiq. As tired and ill as felt as soon as I started to excercise I felt better. I'm also losing weight that I couldn't seem to get rid off no matter how hard I tried when I was taking Pristiq.

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Hi Danielle, I can see I'm a bit late with a response but wanted to say that I take 150mg a day, which seems to be a high dose from what others are saying. I've been on 150mg for at least 2 years. I'm planning to go off it though as (contrary to what others are saying) I find it to be really helpful and am happy with it. I usually take it at 6am and, if I sleep in, I start to get withdrawal symptoms (mainly dizziness) by 10am. Thanks everyone for your useful comments.

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Duff. Take ur time. For me I feel he more gradual I went the better it is. You can get pristiq compounded. I am on 20 mg every day. I tried 50 mg every other day and it was not fun. I am just about ready to go to 10 mg a day. Good luck it is so hard.

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I have been on Pristiq 50 mg for 2 years and am having a very difficult time coming off.I went every other day for three days along with taking 20 mg fluoxetine. And now am completely off of Pristiq for about 2 weeks. I am having trouble eating, sleeping, crying, anxiety and anxiety attacks, Some days are better then others but can't wait to find some relief. I feel so isolated at times. Any advice????

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Danielle, take your time. The best advice I have gotten is to reduce the dose, then stabilize for at least 2 weeks to a month. I was able to get mine compounded and made into 10mg capsules. I went from 50 mg every other day, which was intolerable, to 20mg every day which has been OK. I tried 20mg then 10mg the next day and am not ready. Best of luck, it is so hard!!! I am determined though!!

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