Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects.
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Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.
Re: Johnexpat (# 533)
All the generic lorazepam in the States IMO is garbage.
I’m looking to get Lorazepam prescribed for my anxiety as I find it very difficult to find Valium. I was taking it for over 12 years when I ran out. Five milligrams in the morning give me fine. Any advice would help. By the way I'm in the UK.
Re: Sunset (# 531)
That is precisely what made me switch benzos to taper after taking Watson for close to 2 decades
Re: Nora Taylor (# 36)
Watson has been discontinued. That's my problem.
Re: LP (# 31)
I agree Watson was the best and now you cannot get it. Teva substitution doesn't work ):
Re: kathie (# 28)
Walgreens around here are completely overwhelmed and are not open on weekends. They are not like that with newcomers and I asked if they had a medicine in short supply and I could barely get to the counter.
Re: Renee (# 26)
I was on Watson did fine and now the discontinuation and I am on Teva and it feels like I am taking nothing.
Re: brian (# 23)
Was on Watson, now they are no longer making it and have changed to Teva and I am in withdrawal. You also cannot cut the Teva to decrease your dose.
Anyone ever try Ativan from Pakistan or Iran 2mg. Cuz I got o2o Roche clonazepam from Pakistan n it was awesome.
Re: Penny (# 1)
Amen, me too. What did you, and how do we find Mylan pharmaceutical
Re: Deedee (# 508)
Spot on. I take 8mg of ativan daily for the last 8 years. Taking that low of a dose i wouldn't panic. Keep getting the smaller MG until u cant.
Re: Erkle 57 (# 2)
Can you tell me the milligram of a Lorazepam that is a small white round pill with the capital letters E-P and underneath the number 905? It's a Lorazepam but I don't know what the milligram is. Please let me know. {edited for privacy}
Re: Betsyjane34 (# 521)
I am not sure what is going on as far as Teva buying out Watson. I will research it. The last 3 refills I have gotten Leading Pharma brand and they are total junk. It had no sedative effects. And it takes the edge off sometimes. It's hit or miss. I have told my pharmacy to order me the Watson's and they said they would so if they were bought out this pharmacist didn't know it. I'll keep posting updates.
Re: Josh (# 518)
You are in for a big surprise, Josh. Google “Watson Pharmaceutical”. I believe that they have been bought by TEVA-which we agree on-not a good company! Pliva was a very good company. They were bought by Teva. They had problems and more problems. So many bad drugs that doctors, drug stores were told by the FDA that they must make all people taking certain meds. aware of this issue. So,guess what?? Teva now prints Pliva on their medications-which I don’t think is on the up and up unless Pliva bought them back??
A must see for everyone:
Posting best generic Ativan on the market today. Look bellow for best generics numbered 1-6:
1. Watson
2. Sandoz
3. Actavis
4. Leading
5. Mylan
6. Teva
Re: Betsyjane34 (# 517)
Generics are not being made overseas and in china. That's a false statement. Generics are made in the USA. Research proves this. There are 4 companies controlling generic Ativan. Watson Pharma. Leading Pharma. Sandoz Pharma. Actavis Pharma. They're all made here in America. Do research and you will see that I'm correct.
My story as follows:
I am a 34 year old male in good health. I have been clinically diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and been tested as well. I have been clinically diagnosed with ADHD without hyperactivity. Lastly, i have been clinically diagnosed with severe anxiety and panic disorder. I have taken ativan since i was 27y.o and have taken every generic on the market and can tell you which brands worked best and ones that worked the worse. I took sandoz for 3mths and had to be switched as Sandoz was very weak and didn't do much sedating for me. It still took the edge off like its supposed to but not as well as other generics ill discuss here. The second generic i took after SANDOZ is WATSON. WATSON to me are BY FAR THE BEST GENERIC BRAND OF ATIVAN ON THE MARKET TODAY. PERIOD. I also took LEADING and ACTAVIS Generic ATIVAN and both had the same minimal effects that SANDOZ generics had. So listen to me folks when i tell u this: WATSON PHARMA MAKES THE BEST GENERIC ATIVAN ON THE MARKET TODAY (7/9/2020) PERIOD. TEVA and MYLAN are junk and i highly recommend to never take a script if its been filled with any brand other than WATSON. Hope this helps.
Re: Betsyjane (# 512)
You might think that this is unimportant but for those of you who take any prescribed meds, they are all made in China and other countries with poor regulations. Do you not ever question why when the manufacture of your drug changes that you have weird symptoms-dry mouth, itching, they don’t have the same affect as the last drug?? WAKEUP!!” WE NEED OUR MEDS MANUFACTURED IN THE USA!!!
Re: Mary (# 8)
Ranbaxy is India Lorazepam. I researched Ranbaxy, siting them for dirty machines.
Re: Mary (# 10)
Research that Ranbaxy company. If I recall, they were found guilty of making diluted Aids meds.
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