Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 4)


Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.

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my dr will only prescribe .5mg, 3 times a day. I have tried taking 1.0 mgand it doens't seem to work either. She won't prescribe me any higher dosages, so I thought maybe if I tried a different brand I could get some relief.

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Just got the Watson refilled at Costco. It is not Watson. Watson now owns Actavis. That is what you are getting, a completely different drug. The last 3 times it was okay, now It gave me headaches, dizziness, ill feeling; kept me up half the night. Still felt it the next day. Tried it 3 times; same thing and called the manufacturer to complain. Be very careful; you may not be getting something that even resembles Ativan.

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I wanted to know if anyone else has had trouble with the Watson. I have not had mine refilled for awhile

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I understand the Sandoz has started making Lorazapam again. That is what I took for 4 years and had no problems with it. I wander has anybody tried the new Sandoz one yet. Thanks

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I called Watson Pharmaceuticals to ask them about the Lorazepam lmg. I was told they have bought Actavis but their formula for the lmg lorazepam is not changing. They sold the Actavis receipe to Sandoz. I also called Sandoz and yes they will be selling the actavis receipe for Lorazepam under the Sandoz name. I hope this helps

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Thanks Mary! No problems with Watson here. Although I've had good luck with everything but Mylan. Let us know how the sandoz is.

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I just wanted to let you know since Watson is changing its name to Actavis, when you get your prescription refilled tell your pharmacist to ask for the watson brand and you should have the NDC# to be sure you get the right one. If you call Watson they will give it to you. I have already done this for my refill assuring I will get watson and not the actavis brand which will be under the name of Sandoz

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Okay, I don't understand all of the confusion. I've taken all of the generic brands of Ativan and never have seen a difference. Some of you must be super sensitive or at tolerance level or something to be finding issues with these.

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sandoz should be banned from the market, has given me insomnia and nothing but bad moods, have no idea as to how you have managed on this medication, good luck on your search

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yes, one of the worst, i have tried at least 5 different brands, this one if i'm correct is about twice the size of the activus brand which tell me they put a lot of garbage in their, making more possible that you have a bad reaction to the medication.
activus was the only product i could take and now sandoz is using activus to produce this med they just bought, i have used it twice, a week apart and didn't sleep for the whole night, someone at sandoz found a way to save a penny so everyone has to suffer, i may be wrong but i think the product you mentioned is only good for those people who started with the medication when they first got on lorazapam other wise, just bad news, good luck, what has surprised me the most is that no one seems to want to recommend anything after being on activus, anyone with info on this would be much appreciated

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like what frenchorn had to say about the percentages, is there a way to find out which company puts in the highest percentages?

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tried it twice and it kept me up all night, most lorazapams leave me in a bad mood, except purepac, i have been on that for 8 years no problem, but sandoz bought the former purepac and really did a butcher job on it, its pathetic that these company are not really held accountable for the changes they make, hard to understand why you would change something that has worked for a lot of people other than its a money gabbing thing and they found a filler that cost a penny less

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you've been had just like the rest of us, first, this should be reported to the FDA, without a call, the government does nothing, which they are really good at, second, i was a activus lorazapam user for over ten years, when sandoz took over this product i had the worst of time, not only did nit not work but i couldn't sleep at night or take my naps any more, the propduct is poison, i just tried WATSON for the first time and i had the sleep problem again, this is worthless like most generics, even though its going to cost me a lot more, i am going to ask my doctor to put me on the name brand, will cost a lot more but just can't tolerate the garbage thats on the market presently, please take the time to call the FDA, THIS WILL HELP ALL OF US

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I tried Ranbaxy, Tevis, but only watson worked for me after using Sandoz and also had to get the brand name for awhile. I think its just a matter of your system getting used to something new. Sandoz bought the patent for Activis, I was on the Sandoz product for 4 years and never had a problem. When Sandoz stopped making Lorazapam I was given Activis and it did nothing for me, it was like water. I called Sandoz and they will not be using their formulary that they used to they bought the rights for Activis. Anway Watson works for me.

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it just bad, activus is still making the product for sandoz, have talked to both companies, don't expect any truth from either one, they have changed something in the makeup of this drug, people who have been on the activus like me for years are having the worst time with this watered down version on the activus lorazepam

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RanBaxy is made in India. I've never found drugs made there to be very reliable. Watson are made in the USA. I like my RX's made here. I feel the quality control is much better. All generics all a 20% difference from the name brand to the generic in potency, but I feel US drugs try to come much close than 20%. Mylan is also made in the US. That is what I look for manufacturers that not only sell here, but produce here also.

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omg, my pharmacy just switched my ativan generic over to Ranbaxy, and I am noticing a terrible anxiety since the 2nd day of the Ranbaxy. I thought I was going nuts til I read some of these posts. I've just begun to do research on Ranbaxy, the company itself, & I can't believe what I'm reading! I don't know what to do, I feel like crap. I weaned myself down a year from 1mg a day, to 1/2mg a day, got thru that okay, not great, but I did it. Now I feel like the Ranbaxy ativan/lorazepam 1/2mg I've been taking for the past 5 days isn't doing squat! it's like withdrawals from tapering all over again.

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sorry to hear about your experience but as you read these post you see you have plenty of company, one thing that shouldn't be forgotten is to report these symptoms to the FDA, they will do nothing and i mean nothing until they get enough complaints, writing about ones experience is good, it lets others know that they are not alone, wish i knew what is really going on with this medication, don't think you will find so many people with so many issues concerning this medication.
after my experience with the new sandoz (the old activus), i realize that the drug companies can't be trusted and you have to just try other brands, my doc recently put me on xanex, pure garbage, all you want to do is sleep, not the way i plan on spending the rest of my life, good luck and if you find something that works, share the news and don't forget to file a complaint with the FDA

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I would seriously like to get off lorazepam altogether someday. now is not that time however, there's too much going on in my life right now. it does beg the question though, that if the Ranbaxy is so diluted with cruddy ingredients & not much actual lorazepam, i might be already be (inadvertently) tapered down so much that maybe i should just go off slowly over the next several days. i know that can be dangerous but i don't know what else to do. i just want to be calm, not nervous & edgy. sorry if i'm not making sense. it does help to know i'm not alone and others are going through this generics med b.s. too. thanks for listening.

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Has anyone ever tried the excellieum brand of lorazapam? I have taken Watson then got really sick from it and went to brand and now it makes me sick I don't know what to do, my doctor is going to try me on the excellium brand has anyone ever taken it? Why am I getting so sick from this now I have been on it for 15 years. After I take it I feel like my body is losing control this never happened until about a year ago and I don't know what to do.

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