Watson Hydrocodone Pills - Which Pharmacy Carries Them? (Page 4)
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I live in northern ky and walgreens quit carrying watson brand and their new brand makes my whole body hurt. I want to find what pharmacies carry watson?

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: w john (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

That’s horrible If our pharmacies are trying to rid their clientel of the ones on opiates and benzos. I’ve found the local Mom and pop drug stores do treat you much better and I’ve personally found that. The reason Activis is making the Watson brand is because Watson sold out to them. On some of the pills, the logo is the same and I think that’s because they know the pills are crap and they won’t sell them otherwise. Everybody needs to write as many letters as we can complaining about this! Good luck to you all??

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Re: Etheal (# 88) Expand Referenced Message
You can’t find Watson hydrocodone because they quit manufacturing hydrocodone some time ago. My local Walgreen’s started refilling my prescriptions with Actavis brand hydrocodone in January 2018 and I had to move pharmacies to get a different brand. I repeat THERE IS NO MORE WATSON BRAND HYDROCODONE. It is no longer being manufactured.

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I wonder why in all the pharmacies in Louisiana, you can't find watson brand Hydrocodone anywhere? This other generic medication from Actavis has really made me sick.

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Re: Deedee (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

I wish Pharmacist and read these postings. I recently moved and it has been a battle to find a pharmacy to fill my prescriptions. I'm fit tall, healthy, generally and young but fractured vertebrae and compressed disks in my neck so they see me and think "nothing wrong with him"

I was unfortunately taught never to allow anyone to see me in pain.

It sucks that others have messed it up for us.

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I hate the stigma we get now and worry for my doctor who truly knows my condition.

If people knew and felt the pain we all go through on a daily basis they would shut the F up.

I'm sorry that you guys go through what I have to go through.

I'm "ethnic" so I get the extra special look. Luckily I have a good team of doctors and a great pharmacist. Just a word of recommendation. Have your doctor share your official Medical condition documents and future treatment. My vertebrae are fractured after a sink driver hit me and GF pushed me down 30 stairs/steps. 4 surgeries so far and more pending. I asked my long term doc to share that info the pharmacy. The name of the pharmacy doesn't matter it's the staff and now the public and media. But I couldn't live with that pain. It also helps with depression. Lots of studies on it. I only take 5mg per day. I'm sorry for you guys. Some of us need it, really need it. I wouldn't put anyone through the daily pain I go through. I get 3 hours of sleep without waking at best. Ambien is s***. And I'm trying to get off all meds. It's sad how people generalize.

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Re: Cathy (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t know where you live but, according to the information that I have read on the internet, the Watson brand is no longer being manufactured and that is why you were given the Actavis brand if you went to Walgreens. That is all they carry. At least that is what I was told by the pharmacist at the local Walgreen’s I use to go to. I had to move to another Pharmacy to get another brand. That, and the fact that the pharmacy personnel treated me like I was a junkie when I asked why they changed manufacturers.i have been doing business with Walgreens for over 20 years and in two different States and I thought they knew me and I knew them. When I broached the subject of the hydrocodone manufacturers they immediately changed their attitude from affable to annoyed. This was completely I called for. It felt as if the Corporate Office instructed all of the local personnel to intentionally offend anyone getting opioid prescriptions so they would take their business elsewhere.

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Re: W john (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Amen. Walgreens has treated me like a junkie...I hope they are in physical pain someday....no more watsons from this pharmacy...and they told me walgreens arent carrying them anymore...the others they carry are worthless.

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Here is the answer, according to the internet about Watson brand hydrocodone. Watson brand Hydrocodone is NOT being manufactured any more. Back in 2014 Watson bought out the Actavis brand pharmaceuticals. They continued to manufacture the Watson brand hydrocodone until they replaced the Watson brand with the Actavis brand. The Actavis brand was reformulated to suppossedly take out any of the qualities of a “high” that everyone in government was sure was causing the so called “opioid epidemic”. All they did was make the hydrocodone manufactured under the Actavis brand an awful medication. The problem is when a manufacturer attempts to remove the properties of a pill that causes the so called “high” they, at the same time, make the pill worthless and totally ineffective. They changed hydrocodone to nothing more than a Tylenol or an Advil—if that. According to the internet account, Watson will continue to manufacture some medications in certain parts of the Country under the Watson name but NOT hydrocodone. Walgreens changed me from the Watson brand to the Actavis brand without my knowledge in 01/2018. I have been fighting them in Court every since the insurance appeals ran out. I kept beating the insurance company at every appeal but they would still not allow me to change from the worthless generic brands to the name brand medication (which btw is getting harder and harder to get). The difference? According to two pharmacists the name brand they have had no complaints on the generic they have had many complaints on. They recommended that I change to the name brand to avoid the ineffective generics. The problem comes down to one issue. My doctor does not have my records dating back to 2006 and they want her to say that the generics are ineffective as opposed to the name brand and since my records are unavailable to her dating back for over 12 years they keep denying my appeals based on nothing more than their uninformed opinion. It is in the Court system now and we will see what happens. Fortunately, I know how to sue these bastards. We will see if their “opinion” holds up in Court without one scintilla of evidence to back them up. I could see their reticence if I was asking to go from one medication that is way more inexpensive to another that is very costly but I am not. Of course, the name brand is more expensive than a generic but I guess they think that if I win then that would leave them open to all sorts of appeals that they would lose and cost them millions in the long run. I think they are finding out that I just refuse to accept their mistreatment of me, and, others similarly situated, lying down. The bottom line is the Watson brand hydrocodone is no longer being manufactured and that is why Walgreen’s and other pharmacies no longer carry it. It is possible that some pharmacies have some pills left over from when the Watson generics were made but they are NOT being made any longer.

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Re: Deedee (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

Unless I want to pay an out of network price I have to go to an approved pharmacy. I also take lorazepam 1 mg at night only. I am having no issues with that. It is with the generic hydrocodone that I am having an issue. I am currently in Court at my expense to force my insurance company to pay for name brand hydrocodone because they will not pay even one dime and two different pharmacists that I know said the name brand is still a good quality while the generics have been reformulated and are absolutely awful.

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Re: w john (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

First thing I would do would be to check the pharmacies in your area that aren’t corporate like CVS, Walgreens, etc, and actually go in and meet them with your insurance cards, tell them your problem and see if they can order from a different manufacturer. I did that two years ago and left CVS/Target with no regrets. I’m having problems now in that many companies aren’t making my lorazepam any longer, but they can order from at least more than the one company so I have an option.

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Re: Deedee (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your kind response. The problem I have with switching to a "mom and pop" pharmacy is: Will they be covered by my insurance? If not, then they will not be in the "network" which will result in no payment or an out-of-network payment. I am certain after much research that the "Watson" brand generic hydrocodone is no longer being manufactured. Because Walgreen's has over 1100 locations it is possible that some Watson generic hydrocodone can be found somewhere but when it is gone it will be gone and replaced with the "Actavis" brand which is an awful product.

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Re: w john (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

I feel your pain (literally), and frustration. The same thing has happened with my lorazepam. But, my problem is that Mylan who always made the medication has stopped making this and the Actavis brand took that one over too and it’s like taking aspirin. I have chronic pain and severe anxiety so am in a real mess. The bigger corporate pharmacies are the worst as they have to order the cheapest drug made. My suggestion is to switch to a family owned smaller pharmacy which is not a chain pharmacy, they will be glad to have your business and can order different brands that may work better. Good luck to you.

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Re: Comatose (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I had a working relationship with Walgreen's for over 20 years in two States. The people were always friendly and cordial. That is until the so called "opioid crisis" started. After that kicked into high gear you could see the worsening of their attitudes and demeanor. Anytime I brought in a prescription for a controlled substance, ESPECIALLY AN OPIOID based medication, they looked at me as if I was a dope head just trying to get over on them. I thought I KNEW these people. I was in there every month for over 12 years getting my refills. That does not even include the many years that I had filled other prescriptions. As many of you may know, the "Watson" brand of generic hydrocodone is no longer manufactured. "Watson" bought out "Actavis" and, after all sorts of pressure, they have discontinued manufacturing the "Watson" generic hydrocodone and ONLY sell the "Actavis" brand. If any of you are still able to get any of the "Watson" brand hydrocodone it is only because the pharmacy still has some available. After it is gone then that will be it. They cannot order the "Watson" brand hydrocodone generic because it is no longer manufactured. According to the people that I have spoken to in the Walgreen's pharmacies (before I moved all of my prescription medication scripts over to another pharmacy) they will ONLY carry the "Actavis" brand generic hydrocodone going forward. MY OPINION of this "Actavis" brand generic hydrocodone is that it is totally worthless and ineffective. However, Walgreen's does not care as they would rather not fill any opioid based pain medication at all. There may be a Walgreen's that treat their customers civilly. They have over 1100 locations, but be prepared to be treated awfully in the Walgreen's pharmacy when you present a script for an opioid based pill regardless of how calm and nice you treat them. It is as if their corporate headquarters have said to be as rude and condescending to ANY chronic pain patient as they would just rather not fill your script because filling opioid based pain medications brings the heat down on the pharmacy. Walgreen's is just another great example of chronic pain patients being grouped in with the street heroin and fentanyl users, the thieves that steal their pills from their family or do pharmacy robberies. This is so insane and wrong but it is the way we are treated now. Btw, I am a senior citizen and I have NEVER went into a pharmacy to fill a prescription with an "attitude" and treated the personnel badly.

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Re: w john (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

Hey John and All, my sister has extremely bad RA, with a bone disease and there is one Walgreens in her area that does carry the watson Lortabs. I'm not sure what she had to go through to get them to order for her but on her medication they say watson on them. Out of all the Walgreens in her area, there is only one that carries them for her. I'm on a different medication so I wouldn't know the difference

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Re: Lynn (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for a civil on topic answer. You didn’t even have to throw in a political reference in your response. I was told by two pharmacists that the generics of the hydrocodone-acetaminophen was reformulated. I was told by both of these professionals to ask my Doctor to write “no generics” on the prescription and get only the unadulterated prescription medications. Today I had a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge and the insurance company was handily smacked down on the law. That does not mean that I will prevail because of the hysteria surrounding this issue but we will see. This ruling if handed down in my favor should impact all patients that are similarly situated. I just refuse to be served garbage without a fight. If I lose I will have to respect the rule of law. That is what most sane people would do. I guess I could whine and complain but I have had my day in Court and I will respect the process and decision.

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Re: w john (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you! I know I was lied to when I called them! I have been in customer related business for all my adult life. I also took BOT medical in college, had a roommate that worked for big pharma & left them because she is also smart! I applaud you for your time & fight!! I am pretty sure the crap Walgreens gave me a few months back made me very sick! I now use Kroger & mallincrodt Med. It’s all been lowered in strength!! Good luck everyone!!!

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Re: w john (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

I just left the hearing before an Administrative Law Judge and I have some small reason for optimism. Things seemed to go well but I will see. I will let everyone know what the outcome is when I receive the written ruling. This ruling, if positive could possibly affect all that are similarly situated.

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Re: Lynn (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I have researched "Watson" generics on the internet a couple of times. I believe "Watson" brand generics for opioid medications have been discontinued. Everything has been rebranded (generic opioids) by the company that bought out "Watson" which is "Actavis". Actavis has reformulated the opioid generics to try and remove the properties of the pain medication that causes any feelings of euphoria while TRYING to keep the pain relieving properties of the pain medications. Unfortunately, their reformulation has left them with meds that are no better than aspirin, tylenol, or Aleve. Evidently you can't have it both ways. The internet states that the "Watson" brand name is still distributed for certain medications in certain areas but NOT for the generic pain medication. Also, it has come to my attention that the manufacturers are allowed to formulate in up to 20% less of the active ingredient in their pills which means if you are prescribed a 7.5/325 generic hydrocodone-acetaminophen that you MAY only be getting 6.0 of the active ingredient and NOT the 7.5 that was written by your Doctor. I had the same prescription for a chronic, inoperable injury written for over 12 years and never once complained about the quality of the pills provided. Then in January of 2018 I went to refill my prescription and, unknown to me until I got home and took one of the pills provided, my pharmacy had changed from the "Watson" brand to the "Actavis" brand. The difference in quality was astounding. I had to change pharmacies to get a slightly better quality of medication. Not as good as the "Watson" brand I had been receiving but light years better than the "Actavis" brand that I had received in January of 2018. I have appealed to my insurance provider to allow me to receive the name brand of the medication and they are fighting it as hard as they can. I have a hearing scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge scheduled in a few days to force the insurance company to provide the name brand that they have, so far, refused to allow me to receive under my insurance. The law and the rules are on my side so maybe with this hearing they will finally be forced to provide me an opportunity to receive what TWO pharmacists have said should work as they have had no complaints on the name brand but has received hundreds of complaints on the generic at the local and corporate level. I had to speak to both of these pharmacists "off the record" as I know them well and they do not want to put their jobs at jeopardy just because they stated the truth and not the "company line". I will let this community know how this works out.

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Re: Lildarlin (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

There are no longer any "Watson" brand opioids being manufactured under the "Watson" brand name. Here is what it says on the internet: "Actavis Generics (formerly known as Watson Pharmaceuticals and Actavis PLC, prior to the acquisition of Allergan Inc) is a global pharmaceutical company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing branded pharmaceuticals, generic and over-the-counter medicines, and biologic products". The Walgreens that I had formerly had my prescription filled at told me back in January of 2018 that they would no longer carry ANY "Watson" brand generic hydrocodone and that was because they were now owned by "Actavis" and the "Watson" brand name had been discontinued for generic opioid manufacturing. The Walgreens were able to provide me with "Watson" brand generic hydrocodone until my refill in January of 2018. I noticed that the pills were different and called the pharmacy and spoke with the Pharmacist and this was the explanation he gave me.

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my sister gets her watson Lortab ( generic) at a Walgreens close by

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