War On Chronic Pain Patients (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedThanks to all you drug abusers there has been an ongoing war on us legit chronic pain patients. Thanks to all who abuse pills and alcohol, because of you they wage war on us. Street drugs are cheaper so why do you all have to mess with the pills and make life difficult for us chronic pain sufferers? Are you stupid or just self centered? Britain uses our military to protect Afghan poppy for people like you, so quit trying to cook up the pills. We legit chronic pain patients would really appreciate it, not that you care, but maybe when you stop acting so self centered, people will actually begin to care about you. You reap what you sow.
To stem cell labs worldwide: We need you to cure degenerative discs and herniations for those that want to be cured instead of on pain meds. Make yourselves known. We need options. We know you have the cure. We need the FDA to help make up for lost time.
I appreciate your frustration, and moreover, your agony. But please bear in mind that many of the people who are addicted to pills started out as pain patients, improperly educated by doctors who will just flip off a prescription without giving the patient a decent rundown on the risks of their medications. It starts out just taking a little extra, finishing your scrip just a little early, and then tolerance creeps in, and it takes more and more to achieve the needed relief, and pretty soon, they're exploring ways to maximize the potential of their meds, doing things they never imagined they would. Desperate needs lead to desperate measures. Eventually abnormal behavior becomes normal. And for the people who have that genetic predisposition to addictive behavior but dont know anything about addiction, it's even worse. Here you are a nice suburban housewife with kids and a job, competence and self-respect,and a chronic pain condition, and one day you realize you've become this degenerate freak, squirreled away in the bathroom with your medications or obsessively scrumming the internet for information that will help you...and all the while cursing all those recreational drug users who have brought down the changes in law that make it so very difficult to get the help you need, which by now probably also includes detox and rehab and god-knows-what-all. It's not black and white, us vs. them necessarily. I know. I'm us. And I'm them. And I live in shame and desperation with a soul-killing secret, and still, for all that, I continue to endure the constant, bone-crushing pain. I dont know which is worse. My most recent suicide attempt was last October because I cant stand who Ive become. Them.
Re: Goatc (# 5)
I agree with you I am also a legitimate pain management person who has to go through MRIS Chiropractic Care, physical therapy, monthly drug screens, drug Seekers and those who abuse it as well as IV drug users have made it so difficult for those who use it under a doctor's care as directed to get help. They're making it very difficult for us to get our prescriptions. To get our assistance to our doctors. They don't stop to consider other people and their situations when it comes to legitimate pain. They're selfish actions have made it hard and difficult for all those other people and it's ridiculous.
I totally agree with you. What will happen to all of us chronic pain suffers suppose to do.
john (# 22) --
First of all we need to pray for people with addictions instead of disrespecting people. I've been a chronic pain patient for over 26 years. When a child is asked what do they grow up not a one will say "I want to be a drug abuser." If it wasn't for the grace of God, I would be dead. I would've committed suicide a long time ago. I've never been addicted to anything, but drugs & alcohol addiction are an illness. We need to support each other to get someone to listen to us that are going through this daily. I truly do understand the anger & frustration from being sick all the time. I've been there & have said that until I became a Christian. I will continue to pray for all of us. God bless.
Think it's that easy? Think people wake up, "think I'm going to become a junkie", instead of superstar or Dr? It's 2018 man. People always have and always will abuse drugs. Our health care is the problem... Mexico can get everything under the sun without a script.
Simply asking addicts to “stop” is going nowhere fast.
That being said, I am not an addict. I recently broke 4 bones in my hand and it was the size of a grapefruit. I was in severe pain and was prescribed Naproxen. What I NEEDED was something stronger as the pain was so bad for 4-5 days that I could not think, let alone work.
Doctors seem to be afraid to prescribe opiates. I do not presume to know the solution. I do know asking addicts to just stop is well ignorant. That kind of suggestion adds nothing to the conversation.
Re: Poohsy (# 6)
People like you are a total a******. You don't even know what you're saying. Don't you know it's the government, not the addicts. The government, the police, Donald Trump, whoever the f****** ... addicts will be addicts no matter what. If they can't get an opiate they would go to anything from the street, alcohol, and more. You're an a****** buddy. Blame who needs to be blamed - You don't need to be on pain medication. People like me that need it I have major issues, OK? And they caught me down to Bull Bulldogs Bulldogs. And I repeat, a b******* dose of what I was taking. So blame the right people. The addicts will be addicts no matter what. Take aspirin, get off whatever the f*** you're taking, and just take Tylenol, that's all you need.
Well said zan zen ,they are treating people with medically documented disease and I jury's like addicts this has to stop my wife's doctor will not even follow the surgeons recommendations for addition pain meds prior to surgery to lower blood pressure and pain on a previous shoulder surgery that was botched and a 30day delay so far, in getting her into pain management,because of his d.e.a fears my wife is in terrible pain and blood pressure threw the roof and all we can do is wait they have cancelled her surgery so she sits here in fear and pain and possible death because he's afraid to write his prescription and taking their time getting their into pain management we don't know if she'll make it through this this craziness has to stop please write your Congressman you state senators advised him of this Insanity than jD
Re: BiggerBrat (# 28)
One of the big problems we have is the huge variance in pain threshold. In the current environment doctors are trying to prescribe as little as possible to try and meets some government idea of what is an appropriate dosage for everyone and every condition. This “idea” I might add does not seem to be made by anyone with medical knowledge, nor with any knowledge of the patient. “One size fits all” is not an appropriate approach to medicine. Never has been, never will. No-one has any clue about the teenaged patient in your example. Was he looking to “score”? Did he have a low threshold of pain? Was he a “big baby”? We don’t have a clue. Without intimate knowledge of the injury and of the patient we cannot pass judgement. And we do not and should not have access to that type of information. My wife recently had surgery and in the same room was a 93 yr old lady who had spinal surgery the previous night. She told the doctor she was in pain, (surprise!) and the doctor said he could not prescribe anything because of recent arrests of 3 doctors in the area. Personally, I don’t believe anyone should suffer pain in this day and age. We seem to be of the opinion that it is better to condemn people to a longer life in pain than a potentially shorter life pain free. Prolonging the agony seems to be public policy - including for the terminally ill. We are required by law to treat animals better.
Re: RustedOne (# 27)
Hi fellow sufferers. True story. Gal gets prescribed her monthly allotment of vicodin, I'm guessing it's around 60 pills. Don't know for sure, only what I've heard and read. She apparently takes 4 to 7 at a time, crashes her car into a tree and dies. This doctor who prescribed prescription is now sitting in jail for manslaughter charges. I know this doctor, he's a personal friend of mine. Wasn't the woman responsible for her own actions?
Re: Poohsy (# 6)
It is ridiculous! I have an 85 yr old mother I have to take care of. It is not feasible to drag her around to all these appts and be interrupting our daily routine all the time. After 20 years of Lorcet, never an abuser... never tried to get prescriptions filled early, never went to the ER because I took too many and ran out. Have been with my most recent doctor for 5 year, was taking Percoset for pain (3 times daily), Soma for insomnia and muscle spasms (1 at night) and Diazepam for anxiety (3 times a day). I worked until 2005... finally even with the pain meds, could not handle the job duties. Was living life normally on the Percoset, able to sleep, etc. Stress was and still is taken care of by the diazapam. Then all the sudden, pharmacists would not fill these together, says it creates a 'overdose' cocktail. So had to COLD TURKEY off the pain meds and Some (a prescription med that has been tried and true since the 50's (I believe).
My insurance would not cover it, but because it has been around for so long, cash price was never over $20 for my 30# script. BIG PHARMACEUTICAL BUTTING IN TO PHASE OUT LESS EXPENSIVE, BUT EFFECTIVE MEDICATION THAT ACTUALLY HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS UNLESS IT IS ABUSED!!! This is BS. The nearest Pain Management is 60 miles from where I live... Why isn't my PCP enough? Why are they running scared? Doctors need to unite and take the power they trained and paid so much in money, time, knowledge of their patients. Unscrupulous doctors need to be stopped, but leave our legitimate Doctors alone... let we the people pursue our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!! Stop punishing the legitimate pain patients and get the abusers... it's not so hard to tell the difference... Abusers will put anything in their bodies to feel high. If they pee dirty, cut them off. If I pee clean every month, nothing in my system but what the doc says there shouldn't be, leave me and my meds alone... PLEASE?!
Simply put there's much more to this issue .Thats the excuse DEA uses for the tactics being used. There's no reason good enough for coming between a patient and there doctor. Health care is a disaster because of what is going on. There's a lot of people suffering. In America it must be stopped. It's already gone to far and un answered.
Re: Aeiou (# 1)
I don't know if this is the only way to know which one you are, but from people I've talked with on both sides, show that if you get energetic
or high after taking a drug, you have an addictive personality, but if after taking the same or alike drug, and you're just waiting for your pain to subside, or if after so many hours it's time for your dose, and you forget it, even if you're in a lesser pain, it's almost sure that you are a Chronic pain patient! And right now I don't have cravings, I just want to find something natural that will help me get off of the pain meds, and have my Dr. keep me from going into withdrawal because the Dea stopped making my legitimate prescribed pain meds with no warning. I don't want anything to do with their drugs that they play games with suffering chronic pain patients anymore.
I actually considered stem cell therapy but the biggest thing is it’s not covered by insurance the other thing is I’ve heard from people I checked into the study people have gone blind there’s been some pretty bad side effects. But he is right people who abuse is for recreational use you you take in our lives away. I was able to work and support myself because Social Security is not enough. But now all they will give me is two pills a day. I stayed away from pain medication and was in excruciating pain for five years. I went ahead and got bilateral knee replacements. Eight weeks later all the sudden started showing up in my back and for a total of 10 years I’ve been in hell except for the medication that I was allowed to have it taken out taken. To anybody and everybody that wants to abuse fentyl it’s everywhere on the street.. My doctor that I had retired because of all the bureaucracy and all the metal laying and he wasn’t allowed to be a doctor anymore. So now I try to survive 2 t10 mg tablets a day. If you think one tablet last 12 hours try it. I’m not able to work Clean my house or take care of hardly anything. My biggest fear is that nobody will ever help me and give me back my life again I’m 66 years old and I only see it getting worse. So for those of you who are addicted and not needing a medication you need to think about what you’ve done to us who are in so much pain we can barely breathe.
Not someone to throw stones but you have ruined it for all of us. And and I know it’s falling on deaf ears. But if anybody can help us get her medications back look into your conscience and say they need to get help and let these people get what they need. I’m certainly not holding my breath.
Vintage Lady (# 55) --
You know anybody in pain Major Payne b******* pain chronic pain unbearable pain whatever it might be if most people go to pain management or they get benzos they're going to want more the most the more the merrier the more the merrier that's the world today the more the merrier so think of that s*** when I was younger I was taking Vicodin methadone Klonopin and and oxycodone so when I was driving around I love the feeling love the feeling okay just loved it crashing into trees blacking out breaking bones it was the best time of my life so that's why they're doing it that's why I'm gone just think about it
Re: Dead (# 84)
You sound as about as happy as i feel. I'm sick of being tired and in pain.
Re: Jo (# 75)
Certainly don't think I'm better than anyone but when my Dr sent me to a local pain clinic it was like being in a court house. Reminded me of John Prines song Alice's Restaurant where a man was arrested for putting his trash in the wrong place and now sitting on a bench with murderers and rapists. I didn't belong at a pain clinic. Also the dr there had boxes of pain patches delivered to me via US mail that I didn't ask for, after doing some research learn my insurance was paying $3000 a box. Took box to my general Dr who sent me to pain clinic and told him it's a money scheme and I don't feel comfortable with clinic. Also told my Dr I understood why he is afraid of writing a script for Percocet and I would rather endure back pain than be involved with a legalized drug ring. Due to my b/p high from pain my Dr began again writing my pain medication scripts. Still, I'm not sure the pain relief outweighs the side effects of taking them. I know by experience the side effects (for me) are fatigue, brain's natural reward system rewired leading to depression, laziness and overall feeling of "everything's ok" when I take. I believe a breakthrough is forthcoming or already here but big pharmaceutical companies are holding people like me who are dependent ransom for better outcome with the numerous lawsuits and we know it's billions of dollars. Sacks family last I heard own Purdue and Rhodes Pharmaceutical, nearly 100 billion. So, while many are complaining of being dropped by pain clinics, I pray you don't seek street drugs. I have confidence that help for ones who can and cannot get pain medication is forthcoming. Inhumane as it is, we must make the right decisions as best we can. God bless.
Re: Barbara (# 7)
AWESOME post Barbara!! You said it better than I could. Us CP patients NEED to use what little energy we have to STOP THIS WAR ON CP PATIENTS!!!
The DEA, CDC and FDA are punishing us, right along with addicts. We don't need to start attacking others as addicts, especially since we CP patients fight that prejudice ourselves at every appointment.
Re: Ricky (# 17)
Fricking pillbillies causing us to suffer. I have RSD after 12 surgeries on a broken ankle.The pain is horrible but my Neuro will only prescribe 5 mg of Norco every 6 hours. I am afraid to complain because he may not prescribe anything. Uggg life sucks I am so tired of hurting.
Re: Aeiou (# 1)
I was where you are and it can and does get better with a little help and people who love you. I thought my family would never be able to accept me. After being a pain patient I became an addict, but the addict surprised me and fought for me. I also tried to kill myself and I thank God everyday I did not succeed. Going to rehab was the scariest thing I ever did in my life but it turned out to be the best experience I ever had. I was so afraid because I knew going into rehab I would end up back on similar drugs again due to my chronic pancreatitis, but surprisingly I went to a rehab with a special pain management program and a special program meant for professionals like me. They taught me how to handle having to take pain medicine again safely without the addiction. I was in therapy 13 hours a day to deal with all the things in my life that helped create the switch from pain patient to addict. I leaned coping skills to handle the problems in my life. I was there for 3 months and honestly I would have stayed more if it had been really necessary. This was all 10 years ago and I haven't abused another pill since. So I have been on both sides of this coin everyone keeps talking about.
Don't listen to those who don't know what addiction feels like. You can't know unless you have been through it. They are quick to call us selfish and people who are having fun but as you and I know we aren't selfish. We were/are trapped and there is absolutely nothing fun about being an addict. Everyday is hell on earth and you just wish you could die and be done not just for yourself but for everyone around you. But I'm telling you that you are a worthy human being with a soul like all these other people. I was forced back on pain medication because of the severity of my illness but now I never abuse a pill, pass every drug screen, and have been a faithful patient to my pain management doctor for years now. If I can do it you can do it. You need encouragement not more people telling you negative things which your mind is already doing. Reading these posts is danger if you are using and suicidal. Some people here are kind and understanding and realize you aren't the real problem, the government is playing a game and using addicts to play it. But I know I support you and I will be praying for you. You can message me anytime you need someone to talk to. Sometimes all you need in life is the kindness of a stranger. God bless you.
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